Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tinted Glasses

When we see through tinted glasses, we will not see objects in their original colours. For instance, if we are using purple lens, everything we see is purplish. In the spiritual sense, sometimes we see people through tinted glasses. We add on our own preconceived ideas, prejudices, critical judgments and biasness.

The Pharisees came strutting in in their religious garbs judging and criticizing incessantly. Jesus, full of compassion and love treated people with love, honour and respect. The Pharisees were seizing every opportunity to condemn people. But Jesus was releasing and setting people free in His love.

If we are seeing through tinted glasses, may the Lord replace them with crystal clear lenses. Seeing through the eyes of Jesus compels us to love and care for the lost and dying. People who desperately need the touch of God. May we be His instrument and channel to reach out to those who are seeking the truth. For their emptiness and void can only be filled by our merciful God and Father.

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