Sunday, March 09, 2008

Cruel To The Core

In the 1990's, while I was on a ministry trip with the worship ministry in a third world country, I saw one of the saddest things in my life. On a free day, my fellow ministry members and I were visiting a famous fort. At the entrance, we saw many maimed and handicapped children begging. To my horror, I learnt that some of these children were actually born normal; they were maimed by their family members like their parents or caregivers. By doing so, they use them to beg because they were so poor. I shudder to think of such an inhumane act of destruction. So brutal and heartless. How on earth can a human being commit such an act of brutality to another?

Here in Singapore, we have had cases of parents who kill their children before committing suicide. These parents may think that they were doing their kids a favour, they may be worried that their children would suffer if they were not be around to take care of them. However, they committed murder because they have no reason to take away another life even if they were their own flesh and blood.

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