Thursday, March 06, 2008

Authentic Or Artificial

In my encounter with Christian leaders over the years, I realized that what draws me to a good leader is not so much whether he or she is full of charisma, eloquent or has excellent bible knowledge. Apart from loving God and loving people, one area which stands out strongly is that of the leader’s willingness to be vulnerable, to be real and transparent. Like everyone of us, they have good and bad times and they are not afraid to share their struggles and challenges to the people who are under them so that they are covered with prayers, They modeled by their lives. The impact of these authentic leaders are strong and far reaching. Under their leadership, we fully comprehend what it means to know that though we are weak, we are strong in the Lord for His strength is made perfect in our weakness.

In reality, many leaders tend to be afraid to expose their weaknesses to their charges. They fall into the trap of having to put on their best front at all times and in all occasions. Mentoring and discipleship becomes a form and ultimately lose their effectiveness and impact.

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