Thursday, November 15, 2012

Miracle Working God

Monte and I are overwhelmed by the goodness of the Lord.  Our first washing machine finally broke down beyond repair sometime between this September and October.  God provided for us miraculously.  A few days ago, we received some unexpected funds to purchase a new washing machine.  It was delivered to us yesterday.

We do not believe that this is merely a coincidence.  We believe in our loving God's providence.  We find every circumstance to thank Him.  He is fully dependable and our limited words cannot fully express the gratitude and appreciation in our hearts.  We continue to put our complete trust in God who has never failed us.  He leads us to streams of living water and opens our eyes to see through His.

Lovely Sunset

A few days ago, Monte and I took time out to pray at Sentosa. We were so glad to catch the tail end of a lovely sunset. We had barbeque chicken, tomatoes an bread for dinner at the beach.