Friday, May 30, 2014

Renew Us, Lord

A misty Friday morning beckons us to a brand new day, a brand new beginning. In the Lord, we experience daily renewal to empower us to live for the glory of His name.

A God of Faithfulness

Monte and I were at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) from June 2000 to April 2001. Monte was furthering his theological studies. 

God met us and blessed us with a wonderful and amazing time of loving and depending on His faithfulness and goodness. At that time, we were newly married and we had to settle into a new environment.  We were staying on the campus with a community of believers who were pursuing God just like us.

The Lord blessed us beyond our wildest imagination. Our journey of faith began on 20 March 1999 when we joined our hearts as one and purposed in our heart of hearts to pursue this amazing God. A God of faithfulness and a God who never fails.

We do not want to be anywhere else except in the centre of His will. A place that God's presence, power and glory lie. We continue to pursue the Lord and call upon Him daily to lead and guide us to His heart.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

We Declare Our Love for You

This glorious morning
We declare our love for You
For You first loved us
Your love is so pure
So rich
So divine
Eternal and almighty God
We honour and praise You
For Your marvelous work
We bow down in humble adoration
In love and submission
We love You, Lord

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Loving You

We have purposed in our hearts 
To seek You, Lord
To touch Your throne of grace
To feel Your loving embrace
We have purposed in our hearts
To know You, Lord
To hear Your still small voice
In the dark hour of our soul
To know that You are in control
For You are fully dependable
Ever faithful and true
We yearn for Your loving kindness and tender mercies
Your rich favour and goodness Flood our souls
We have purposed in our hearts
To love You
In our waking moments
In our dreams
Live in us
Live through us
Lord, we pour our hearts out to You
Our Maker
Our Redeemer
Our helper in times of need

Friday, May 23, 2014

God is so Good

On 30 March, Monte was invited to preach at Pentecostal Christian Community.  Prior to Monte's delivery of the Word, I led in two worship choruses.  I also felt led to testify of God's goodness and divine providence.  I shared on how God had sovereignly opened the door for Monte to be part of the SPS (Society for Pentecostal Studies) conference in three different parts of the States in the past three years.  And how He had provided miraculously for us to make what seemed impossible possible. We serve a mighty God.  At the end of the day, the miracles happened not because of us. It is purely His work.  It is purely His grace.  He deserves all the glory and honour.  We can only stand speechless and marvel at His wonderful work.  We bow down in humble adoration.  God is so good.

God spoke to us.  We responded in faith even when the mountain in front of us appeared daunting. God came through for us at the eleventh hour.  His hand is never too short. He stretched and taught us how to follow the leading of His Spirit.  Our faith grew and our hearts were challenged to believe God for the impossible.