Thursday, October 31, 2019

Your Still Small Voice

Your still small voice
Comforts us
Your still small voice
Strengthens us
Your still small voice
Rebuilds us

Come into our storms
Come into our crises
Come into our challenges

Reveal Yourself to us
Show us Your power
Grant us Your grace

As we hear Your still small voice
Hope abounds
Joy abounds
Grace abounds

Speak to Our Hearts

Help us to hear and understand 
Help us to hear and respond
Help us to hear and obey

We yield to You
We surrender
We proclaim Your lordship
With reverential fear

We bow
With overwhelming gratitude
We humble ourselves before You
With great joy

We declare You are Lord
You reign supreme
You reign sovereign
You reign for all eternity

Speak to us
Speak strength
Speak life
Speak wholeness
Speak wonder
Speak to our hearts

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Our Eyes On the Finishing Line

God is with us from the beginning to the end. He is with us in the driest desert and the luscious green forest. He is with us on the peak of the mountain and the depth of the valley. 

He is a promise making and promise keeping God. We serve a faithful God. His love never fails.

Our eyes are on the finishing line. He wants us to start strong and end strong in Him.  Recurring set backs, stresses of life, the pain of suffering, the daunting challenges never crush us. They make us see our limitations and vulnerability.  We begin to see God's power, glory and strength. God is in complete control of every facet of our lives. He orchestrates the circumstances in our lives to bless us. He guides us with His love.

He strengthens us to press into His presence. We posture our hearts to seek Him. You alone deserve all the praise and glory.

We the redeemed shall go forth in power. We the redeemed shall rise with hope. We the redeemed shall do great exploits for the glory of the risen King.  

Lord, help us to keep our eyes on the finishing life. This life is Yours. Work powerfully in and through us.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Praise Your Holy Name

Let everything that has breath
Praise Your holy name
We live by Your power
We are sustained by Your love
We are empowered by Your Spirit
Live victoriously through us
We are fragile
We are vulnerable
We are totally dependent on You
Let everything that has breath
Praise Your holy name
We exalt Your name
We magnify You
We glorify You
Let everything that has breath
Praise Your holy name

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Balm Of Gilead

One morning last week, I fell sick.  I was constantly urinating all morning.  Even when I did not drink any liquid, I kept clearing my bladder. I had a few bouts of urinary tract infection in recent years.
My medical appointment was set at 2pm.  At around 11.30am, I sensed that God has healed me. I praised God for His healing touch.  I cancelled the medical appointment.

The healing power of God almighty is available for all.  The balm of Gilead floods through our broken bodies bringing wholeness, healing and strength.  Sickness may wreck our broken bodies, the Lord strengthens our inner man.  We continue to pray for His healing touch upon our lives as long as we are breathing.  We continue to trust our maker.  We continue to lift our hands and our hearts in gratitude to our loving God.  He made us to live triumphantly for the praise of His glory.  He is our healer. 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Thank You, Lord

Thankful to be alive
Thankful to breathe
Thankful to know You
Everything is from You
Every breath 
Every gift 
Every blessing
Your mercy reigns
Your love overflows
Your grace abounds
You have blessed us
Beyond our wildest imagination
You heal our broken backs
You heal our broken bodies
You heal our broken lives
Your joy floods our hearts
Your hope brightens our lives
Your love anchors our soul
Thank You, Lord 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

We Surrender To You

Help us to see Your loving purposes
Help us to know Your will
Help us to follow Your leading

We surrender in obedience
We bow with humility
We offer our lives to You

Move upon our hearts
Open our eyes
Unstop our ears
Pour Your spirit on us

Shower us with Your mercy
Lavish us with Your grace

We honour You
We worship You
We glorify You

Teach Us Your Ways

Teach us Your ways
Teach us to trust You fully
Teach us to lean on Your arm
Teach us to rest in Your love
Teach us Your ways
Nourish our weak bodies
Strengthen our feeble knees
Empower us through Your love
Teach us Your ways
We walk in Your love
We sing with all our hearts
We rejoice with great joy
Teach us Your ways
We pray

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

We Need You

We need You at sunrise
We need You at sunset
We need You from the beginning
We need You at the end
We need You at the mountain top
We need You in the dark valley
We need You every moment
We need You every second
We need You every minute
We need You every hour
We need You every day
Wash us with Your water
Cleanse us with Your word
Cover us with Your love
Purify us
Renew us
Work mightily in us

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Beholding Your Wonder

We see Your mercy
Day after Day
We taste Your goodness
Day after day
We hear Your voice
Day after day
Teach us to rest
Teach us to wait
Teach us to linger
Moment by moment
Minute by minute
Hour by hour
Basking in Your presence
Bathing in Your word
Beholding Your wonder

We Bow Before You

Everything within our heart
Cries out to You
Everything within our heart
Declares Your greatness
Everything within our heart
Magnifies Your holy name
We worship You
We adore You
We bow down before You
No one else can take Your place
No one else deserves greater praise
No one else can compare with You
We worship You
From the depths of our heart
Drawing near to You
Seeking Your face
Beholding Your glory

Friday, October 18, 2019

Touch Our Life

You live in our deepest pain
You live in our greatest anguish
You live in our loneliest despair
Bringing hope
Bringing strength
Bringing life
Reviving us
Restoring us
Renewing us
We lay our life before You
We lay our hearts at Your altar
We lay our dreams at Your feet
Touch our hearts
Set our hearts on fire
Set our life ablaze
For You, O Lord
Our mighty God and King