Monday, October 31, 2022


The hope that God blesses us with is priceless and precious.  Hope is alive in the hearts of God’s redeemed people.  Hope that stands the test of time.  Hope that stands firm in the face of trials and tragedies.  

Our hope is anchored in our ever living God.  Hope that spurs us to persevere in His love.  The power of God is release in the people who hope in God all day long.  Their courage will not melt away.  What does not break us make us stronger.  Strength comes from hope that God births in our hearts.  

As we journey on to the heart of God.  The power of God's presence burns and blazes within us.  The King of glory, the Rock of ages, our eternal God will empower us to hope with expectancy and joy.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Merciful Lord

Your eyes of love
Your hands of grace
Your heart that loves us
Your ears that hear our cries
Your feet that hasten towards us

You are all we ever needed
You are our the anchor of our soul
You are our sole desire
You satisfy our deepest longing
You deserve all our praises

We cling to You
We lean on You
We find hope in You
We find strength in You

Move upon our hearts 
Order our desires 
Align our lives to Your purposes 
Make and mould us
Work mightily through each of us

Friday, October 28, 2022

Help Comes From Your Sanctuary

Help comes from Your sanctuary 
Help comes from Your throne room
Help comes from You

We need You desperately 
We call on You relentlessly 
We cry out to You earnestly 

God of all grace
God of all power
God of all comfort

Help us
Merciful Lord
Rescue us
Mighty God
Deliver us
Glorious Lord

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Touch Us With Your Love

Come, Lord
Come and abide in us
Wash over us
With Your water
Cleanse us 
With Your fire

Refresh our hearts
Restore our broken lives
Rebuild our broken ruins

Come, Lord
Come refiner's fire
Purify and Cleanse us
Touch us with Your love

Make Our Lives Count

Make our lives count
One life
Totally devoted to You
Completely surrendered to You
Mercifully consumed by Your love

Set apart
Glorify Your name 
Through our broken lives
Make our lives count
For the glory of Your name

Monday, October 24, 2022

We Will Follow You

We will follow You at all cost. We will follow You through the fire. We will follow You through the raging seas. We will follow You to the highest mountain. We will follow You to the lowest valley.  

There is no turning back. We have purposed in our hearts to follow You. We trust You wholeheartedly.

We bask in Your love. We linger in Your presence. We behold Your glory. We marvel at Your wonder.  

Almighty God, strengthen and empower us to proclaim Your power. Move powerfully through our broken lives.


Thankful to breathe
Thankful to see You
Thankful to hear You
Thankful to know You

Your grace abounds
Your joy abounds
Your hope abounds
Your mercy abounds


Eternally grateful 
Deeply indebted 
Thankful to be alive

Saturday, October 22, 2022

We Hope In You

We hope in You all day long  
Every moment
Every second
Every minute 
Every hour
Your hope gives us strength 
Your hope gives us solace
Your hope gives us peace
We hope in You all day long
Waiting patiently 
Waiting faithfully 
Waiting expectantly 
We hope in You all day long

Friday, October 21, 2022

Let Our Hearts Burn

A heart that loves You
A heart that fears You
A heart that longs for You

A heart set ablaze by Your love
A heart set free by Your power

A heart that is pure
A heart that cries out to You
A heart that calls out to You

Set our hearts on fire
Let Your love burn in our hearts
Let Your fire burn in our hearts

Come and consume us
We offer our lives a living sacrifice 
Do a deeper work in us

Thursday, October 20, 2022

A New Awakening

A newfound hope
A newfound joy
A newfound peace

Running over

Wash over us
Wave upon wave
Glorious Lord
Marvelous Saviour 

A new awakening
A great outpouring 
Of Your Spirit's power

Anoint us
Empower us
Restore Us
We want to move 
In Your anointing

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


In February 2022, I underwent Intravenous Methylprenisolone treatment (IMPT) to treat my thyroid eye disease. I suffered a few side effects. Insomnia, I had a metallic taste in my mouth, heart palpitations and painful leg cramps. I had a total of 12 treatments. Each treatment lasting about an hour.

A day later, I came down with covid. It was a double whammy. My heart rate and blood pressure sky rocketed.

I updated the doctor from the Ministry of Health who was monitoring my covid status.He told me to head straight to the emergency department in Sengkang hospital. 

God touched my body and brought healing. My heart rate and blood pressure stabilised. I was kept for observation and was discharged on the same day. Glory be to God!

I vividly remember laying down in bed the night before. My lungs felt awful. I drifted into slumberland. 

I believe the healing hand of God was on me that night. The power of God's healing is real. He is our mighty healer. Our deliverer. Our only hope. There is nothing our God cannot do. We serve a faithful God!

The Lord watches over us. His intervention and loving support sustain us daily. As we trust our maker, He floods our hearts with His divine presence. 

God is with us. He is with us in the raging storms. He is in complete control. He abides in us. He reigns in our chaos and pain. His still small voice gives us immense strength and hope.

Saturday, October 08, 2022

Love From Her Heart

My mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease three years ago.  Prior to her diagnosis, she was still handling money.  

I remember her buying coconut buns for my brother's helper, W.  W likes coconut buns.  Very often, I found my mum making the purchase.  

My mum teaches us how to love.  She cares for people.  There are things in life that can only be felt in our hearts.  This is one of those things that mum teaches us.  Love in action.  Love that comes from the heart.

Friday, October 07, 2022

The Lord Reigns

Some time at the end of 2020, my eyelids started swelling and I have been battling with thyroid eye disease (TED) up to now.  The common symptoms of TED are blurred vision, double vision and the inability to close the eyes.

God in His mercy and love has covered me and I did not suffer the  symptoms.  Each day, I thank God for the ability to see colours.  I can close my eyes comfortably.  I do not have double vision.  God has kept my optical nerves strong.

God is with us in all that we are experiencing at this juncture.  Our merciful Lord reaches our to the inner recesses of our hearts.  He blesses us.  He touches us.  He shows us signs of His love.  He shows us glimpses of His glory.

Today, God is making a clarion call to all we choose Him over what this glitzy world offer.  He is beckoning us to put our complete trust in Him.  He never fails.  He is unchanging.  He is fully dependable.  Our God rules and reigns in all eternity.

Ever Living God

Those who look to You
 Find hope
Those who look to You 
Find peace
Those who look to You 
Find mercy

We cannot live without You 
Like fish that needs water
Like a plant that needs sunlight
Like a baby who needs love

We cling to You
We lean on You
We relinquish all control to You
Mighty God
Glorious Saviour
Ever living God

Tuesday, October 04, 2022

The Love of Christ

Ministry takes place when we touch someone's life with the love of Christ.  We are the extension of God's power and love.  We connect people to the power of God's spirit.

Serving the Lord entails love and sacrifice.  It involves the supernatural touch of God.  God blesses us.  We in turn become a channel of His love and blessing to others.  We give because we receive so much from God.  We are compelled by the love of God to go the extra mile.  

All that we do in ministry is incomparable to what the Lord has done for us.  Each day as we avail ourselves to the work of the ministry, we are reminded of God's bountiful mercy.  Mercy that looks beyond faults and imperfections. Mercy that makes room for us to do all that is needful to build the family of God.  That the love of Christ will be shared abroad in our hearts.

Monday, October 03, 2022

Resting In You

We rest in the shadow of Your wings
We rest by Your living streams

We rest in Your unfailing love
We rest in Your abiding presence 
We rest in Your living hope

Come and abide in us
Consecrate our hearts
Consume our lives

Set our hearts ablaze
Overpower us with Your presence 

We rest in Your everlasting love
Now and forevermore 

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Our God And King

Our hearts flow with a good theme as we recite our verses to our King.  We raise a song of joy.  We raise a song of victory.  We raise song of deliverance.

God of all comfort.  God of all love.  God of all compassion.  We bow. We adore You. We behold Your glory and Your beauty. There is none like You. You are unparalleled. Who can compare with You.  Matchless, boundless, limitless, infinite, majestic  and all powerful.