Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Eternity in Our Hearts

Thank you, Lord
 For putting eternity
In our hearts
We have a living hope
Life has meaning
Joy floods our hearts
Our purpose and destiny
Are rooted in Your love
Bring us to a place of release
A place of overflowing grace
A place of wonder
A place where Your mercy reigns
Lord, thank you
For putting eternity
In our hearts

Thursday, May 12, 2016

His Mercy and Grace

God in His love extends His mercy and grace to us.  Every day, we start on a clean slate.  The Lord gives us renewed hope and purpose to live.  He sharpens our vision and gives us His perspective.  We are mindful where we came from and what the Lord has done in and through us his earthen vessels.  Our hearts begin to melt in His presence when He speaks. He fills us with courage, strength and joy.  We cannot live for another second without Him.  Each breath comes from our maker.  He sustains us moment by moment.  Each breath shows our vulnerability.  He empowers us to persevere.  He pours His grace to all who put their complete trust in Him.  Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord!