Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tough Love

In the mid 1990’s, I learned of this story during a financial freedom seminar. The woman who was then 38 years old was saddled with a credit card debt of $80,000. She came from a wealthy family and she had lavished lifestyle. Apparently, this is not the first time she had got herself in trouble. Her family had enough of her and they decided not to bail her out. She was left to face the music. What awaited her was impending bankruptcy. She was forced to grow up overnight.

Love is not always sugar coated. Tough love may seem hard at first glance but it is needful at times. We have erred one time or another, sometimes God does not bail us out immediately, He may want us to walk through the issue and learn out mistakes in order to grow through it. Love does not mean condoning every wrong but rather it is a sincere desire to see God’s transformation at work in our lives.

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