Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Ravens have Fed us

Monte and I recognized our time in the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio, Philippines as a very significant milestone in our walk with the Lord. We were there around mid 2000 and 2001. The Lord revealed Himself as Jehovah Jireh, our provider powerfully. We have times of plenty as well as times of lack. But one thing is for sure and that is no matter what we experience, we know with full assurance that our master is ever faithful and true to us.
The Lord came through for us miraculously one time when we really were in dire need. One day, there was a knock on our apartment door on campus, there were two to three bags of groceries and food and no one was around and we stood there speechless. Up to today, we still do not know who that kind person was. We thank God for his or her sensitivity and blessing. This is the God we serve, we can rely on Him a hundred percent. We can never out give Him. When He opens the floodgates of heaven, we will not be able to contain it and all He wants us to do is to continue to be a blessing to others around us. The ravens have fed us. In gratitude, God has sent His ravens to feed us in countless occasions and circumstances. He cares for us completely; spiritually, emotionally, socially, physically and financially. God watches over us and loves us deeply. His love and compassion never ceases.

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