Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wonderful Batam Break
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Lord, Am I Climbing

Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Perfection has its Price
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Encouraged by Every Testimonial

I have enjoyed vocal training immensely. God has opened doors that I could never imagine. On
I never realised how we can easily spoil our Vocal Cords without knowing it until it’s too late. I now know that taking care of our Voice is quite simple if we were taught the proper Vocal & Singing Techniques. Some of the Techniques you shared with us during your Demo Session was quite simple to practice & proved to be effective.
Thank you for sharing and I wish you success in your vocal training workshop.
I am thankful to everyone of my vocal trainees or workshop attendees who took their precious time to pen down testimonials which I would put on my vocal training website. I am greatly encouraged by each one of them. God has helped me to grow and develop in my vocal training endeavour over time. I continue to rely on the grace of the Lord to offer what He has placed in my hands back to Him again.
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Elastic Band of Love

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
God Works In Mysterious Ways
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thank You So Much, Lord

Thursday, November 12, 2009
God of All Seasons

Monday, November 09, 2009
Scrumptious Birthday Dinner
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Isaiah 40:31
Monday, October 26, 2009
Beautiful APTS

Here is a write up from APTS’s website
“Asia Pacific Theological Seminary is located approximately 250 km (150 miles) north of
Although the campus is located at an altitude of 1630 meters (5,300 feet) above sea level, it is just minutes away from schools, churches, and transportation facilities.
The APTS campus is well known for its garden-like environment. Flowers abound throughout the campus and the grounds are well maintained.”
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Celebrating Life

Friday, October 23, 2009
Loving Mickey

Showering Love on them

I saw this award winning video clip on Dementia on the blog of Blogpastor .
It is a heart wrenching clip. The Lord watches over all of us, even when we grow old in the coming decades, we continue to rely and lean on the arms of Jesus. And for those of us with aging parents who are showing signs of memory loss, we continue to entrust them into the hands of our loving God. We continue to love and honour them.
You may click on this link to view the video
The Straits Times featured an article on children who abuse their elderly parents on
A case of abuse or a family at its wits' end?
It transpired that the man's family did so as he had the habit of roaming the streets aimlessly and, while in the house, switching the stove on and off. Afraid that he would set the house on fire, his family members locked him out when they went to work and let him back in when they returned home.
The police referred the man to a centre that helps victims of family violence, and a social worker there advised his family to get him medical help.
As the social worker predicted, the reason for the habits that stumped the man's family was that he had moderate dementia. Knowing this, the family supervised the man more closely, but as his condition deteriorated and they could not cope, they sent him to a nursing home.
Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS), Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, highlighted this real example on Wednesday in a symposium on family violence, as he dwelt on the principles that should guide agencies tackling the 'scourge' of elderly abuse.”
I do not think we should be quick to throw stones at the abusers. They may be challenged by the stress in life, some having the need to raise their children and look after the needs of their elderly parents. What can be helpful is for us to understand that one day we will all grow old and some of us may be struck with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. We will then be at the receiving end of such cruel treatment.
We allow God to help us to love our elderly parents who may display some behaviour that they could not help. With love, patience and perseverance, the Lord’s love will flow through us to touch our elderly people.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Love will Find a Way
Monday, October 19, 2009
Needless Pain
Friday, October 16, 2009
He is Lovely
Monday, October 12, 2009
Lead Me to the Rock
Cherish the Treasure

You have made us Your habitation, knowing that we are vulnerable to fall or fail along the way. Yet You believe in us and work Your purposes through us. Break us, mould us and work in and through us this day. We surrender completely to You.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
This Doctor Cares

Friday, September 25, 2009
A Second Chance
Last Wednesday, the bus I was travelling on passed by the
I chanced upon an amazing story of the life of Jonathan Tang. His story goes:
“When I was 15, I was expelled from secondary school due to misconduct. My parents decided to send me to
“My friend and I peddled drugs to earn extra cash but we ended up consuming more than we sold. It was so bad that I was snorting drugs more than I was drinking water. One time, I got into a fight and was arrested by the police. They checked my urine which tested positive for drugs and I was sent to the Reformative Training Centre (RTC).
“For the first three months, I had to undergo a reformation programme. The wardens meted out intense physical and mental torture. It was the first time I ever felt fear. Prior to that, I rebelled against all forms of authority — my parents, school and even the police.
“I was given an opportunity to go to
“Interesting enough, during my isolation, they didn’t give me anything to read except a Bible so I prayed to God and asked Him to save me. I was about to explode. I’d kept a chicken bone and was prepared to fight off the wardens. But when I prayed, suddenly, this peace just overwhelmed me. I threw away the bone and endured the physical torture. When the wardens saw how I humbled myself, obeyed their orders, stayed away from fights and shared my stuff, they set me free from my isolation cell.
“When I was eventually released from RTC after two years, people said that I’ll return within one month ‘cos a leopard never changes its spots. RTC has a very bad record. It’s nicknamed Road to Changi ‘cos nine out of 10 will go back to prison again. It was a big challenge for me to turn over a new leaf. But I started going to church and got enrolled in City Harvest Education Centre (CHEC).
“At first, I was very quiet and anti-social. I was feeling lonely ‘cos I had to cut off contact with all my friends who were still serving time. But one particular teacher who was my mentor actually stepped past the thin red line into a danger zone that was my personal life. She was the first personal friend I had in three years. She’d call me and just be my friend outside school hours. That was how I opened up and started becoming friendly. I even started joking around. In CHEC, I found a whole new place to fall back on. I had something to look forward to for once.
“Once during school camp, I somehow went mad and started getting very angry and violent. But the teachers were so patient. They acceded to my requests, which calmed me down. I was very touched and after that, I became really committed to change my temper.
“I actually got the date for my Principle Of Accounts paper mixed up so I missed the exam last year. I’ll be taking it this year while I serve my National Service. The school’s very supportive, they offered to give me extra classes. I told my principal that it was too troublesome for them but he said, “No, we must see you to the end.” I was so touched.
“My biggest dream in life has nothing to do with monetary gains. I just want to give back what I have received in my life. I’ve a deep passion to help people like myself — boys in RTC and those whom people have given up hope on. If I can change, I believe others can too.””
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Loving Each Other Over and Over Again
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Simple Things in Life

On the evening of 6 September, Monte and I were so glad to catch the Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO) at the Botanic gardens. They played to a large crowd. People were mostly mingling with family and friends. The atmosphere was relaxing and pleasant. When the concert drew an end, the crowd stayed on and the SSO had to indulge us with an encore. It was an awesome performance.
For dinner, we had pita bread with barbecue chicken and stewed tomatoes. And we topped it up with a chocolate bar each. The simple things in life can be enriching and beautiful.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Drawing Closer

A listener called in to a mandarin radio station one day while a counselling programme was airing. Her husband travelled overseas for work regularly and she shared that she felt so relaxed when he was away. She felt guilty about it. The counsellor then attempted to share some thoughts on her problem.
Usually when a couple is in the midst of a bitter quarrel or fight, they detest each other’s presence. When the situation blows out of proportion, hatred, anger and resentment build up.
In a Christian marriage, God is in the centre of the marriage, the couple draws closer as the days go by. The Lord is a master marriage builder and He binds us as one in Him. Husband and wife may still have disagreements or unpleasant situations cropping up from time to time but we must never allow the wounds to fester. We open themselves to the Lord’s intervention and guidance. We grow to love and forebear each other. We learn to make room for each other because we are not perfect. And for that reason, we err and sometimes make blunders that we regret afterwards. God in His mercy has given us His word to guide us in His path. When we walk in His light, we then become a beacon of light shining ever so brightly and bearing His eternal glory.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Incredible Love

Jesus reached out to the outcast and despised people when He walked on this earth. Some of the people that He ministered to did not have a good standing in the society then. A case in point was when He ministered to a tax collector. He did not shun the lepers and the prostitutes because He cared for them. He was not preoccupied in keeping His reputation; His incredible love compelled Him to reach out to these needy people naturally. He ignored the wagging tongues of the Pharisees; He was not afraid to stand up for the marginalized.
The purity of His great love compels us to follow after His footsteps. When we walk in His love, our eyes will not be coloured by what we perceive as acceptable. We will not be afraid to relate to people who are chucked away by society.
One time, the Lord led
By being non inclusive and open to minister to people from every strata of society of every colour and code, we begin to display what the true essence of agape love. The incredible love that our minds can never fully comprehend can only be experienced by people who love the Lord wholeheartedly; a people who love because He first loved us.