“Then the spiritual climb could continue when physical movement was impossible?” – Amy Carmichael
These were the words of Amy Carmichael (1867–1951), a Protestant Christian missionary in India. She wrote some time after she was badly injured by her fall in 1931, which left her bedridden much of the time until she died in India in 1951 at the age of 83.
Amy Carmichael went to India in 1895, and served in India for fifty-six years. She served without furlough and authored many books about her missionary work.
Carmichael opened an orphanage in Dohnavur and founded the Dohnavur Fellowship. This mission society was devoted to saving neglected and ill-treated children.
In 1931, Carmichael was badly injured in a fall, Yet after her fall she wrote, “Then the spiritual climb could continue when physical movement was impossible?”
Carmichael often thought of life with the Lord as “mountain climbing.” Prior to her fall she wrote these words, "God of the Heights, austere, inspiring . . . Loosen me from Things of Time; Strengthen me for steadfast climb. . . . Not for me the Things of Time; God of mountains, I will climb."
But then many years after her fall, she still wrote, “Then the spiritual climb could continue when physical movement was impossible?”
It is amazing that she was in her bedridden state that she said: “Lord, am I climbing?”
She could not climb physically but her spirit man was so strong. Her deep desire to pursue God could not be stopped by her physical limitations.
She kept the fire of God burning so strongly that long after she passed on, she continued to inspire people to love and serve the almighty God.
We want to climb every mountain that God presents to us. He leads us by the hand as we navigate through every crag and boulder.
He who is faithful will keep us from falling. He will keep our feet from slipping. He keeps us safe and secure in His strong and loving arms.
Lord, let us climb higher. Grant us supernatural strength. Let us reach for the stars. Let us see Your plans And purposes fulfilled in our lives. Let Your dreams come true. Let Your will be done.
Much of this information on Amy Carmichael was taken from:
“Amy Wilson Carmichael (1867–1951),” Theology thru Technology (http://www.tlogical.net/biocarmichael.htm).
Frank L. Houghton, Amy Carmichael of Dohnavur (North Harrow, UK The Dohnavur Fellowship, 1953; Fort Washington, PN: Christian Literature Crusade, 1979).
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