Jesus reached out to the outcast and despised people when He walked on this earth. Some of the people that He ministered to did not have a good standing in the society then. A case in point was when He ministered to a tax collector. He did not shun the lepers and the prostitutes because He cared for them. He was not preoccupied in keeping His reputation; His incredible love compelled Him to reach out to these needy people naturally. He ignored the wagging tongues of the Pharisees; He was not afraid to stand up for the marginalized.
The purity of His great love compels us to follow after His footsteps. When we walk in His love, our eyes will not be coloured by what we perceive as acceptable. We will not be afraid to relate to people who are chucked away by society.
One time, the Lord led
By being non inclusive and open to minister to people from every strata of society of every colour and code, we begin to display what the true essence of agape love. The incredible love that our minds can never fully comprehend can only be experienced by people who love the Lord wholeheartedly; a people who love because He first loved us.
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