I have enjoyed vocal training immensely. God has opened doors that I could never imagine. On
I never realised how we can easily spoil our Vocal Cords without knowing it until it’s too late. I now know that taking care of our Voice is quite simple if we were taught the proper Vocal & Singing Techniques. Some of the Techniques you shared with us during your Demo Session was quite simple to practice & proved to be effective.
Thank you for sharing and I wish you success in your vocal training workshop.
I am thankful to everyone of my vocal trainees or workshop attendees who took their precious time to pen down testimonials which I would put on my vocal training website. I am greatly encouraged by each one of them. God has helped me to grow and develop in my vocal training endeavour over time. I continue to rely on the grace of the Lord to offer what He has placed in my hands back to Him again.
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