Saturday, May 30, 2009

Magnificent Sunset

A couple of days ago, Monte (my husband) and I caught a beautiful sunset at Changi Beach. Our hearts were enraptured by that glorious sight. In moments like that, we can just marvel at the greatness of God.

God set the sun, moon and starts in their places, He magnificent creation radiates with His glory. Just as light comes on at the break of dawn, every sunrise is accompanied by sunset. Great is His faithfulness to all who call on His name. There are no shifting shadows in Him. He is always constant and dependable and we rest secure in His loving embrace.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

O the Glory of Your Presence

When God takes us into His presence, He shows us His heart and all that matters to Him. Peace, joy and wholeness flood our souls when we allow wave upon wave of His glory to sweep through us. His presence is so precious, so rich and so glorious. Nothing on earth come close to what He offers to us when we enter into His magnificent and awesome presence. We bow in reverence to our great King as we behold His lovely face.

O The Glory of Your Presence

Jesus all glorious create in us a temple
Called as living stones where You’re enthroned
As You rose from death in power
So rise within our worship
Rise upon our praise
And let the hand that saw Your raised
Clothe us in Your glory
Draw us by Your grace

O the glory of Your presence
We Your temple give You reverence
So arise to Your rest
And be blessed by our praise
As we glory in Your embrace
As Your presence now fills this place

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Soaking in Good Music

Two Sundays ago, Monte (my husband) and I were out in the great outdoors again. The Singapore Symphony Orchestra played to hundreds of people spread all across the ground before the Symphony Lake.

It was so beautiful to see groups of people; families, friends picnicking and enjoying the beautiful music. One time, we were so happy to catch the performance of 100 guzhengs (Chinese instruments) right in that beautiful garden. So whenever the opportunity arises, we will head to the Singapore Botanic Gardens to soak in the music.

I am the God that Healeth Thee

Recently a pastor while preaching shared on the healing power of God. One day, he went to pray for a boy who had a tumour in his head which led to total loss of hearing in his ear. God touched this little child miraculously. He removed the tumour and the child regained his hearing. The doctor who was treating him was shocked. The healing of this precious boy is a testimony that God is our great physician. He is the balm of Gilead.

Our God is awesome. There is absolutely nothing He cannot do. Even in seemingly hopeless and dire situations, He is the light that brings hope to us. How great is our God.

I am the God that Healeth Thee

I am the God that
Healeth thee
I am the Lord
Your healer
I sent My word
And I healed your disease
I am the Lord
Your healer

You are the God that
Healeth me
You are the Lord
My healer
You sent Your word
And You healed my disease
You are the Lord
My healer
You sent Your word
And You healed
My disease
You are the Lord
My healer
You sent Your word
And You healed
My disease
You are the Lord
My healer

Monday, May 25, 2009

Partnering with Him

Monte (my husband) and I were ministering at His Sanctuary yesterday. Monte preached on The Five Jewels of transformation and I led worship. We thank God for the opportunity to minister there. We appreciate Pastor Luke Tan of His Sanctuary for his kind invitation.

I have enjoyed ministering together with Monte. At the end of the day, we are vessels that the Lord flows through. Partnering with God is one of the most amazing experiences we can have. He takes our five loaves and two fishes and multiplies them to feed His people. Our faith arises when we allow God to take over and see Him high and exalted in all the earth. At the end of the day, it is not our gifts and talents that surface but the glory of Jesus shining brilliantly and beautifully for all to behold.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Our Beating Heart

During times of praise and worship in the service, I often put one hand on my heart and the other hand raised towards our maker. My beating heart reminds me of God’s goodness, love and graciousness. He is the reason for my being.

Our hearts cannot contain all that God has given to us. It overflows with the tenderness of our loving God and Father. A beating heart speaks of the precious life that God gave.

In His goodness, He chooses to flow through us despite of our imperfections and flaws. His method down the centuries has always been through a man. Our minds can never fathom how God can reside in us.

Let our hearts beat stronger for Jesus, the lover of our soul. Nothing will stop us from

venturing deeper into this arduous journey with Him. We see a glimpse of the glory of the risen Lord as we persevere to pursue Him wholeheartedly.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Built to Last

On 15 April 1912, the Titanic sank and some 1,517 people perished. How could the great Titanic sink? She was strong and formidable; a gigantic ship that blew many people’s minds at that known time. In actual fact, God gave man wisdom and knowledge to build that great ship.

Like the titanic, God in His mercy came into our lives and began the task of building our lives. The life that He builds is not built with wood, steel, glass or other matters. He build us with His love. We are diamonds in the rough, He chisels, mould and shape us into His image. We are built to last. We can do nothing in our own strength but everything through His empowerment and grace. He raised us up to reveal His glory. We will not rest on our laurels but instead strive to reach out to all that God has in stored for us. For He desires to bless us and see His plan fulfilled in our lives.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Read You Like a Book

One of the blessings of marriage is the privilege to know a person extremely well. Apart from God, the person who knows us best is our spouse.

So very often, I hear Monte says: “I read you like a book”. I need not utter a word and he knows what is on my mind or when something is bothering me. This is one of the greatest blessings in marriage. We encourage and uphold each other. We are together on mountaintops and deep valleys. The beautiful thing is these shared experiences bring us closer to the Lord and each other.

Another blessing that I like to highlight is transparency. The Lord models openness to us when He showed us His emotions. There were times when He was in great jubilation. There were hearwrenching moments. He showed His anger. He was filled with compassion. He showed us His feelings.

Openness is key to a healthy and vibrant marriage. This openness surpassed that which we share with our closest friends. This is the reason why our spouse is our confidante. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What is He Thinking About?

It is so funny to observe Mickey. Sometimes, he appears to be in deep thought. What is he thinking about? I wonder....

Monday, May 18, 2009

This is the Air I Breathe

Lord, You give us life. Every breath that we breathe reveals Your life in us. We are desperate for you because there is no way for us to live apart from You. Your sustaining power and presence is infused into our being. With every ounce of energy, we want to draw nearer to You by the power of Your Spirit.

This is the Air I Breathe

This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me

This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me

And I, I'm desperate for you
And I, I'm, I'm lost without you

This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me

This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me

And I, I'm desperate for you
And I, I'm, I'm lost without you

And I, I'm desperate for you
And I, I'm lost without you

I'm lost without you

I'm lost without you

I'm lost without you

I'm lost without you Lord

This is the air I breathe
This is the air I breathe
Your holy presence living in me

This is my daily bread
This is my daily bread
Your very word spoken to me

And I, I'm desperate for you
And I, I'm lost without you

Lord, I Thirst for You

Every one of us has been through dry patches at one point or another. The parch dry land is a picture of deprivation and barrenness in desperate need of water. Only God has the power to refresh and rejuvenate us. The mighty rushing water of God floods our thirsty souls. He alone can quench our dying thirst.

Lord, I Thirst for You

Lord I thirst for You
I long to be in Your presence
My soul will wait on You
Father draw me nearer
Draw me nearer
To the beauty of Your holiness

I will wait for You Almighty God
In the beauty of Your holiness
I will worship You Almighty God
In the beauty of Your holiness

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Soulful Eyes

Yesterday morning, while I was making my way out of my parent’s home after my visit with them, Mickey, as usual, was standing near the grille to send me off. He melted my heart with those soulful eyes. He is so cuddly and adorable.

Simple Living

When Monte (my husband) and I were in Baguio, Philippines in the time from 2000 to 2001, Monte was invited to minister in a church in the mountainous region in Luzon. We had a wonderful time of ministry there.

We were putting up with the pastor and his family. It was very cold up in the mountain, a kind family member of the pastor boiled water for us so we could take our bath. This brought back memories of my own experience. From mid 60’s till the 90’s, my family was residing in Commonwealth Crescent. While growing up, I vividly remember how my mother used to boil water for my father’s bath. A gas water heater came into my home years later. Those were the days of simple living. We certainly had less gadgets and machines but we survived.

In many parts of the world today, water heater is considered a luxury item. Some do not even have access to electricity or telephone lines to begin with. And what about clean drinking water. Most people in developed countries are so used to the convenience and comfort of modern day living. Pampered with modern amenities and facilities, we often take things for granted. Suddenly everything becomes a necessity. Now we need more when the latest model comes into the market.

Someone once said that “Luxury Once Enjoyed Becomes a Necessity”. Our expectations rise with the increase of income. Money is useful if we use it as a servant but if it has a hold on us then we are in danger. The high life that people in affluent societies lived can be glamorous and enticing. But it may breed pride, arrogance and greed. We would be better off to have lesser in life than to have plenty in distress. I want to be sensitive to look at the other end of the spectrum. I have known rich people who are humble and generous. They are actively loving and serving Jesus with all of their hearts. God overcame mammon.

Hard Earned Money

One day, I overheard a conversation between a middle aged woman enquiring on a job opportunity at a beverage stall in a shopping mall. She was told that she can make $4 per hour. A quick calculation yields a daily pay of $32 should she put in eight hours of work. That is hard earned money.

Earlier in the year, while tuning into a mandarin radio station, a listener called the station to share about his work life. He was a delivery man who worked very long hours, seven days a week. The only day he took a break was on the first day of the Chinese New Year. Many people sacrificed and slog for long hours to bring the bacon home.

Many of our parents toil all day long to provide for their families. They work hard to put food on the table and give their children a good education providing for them often at the expense of their own needs and wants. We must honour and appreciate our parents for their love and sacrifice for us.

Friday, May 15, 2009


When our minds are set on Christ, we are consumed by Him. He fills us through and through. We leave no room for malice, rage, envy, bitterness, brutality and impurity.  leave no foothold for the enemy of our soul to enter and attack us.

Phil 4:8

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.”

The Lord purifies us from within. The refining fire of God cleanses us. The search light of God penetrates powerfully through every facet of our lives. He fills us with His goodness. His mercy reigns in us.

Our merciful God picks us up and bring the best out of our broken lives. We can declare that God is good. 

We are just diamonds in the rough, the end product is absolutely gorgeous and magnificent. His work continues until we see Him in glory.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

We are Always on Her Mind

Last Sunday, Monte (my husband) and I, along with my family were at Ivin’s (Peranakan restaurant) to celebrate mother’s day. We had a great time with the family.

I have been reflecting on how God has blessed me with my mother. She has always been a kind woman. My two brothers and I were brought up to respect and be kind to people and to always look out for others.

All these years, she has faithfully cared for the family. She has been a pillar to us in many ways. Her sacrificial love and care remain even though my brothers and I are no longer children. She constantly looks out for us. We are always on her mind.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No Mood

Yesterday, I popped by my parents place. Mickey was not in a good mood. He even refused the chicken that I offered him. It was unusual. One of the reasons of his moodiness could be because he was looking for my father. My father left home early yesterday morning to attend to some matters and when he left the house Mickey was not awake then. Mickey has won over our hearts. He is such a blessing to us.

His Wonder Working Power

The Lord is the one who opens doors of ministry for us. He shows us His heart when we avail ourselves to Him without reservation. As a channel of His divine love, we become the extension of the hand of God to touch people around us.

Monte (my husband) and I have the wonderful privilege to reach out to different people that the Lord brought into our paths. We have reached out to terminally ill people. We are challenged to see terminally ill Christians who fight their way through the raging battle. Armed with added strength from the Lord they battle their physical ailments against all odds. Physically their bodies may be weakened and ravaged by disease but their spiritual health is intact because their eyes are on Jesus. The wonder working power of God is at work. Though some of these people have gone home to be with the Lord, their testimonies lived long after them to reveal God’s love and faithfulness.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Deeply Appreciated

I thank God for the opportunity to be a voice trainer. I am privileged to meet people from all walks of life who range from the age of 12 up to aged 70.

I had a great time at my last vocal training with Cornerstone Community Church which ended on 30 April 2009.. I was greatly encouraged by the joy and enthusiasm of my brothers and sisters there.

The testimonials from my past trainees and workshop attendees bring me tremendous encouragement and motivation. I continue to trust and look to the Lord for He is the one who gives me the strength, grace and ability. He spurs me on to give my best and has blessed me beyond my wildest imagination.

The following are some testimonials that I deeply appreciated because these people have taken time from their busy schedule to drop me these words:

“After the vocal training, I am now more confident in singing, at least I dare to sing louder then before and with more expression. Thanks for teaching us the techniques of singing.

May God continue to bless you and your work.”

Rosie Lee

"I begin to enjoy singing with a louder voice. Thank you Sister Jee Fong."

Paul Png

"We have definitely learnt a lot through this course. It has helped us to project our voice better and we have also discovered many new insights. We will surely look forward to attend such courses in the future. Cheers to you our coach!!"

Janet Koh

"A committed and dedicated teacher to her craft, Jee Fong believes that everyone has a singing voice that just needs the correct techniques to bring it out. I thoroughly enjoyed the training sessions with her and gained a better understanding on how to "stretch " my vocal range."

Michelle Chau

"Indeed I feel that the training is fruitful and useful to me. Sis Jee Fong has made it so interesting and practical that I can put into practice right away. After attending the training, it has given me more confidence in delivering the songs and I am able to express better. Thank u Sis Jee Fong. Hereby, I would like to give thanks and praise to the Lord for giving me the opportunity to attend this training. God bless one and all!"

Cheralyn Lim

"I can feel the passion that Jee Fong has in wanting to impart all the knowledge that she has to the participants that comes to her class. Personally, her desire to make sure that her participants understood and grasped what she was teaching touched me the most"

Lilian Lee

"Hi! Your vocal training has helped me in singing properly and with confidence. I will continue to use the techniques to improve on my weak areas. I used to have sore throat after two hours of singing. I have learnt that I have exerted on the wrong muscle and lack warm up. Now with proper practice and knowledge of taking care of my vocal cord. I am able to speak properly after 2 hours of singing. I must thank Jee Fong for her Marvellous GIFT in Vocal Training."

Hong Demei

"It is most liberating to be able to sing with confidence without getting hoarse or worse, a sore throat. Now I can worship with greater joy!"

Frances Goh

"My greatest achievement is knowing Christ. And that He loves me and you."

Goh Hong Eng

"After several meetings, I can sing loudly and confidently. It is an enjoyable experience to work with you."

Clifford Mario

"Jee Fong's classes enabled me to learn how to use my voice better and to realise that good speech not only included using one's voice correctly but that it was necessary to have the right posture and use correct breathing techniques as well. Jee Fong's personality is also warm and engaging which made the personalised classes all that more enriching to attend."


"I've attended the voice training sessions with hopes of improving my foundational techniques and I have improved since. Now when i sing for longer periods of time, my voice does not feel the strain and tiredness. Praise God!"

Vincent Kwok

"It was an eye opener for me. I was not aware of the intricate details of maintaining vocal quality. A great help for me, as a trainer."

Selvarajoo Vadivelu

"Thank you for coaching us in vocal and singing techniques. It had been a fun time. We found the sessions refreshing, enjoyable and relaxing as we are comfortable with you. You have been very helpful and patient. May the Lord bless and extend this area of your passion and ministry for His glory."

Nancy Choo, Michelle Pillai & Pearl Yeo