Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Fresh Manna

God gives us fresh manna daily. Nothing is from last night. Nothing is stale. He gives us new strength for each day. He gives us new energy. He makes our faces shine. 

Each day beams with hope and optimism because God gives us the best. God graces us with His power and grace to face every challenge.  

His promises never fail. He carries us through it all. Our lives surge with unlimited faith. Like the eagle in the sky, we are made to soar and be carried by the wind.  

Lord, Your fresh and precious manna sustain us throughout the day. We are mindful that without You we cannot do anything. Apart from You, we are nothing.

With You, we scale mountains and swim rivers. With You we triumph victoriously. With You, our feeble limbs are strengthened. 

Thank you for fresh manna, Lord. Fill us till we overflow. Move powerfully through our lives and ministries.

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