Our Lord, Jesus, poured His life out to minister to the people around Him. In the gospel of John, Christ’s selflessness was portrayed when His disciples had to urge Him to eat something. Apparently, He was so engrossed with the needs of the people, so much so that His hunger was not an issue at all. We often hear that a hungry man is an angry man. We become short fused and irritable when our stomachs are growling. But Jesus is so different. He went beyond Himself to love and serve the people with all that He had.
Christ’s selflessness is so pure. He was not concerned with His reputation. He ministered to the outcasts, the down and outs, the people that society despised. For that reason, the Pharisees constantly attacked him as their finger of accusation wagged furiously at Jesus.
Jesus was never intimidated. He kept going on because love compelled Him to the end. Look at the lepers that Jesus touched, no one would even dare to get near them but Jesus defy the norm. He loved the lepers and brought them healing and hope. This is why millions upon millions of believers today love and serve Jesus and pattern our lives after Him. When the selflessness of Christ is evident in us, the world is turned upside down for the glory of the Lord.
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