Thursday, May 29, 2008

Keep The Heart Pumping

This morning, Monte (my Husband) and I had a badminton game at the sports hall in Hougang. I used to play badminton in my school days, I have always enjoyed this indoor sport. Exercise has a way of invigorating us. Besides playing badminton, we also cycle, swim, brisk walk to keep fit. I am the one who is not as disciplined as far as exercising is concerned, so Monte has to prod me on most of the time.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Let His Light Shine Through Us

Last Friday, Monte (my husband) and I had delicious hamburger steak at the famous Ma Maison Restaurant at The Central, a relatively new shopping centre.

On the table sat a table lamp. The lamp shade was made of stained glass. The light shone through and illuminated the stained glass. It was absolutely beautiful. We caught little snapshots with our hand phones.

In many ways, we are like the stained glass lamp shade for when the light of Jesus shines through us, we begin to radiate with His glory. When we become a beacon of His light, we begin to direct people to the Lord. We carry the presence of the Lord wherever we go and we bring the gospel of peace to every nook and corner of the earth.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Come Home (All We Like Sheep)

Some time ago, I was talking to a sister-in-Christ who shared with me about her backslidden son. She wanted me to remember her son in prayer. Nothing else will bring greater joy to her than to see her son return to the Lord. Her heart was broken but her faith remained strong in the Lord.

We must be careful not to send these straying people on a guilt trip. We can pray and love them back to the household of God. All they need is our love, care and acceptance. It does not matter what they have done or where they have been. What is most important is they are home.

All We Like Sheep

All we like sheep have gone astray
Each of us turning our own separate way
We have all sinned and
Fallen short of Your glory
But Your glory is what we desire to see
And in Your presence is where we long to be

O Lord!, show us
Your mercy and grace
Take us to Your holy place
Forgive our sin and heal our land
We long to live in Your presence
Once again

Taking our sickness, taking our pain
Jesus the sacrifice Lamb has been slain
He was despised rejected by men
He took our sin
Draw us near to You Father
Through Jesus Your Son
Let us worship before You
Cleansed by Your blood

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Upon This Rock

The Lord, Jesus Christ, the Rock of our Salvation is unshakable and immovable. When we stand upon this Rock, we are safe and secure. The Lord upholds us with His righteousness right hand. He has given us strong feet to scale great mountains of our faith. He leads us on to terrains and dense forest that we never imagined we would be able to tread upon. All He asked of us is that we put our complete trust in Him for He is the Rock of Ages and He stands firm and strong through all eternity.

Upon This Rock
When others see with earthly eyes
Just what they want to see
You will see the things that never die
You will know and recognize
By simple child-like faith
The priceless truth that
Others will deny.

When others say I'm just a man
Who likes to dream His dreams
When others call a miracle a myth
You'll listen for eternity
In moments as they pass
And see with spirit eyes
What others miss.

Upon this rock I'll build My kingdom
And on this rock forever and ever it shall stand
And all the powers of Hell itself
Shall never more prevail against it
For Satan's thrones are built on sinking sand
Upon this rock I'll build My kingdom
And on this rock forever and ever it shall stand
Upon this rock of revelation
I'll build a strong and mighty nation
And it shall stand the storms of time
Upon this rock.

If in a simple carpenter
You see the Son of God
If you would chose to lose
When you could win
If you would give your life away
For nothing in return
Then you are where
My kingdom will begin.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Burst Of Colours

God made all things beautiful. The multi-coloured flowers speak of the creative power of our living God. The beautilful flowers radiate gloriously in all the earth and we see His beauty from His creation.

Corporate Worship

Last Sunday, the Lord opened the door for Monte (my husband) to minister at Radiant Community Church. When we gather in faith as a community of believers, God honours our commitment and sacrifice in loving service to Him. This act of worship speaks of our desire and delight to pursue the Lord in every possible manner. The corporate anointing of God is manifested when He inhabits our praises and He reveals His glory and grace to us in increasing measure. Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Forever Faithful

Recently, Monte and I were on our way to have dinner near our flat at Sengkang. We caught the tail end of the setting sun. The beauty of the Lord radiated gloriously in the evening light. Just like the sun that rises and sets daily without fail, God’s faithfulness is great towards all of His children. When we posture our hearts towards the Lord, He lays His hand of love on us and leads us into His purpose and plan for our lives.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Comfortable And At Ease

Over time, my direct involvement with these precious children has opened the door of friendship with them. The children are comfortable with me.

From January to September last year, I had the privilege to conduct Speech and Drama training at a primary school in Upper Bukit Timah Road. One day after training, as I was on my way out of the school, I ran into an eight year old girl who was one of my students. This year she would have turned nine. I noticed that she had her hair cut short. Previously, she used to have shoulder length hair, which was tied up. She wanted to know if she looked better in her new hairdo.

Currently, I am also on a Speech and Drama training programme in a reputable school along Guillemard Road. A few weeks ago, this ten-year-old boy, asked why my body was tilted sideway while I was walking. He went ahead and showed me what he saw. I explained that I was carrying some heavy things and that had caused me to lean to one side. However, I thanked him and added that I needed to be more aware of it as it would not be good for my posture in the long run.

Through these incidences, I am thankful that the children are comfortable and at ease with me. Whenever, a smile breaks out on a child’s face, it brings much joy and delight to me. I count it a privilege to contribute to their growth in little ways. I firmly believe that a child learns best when he or she is relaxed and happy. Learning can be fun and enjoyable. A non-threatening, caring and loving environment nurtures a child to reach his or her fullest potential.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thank You

I have enjoyed vocal training so much that I look forward to each training session. My deep appreciation goes to all my friends, church leaders and members, contacts and every participant and trainee who has given me the opportunity to do what is close to me heart. You may view some of my testimonials at

An Honour To Serve The King

Monte (my husband) was invited to speak at World Revival Prayer Fellowship last Sunday. It was such a significant service being that it was both Pentecost Sunday and Mother’s day. We thank God for granting us a wonderful time of ministry.

Our hearts are humbled to have the opportunity to be God’s messenger and mouthpiece. It is such an awesome and fulfilling ministry. As we declare the infallible word of God with His authority and anointing. God is glorified and magnified in all the earth.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Attention Seekers

In the course of my training, I have come across some children who scream for attention. At times, they may even disrupt the classes. There are underlying reasons for such behaviour.

In March and April this year, I was conducting a Story Telling training at a school in Yio Chu Kang area. Little Jerald appeared. He was a bubbly nine year old boy. For the training, the children were to write a story on any subject of interest to them. I suggested some possible topics to them, one of them is ‘My Father’. He jumped up and exclaimed: “I have no father’. I was taken back and enquired further. I learned that his parents were divorced and his father was well alive. His mother might be the one who had custody of this little innocent boy. It finally became clear to me why he sought so much attention in class. On this note, I would to mention that this also happened to older students in some secondary schools that I had trained in the past.

As the training went on over the weeks, one day, Jerald, presented his story in front of the class. The title he chose was ‘My Father’. He spoke with such confidence and ease. He was so proud of his father. His love for his father was evident when he spoke so fondly of him. He even said that his father was his hero. Needless to say, little Jerald was so badly affected by the broken marriage. That day when he finished his story, all of us applauded loudly for him. It was such a heartwarming moment.

There are many Jeralds around us who are crying for help. Many who need love, care, and concern. Many who need someone to lead them by the land to help them to move on from where they are to another point in their life's journey. Christian leaders and workers who have an opportunity to reach out to minister to this group of people have a heavy and yet important task God placed upon them. May the Lord's continual blessing and anointing rest on them as they do the work of the ministry.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Child Prodigy

Little Yeo Ye Eun is a five year old blind genius pianist. She was born blind. Her adopted mother, Park Joon Soon, when interviewed on Star King, a Korean talent competition, mentioned that little Ye Eun started playing the piano at the age of three. What is amazing is that she has never leant how to play the piano but she can play a song after hearing it once. View this little clip at and it will blow your mind away.

The Selfless Christ

John 4:31“Meanwhile His disciples urged Him, “Rabbi, eat something.””

Our Lord, Jesus, poured His life out to minister to the people around Him. In the gospel of John, Christ’s selflessness was portrayed when His disciples had to urge Him to eat something. Apparently, He was so engrossed with the needs of the people, so much so that His hunger was not an issue at all. We often hear that a hungry man is an angry man. We become short fused and irritable when our stomachs are growling. But Jesus is so different. He went beyond Himself to love and serve the people with all that He had.

Christ’s selflessness is so pure. He was not concerned with His reputation. He ministered to the outcasts, the down and outs, the people that society despised. For that reason, the Pharisees constantly attacked him as their finger of accusation wagged furiously at Jesus.

Jesus was never intimidated. He kept going on because love compelled Him to the end. Look at the lepers that Jesus touched, no one would even dare to get near them but Jesus defy the norm. He loved the lepers and brought them healing and hope. This is why millions upon millions of believers today love and serve Jesus and pattern our lives after Him. When the selflessness of Christ is evident in us, the world is turned upside down for the glory of the Lord.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

From The Depth of His Heart

Last Wednesday, Monte (my husband) and I were at the Esplanade to watch a Japanese bamboo flute performance. The Japanese master teacher along with four of his students gave us an awesome performance. The master teacher has been playing the flute for forty years. What captivated me most was how he played with all his heart. His emotions were oozing out from him so powerfully and wonderfully. That top-notch performance had utterly enraptured us.