Thursday, March 06, 2025

Help Us to End This Race Well

Help us to end this race well. Strengthen us by the power of Your Spirit. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh and anew on us. Touch our broken lives. Breathe upon us, breath of God. Consume us as we lay on Your altar. Sanctify us as we worship You.

Help us to end this race well. Flood our hearts with Your love. Love personified. Love crucified. Love divine. We taste the sweetness of Your love. How deep is Your love! How strong is Your love! How wide is Your love. How rich is Your love!

Help us to end this race well. Guide us to the very end. Grant us a vision of the cross. Help to persevere. Help us to take baby steps of faith daily. This journey is peppered with Your power and grace. We are eternally grateful for Your work in our lives. Move powerfully through our lives and ministries.

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