Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Power of God

In 2021, I came down with Thyroid Eye Disease (TED). The Lord saw me through a very difficult time. There were countless medical appointments and treatments at Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC). SNEC discharged me on 16 July 2024. All glory be to the Lord! He is the mighty healer.

Some of symptoms of TED are double image, blurred image, pain, inability to close the eyes, extreme eye dryness and compromise colour vision. I had none of the above except for eye dryness and manageable pain. It is a miracle. The power of God is real. God is merciful.

God is great! He protects and covers us. The balm of Gilead comes into our broken bodies. He brings wholeness and healing. He rises with healing in His wings. He declare His healing upon us. He rights every wrong in our bodies. Thank You, Lord!

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