Monday, July 22, 2024

We Glorify Your Name

You have made us to glorify Your name. We lift Your name up high. We extol Your most high name. The name above every other name. We exalt You  We magnify You. 

You have made us to glorify Your name. We declare Your majesty. We proclaim Your glory. We honour You, our God and our King. Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Merciful Grace

Lord, You have blessed us beyond our wildest imagination. You have led us on an amazing journey that is peppered with Your strength and grace. 

You are the only one who can cause our hearts to leap with joy. You turned our mourning into joy. You give us beauty for ashes. Your love has lifted us.

We live to see Your glory. We live to taste Your goodness. We  live to see a sign of Your love. Consecrate our hearts. Turn our hearts like rivers of water. Direct us to where You desire us to be. Help us to understand Your purposes. We lay our lives on Your altar. Consume our broken lives.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Your Mercy Reigns

In every crisis, Your mercy reigns. Our eyes are on You. You see us through the fire. You see us through the storm. You strengthen our feeble knees. You are the Hope of glory, the Rock of ages. Our eternal hope. Our everlasting God and King.

In every crossroad, Your grace abounds. You direct our paths. You show us the way out of the maze. You grant us wisdom and insight. You broaden our understanding. You guide us. You lead. You help us. 

In every season Your love overflows. How deep is Your love. How strong is Your love. How high is Your love. How wide is Your love. Your love never fails. You sustain us by Your love and power.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thank You

Thank You for Your merciful grace. Grace abounding. Grace that sustains us in every season of our lives. Our hearts are eternally grateful for all You have done for us.

Thank You for Your nail pierced hands. Your love and sacrifice bring us to a place of release. You broaden our paths.You lead us to a spacious place. Our hearts find rest in You.

Thank You for Your sustaining power. Each day, You show us Your radiant glory. Each day, You show us Your merciful grace. Each day, You show us Your unfailing love. We bow at Your feet. The greatest calling is to worship You almighty God.

Monday, July 15, 2024


We trust You with our final breath. Lead us to Your empowering presence. Your presence liberates us. Your presence engulfs us. Abide in us. We long for Your courts.

We trust You with our final breath. We set our gaze on You. Every minute of every day is bursting with hope. Hope that is anchored in Your love. Hope that does not disappoint.

We trust You with our final breath. Lead us to Your high mountains. Strengthen our feeble knees. Hold us by the hand. Help us to navigate this perilous pathways. Our eyes are on You. Everlasting God and King, consume our broken lives.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Move Upon Our Hearts

Set our hearts ablazed. Let the fire of Your love burn bright and strong. Move upon our hearts. Our courage will not melt away. As we set our gaze on You, we are strengthened by the power of Your Spirit.

Mighty Conqueror, move on our behalf. We surge ahead with Your strengthening grace. We are bold and strong. We persevere with hope and optimism. 

Teach us to wait on You. We wait with expectancy. Let faith arise and let Your enemies be scattered. We rise with hope. We trust You wholeheartedly. We triumph in Your holy name. Blessed be the Lord God almighty. Blessed be Your glorious name.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Wow! Look at the sky at this moment.

We declare Your majesty. We stand amazed at Your mercy and grace. As we worship You, saturate our hearts with Your presence. Our hearts swell because of Your love. 

Direct our paths. Smoothen our paves. Bring us to a spacious place. We lean on You. We find strength in You.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Holy Anointing

Put us where our gifts will flourish. Open doors to minister in Your anointing. Empower us. Energise us. Liberate us.

Help us to lean on You. Help is to draw strength from Your holy presence. As we step out in obedience, anoint us to minister the power of Your grace.

We call on You. We rest in Your love. Come in Your might. Come in Your glory. Come in Your power. Work powerfully through our lives and ministries.

Friday, July 05, 2024

His Hand of Love

My mum had right knee replacement surgery on 14 May 2024. Today, I practised standing up from the chair with her. Thank God, mum is recovering so well.

Today is mum's physiotherapy. It went well. We appreciate the dedication and hardwork of the attending physiotherapist.

Mum is now 82 years old. The Lord watches over her lovingly. Each day, the Lord watches over our loved ones. As we pray, the Lord builds a hedge of protection around them. His hand of love is on them.

Monday, July 01, 2024


God is greatly to be magnified. Gratitude flows from my heart when I meditate on the goodness of God.

God has put people in Monte and my life. He blesses us through these people. They show us the love of Christ. 

Once, Dr W H blessed us with some funds to celebrate our wedding anniversary. 

L blessed me with probiotics when I fell ill.

K blessed me with super strength cranberry tablets when I came down with severe urinary tract infection.

D blessed us with Chinese New Year goodies more than once.
J L prayed for me when the bus she was on passed by my place. I marvel at God's goodness.

I underwent Intravenous Methylprenisolone treatment (IMPT) in March 2022 to treat my thyroid eye disease. I went through weekly treatment for 12 weeks. Each session lasted about an hour. At least 2 or 3 sisters in Christ offered to accompany me for my treatment. Wow! God is so good.

Last November, sister G knew that I had lost my spectacles. She paid for my new spectacles. . I am touched by her kindness and generosity.

Recently, sister L bought us a rice cooker. We are thankful.

Many people have blessed us financially. Many have prayed with us. Many have prayed for us.

God is at work in the hearts of brothers and sisters who care deeply for Monte and I. We thank each of you from the depth of our hearts.

Love, care and concern radiate from the hearts of God's people. The Lord works through each of us to touch broken people. 

God touches our hearts and prompts us to cover others in prayer. He impresses upon our hearts to respond to someone who has a need. He loves the world through each of us.

As we minister in the power of God. The Lord sensitises our hearts and anoints us to minister in the power of His love. He softens our hearts and makes us a channel of His love and blessing.