Monday, March 11, 2024

Faithful God

Lord, thank You for sustaining us day by day. Thank You for the miracle of life. Our lives are but a breath away. You keep us alive moment by moment.

We depend on You. We rely on You. You give us strength to live. You give us hope to persevere. You are all we ever needed.

In 2018, I became chronically ill. God has sustained me. As I live each day, I am increasingly aware that the breath of God sustains me. God is merciful. His love never fails.

God is with us. He journeys with us through every season of our lives. Each day, we are awakened to His love. Only fools will say that there is no God.

As we put our faith in God, He works through our broken lives. He performs miracles. He pours His grace and mercy on us.

Lord, teach us to number our days. Hold our hearts in Your hands. Let everything that has breath bless Your holy name. We worship You in the beauty of Your holiness.

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