Saturday, March 30, 2024

Because of Your Love

Lord, this glorious day beams with hope and expectancy. Because of Your love, we rejoice. Because of Your love, we celebrate life. Because of Your live, we have hope.

Come and abide in us. Sanctify us. Renew us. Refresh us. Captivate our hearts. Consume our lives as a living sacrifice.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Our Help is in the Name of the Lord

Faith comes from God. In the midst of challenging circumstances and situations, God infuses faith into our hearts.

Faith transcends the fire and the storm. God covers us. He protects us. He grants us wisdoms and insights to solve problems. He gives us creative ideas.

We trust God to help us in our hour of need. God in His love orchestrates our circumstances to bless us. He makes a way where there seems to be no way.

God rescues us. He delivers us. He helps us when we are between a wall and a hard place. He is the God of the eleventh hour. Our help is in the name of the Lord. 

Every Breath

With every breath we worship You. You are mighty to save. Mighty to heal. Mighty to deliver. There is nothing You cannot do. We believe in Your miraculous power. 

With every breath we trust You. Those who trust in You are like mount Zion. We shall not be moved. You are our firm foundation. You hold us in Your hands. You bring us to a spacious place. You keep us safe.

With every breath we follow You. Nothing can stop us from pursuing You. We follow You up the mountain. We follow You to deep valleys. We follow You wholeheartedly.

We Trust In You

Seeing the last glimpse of the moon before the sun starts to rise. God made the sun and the moon to mark the seasons. He orchestrates everything. He holds all things in His hands. He is the creator and master designer. He is mighty and glorious.

God who spoke this universe into existence cares for you and I. He looks into the minutest detail. He knows the number of hair on our head.

God assures us of His steadfast love. He assures us of His unfailing love. He pours His mercy and grace on us. He shows His might and glory. He reaches to the inner recesses of our hearts to renew us.

Lord, we yield to the work of Your Spirit. Draw us to You. Teach us to walk with love and humility. Guide our steps. Direct the way You desire us to go. We follow You wherever You lead us. We trust in You.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Forever Grateful

We are forever grateful to You. We come on bended knees. We come with upraised hands. We come humbly before. King of kings and Lord of lords, You are worthy.

We are forever grateful to You. We are fully dependent on You. You give us reason to live. You give reason to hope. You give us reason to be expectant.

We are forever grateful to You. You are sovereign. You are supreme. You are unparalleled. No one can compare with You. You have made us to glorify Your name. We declare Your majesty. We proclaim Your glory.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Almighty God

God does not merely listen to our prayer. He is a prayer answering God. He inspires our hearts to trust Him to perform miracles. He inspires our hearts to believe Him even though the odds are against us.

God bestows His blessings on us. All the resources are in His hands. He is God of more than enough. He supply our needs. He directs the ravens to send us food. He teaches us to trust Him without a tinge of doubt.

God comes in His glory. He comes in His power. He is the great I am. He is Alpha and Omega. He is the beginning and the end. He is unparalleled. He is almighty God.

You are the Strength of Our Hearts

You are the strength of our hearts
You sustain us
You energise us
You empower us

You are the strength of our hearts
You bring release 
You bring comfort
You bring hope

We trust You
From sunrise to sunset
We trust You
When we lay down to rest
We trust You
With every breath

You are the strength of our hearts
You are why we rise with expectancy 
You are why we rise with hope
You are why our hearts leap with joy

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Faithful God

Monte and our spiritual parents, Rev Everett and Evelyn McKinney 

As I am watching the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) graduation online, my heart is bursting.

I would have loved to be with Monte for the graduation but my thyroid eye disease is still at bay. Flying intensifies my upper eyelid swelling. The altitude of APTS also affects my eye swelling as it is situated 5000 feet above sea level.

God is ever faithful. By His grace, Monte completed the PhD in 3 years. In reality, it would have taken 5 years.

Some 10-15 people gave towards this endeavour. God provided for every cent. His miraculous provision is real. We are thankful for all who were involved. People blessed us financially. People prayed. People encouraged us. We call to remembrance the many who have journeyed with us all these years.

I vividly remember the many hours we spent travailing in prayer. We do not know how the PhD will come to fruition. We know that God spoke and He will bring it to pass. We are mindful of our smallness and the greatness of His glory and power.

We pray for God to continue to lead and guide us. We pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to fall upon us. We pray for the power of God to saturate our hearts. We pray for the power of God to move in His anointing.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

I Love You, Monte

I Love You, Monte

My beloved husband
Soul mate
Life partner
Best friend
Prayer partner

On 20 March 1999, Monte and I tied the knot. This holy matrimony has changed our lives forever. God is greatly to be praised.

I am so blessed to have a loving husband. I have spent the best years of my life with Monte.

We have journeyed with the Lord through thick and thin. We went to the highest mountain. We went to the deepest valley. We see the glory of the living God. We taste His goodness. We know His mercy. Oh! How deep is the love of God. How wide is the love of God. How strong is the love of God.

Each day, we live to see the glory of God. We live to see a sign of His goodness. We live with expectant hope.

I love you, Monte! ❤️

Monday, March 18, 2024

We Worship You

Every chirping bird sings of Your glory. Every blooming flower blooms for Your glory. All creation worship the everliving God. Let the mountains sing. Let the rivers clap their hands. Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name.

We come in reverential love. We bow in humble adoration. We need You desperately. We cling to You. We call on Your great name. 

Captivate our hearts. Our preoccupation is You and You alone. Let the meditations of our hearts be pure. Sensitise us to move of Your Spirit. We worship You almighty God.

Friday, March 15, 2024

We Need You

Our lives are in Your good hands. We rest in Your love. We have perfect liberty. We have a living hope. We thrive by Your grace. 

Strengthen our feeble knees. Strengthen our frail bodies. Renew and energise us by the power of Your Spirit. Wash over us. Cover us with Your unfailing love.

We need You more with each passing day. We revel in Your love. We trust You with every breath. We know that we are incapable to go on without Your empowerment and strength. Let us raise a song of praise to You daily.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Move Upon Us

Come breathe upon us, breath of God. Let the power of Your Spirit penetrate through every facet of our lives. We live and move and have our being in You.

Come in Your mercy. Abide in us. Sanctify us as we worship You. Move mightily through each of us.

Spirit of God, lift us up. Draw us into Your glorious presence. Empower and transform us as we come in humble adoration. Renew us in Your love. Release us to move in Your anointing.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Vision of the Cross

Fill our eyes with the vision of the cross. The vision of perfection. The vision of clarity. The vision of redemption. Let our lives shine gloriously for You. Make us Your instrument of praise.

Fill our hearts with the love of our Maker. Love overflowing. Love bubbling over. Love that permeates with Your presence. Love personified. Love crucified. Love that spurs us to go an extra mile for You.

Fill our hearts with the joy of Christ. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Joy unspeakable. Joy bubbling over. Joy overflowing. Joy that cannot be contained.

We Live in You

We live in You. We live in the light of Your love. We live in the light of Your glory. In everything we do, we honour and worship You.

Lord, let Your fire consume us. Let Your fire cleanse us. Let Your fire burn deep within our hearts. Let the life and light of Christ penetrate through the core of our being. 

We need You, Lord. We need the touch of Your love. We need You in everyday living. Lead and guide us into Your purposes and plans. Direct our paths. Lead us to conquer every mountain.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Faithful God

Lord, thank You for sustaining us day by day. Thank You for the miracle of life. Our lives are but a breath away. You keep us alive moment by moment.

We depend on You. We rely on You. You give us strength to live. You give us hope to persevere. You are all we ever needed.

In 2018, I became chronically ill. God has sustained me. As I live each day, I am increasingly aware that the breath of God sustains me. God is merciful. His love never fails.

God is with us. He journeys with us through every season of our lives. Each day, we are awakened to His love. Only fools will say that there is no God.

As we put our faith in God, He works through our broken lives. He performs miracles. He pours His grace and mercy on us.

Lord, teach us to number our days. Hold our hearts in Your hands. Let everything that has breath bless Your holy name. We worship You in the beauty of Your holiness.

Friday, March 08, 2024


On 12 May 2022, I was with my mum for her doctor's appointment. While waiting, she was working on some calculations to stimulate her mind. 

She came down with Alzheimer's in 2019, God watches over her lovingly. I bring her before the Lord daily.

Courageous Hope

The Christian hope is unique because hope comes from God Himself. He blesses us with hope. His courageous hope spurs us to trust the Lord no matter how difficult life is.

Courageous hope is anchored in the love of God. As we put our hope in God, He keeps us whole and safe. Though the odds are against us, the Lord challenges us to trust Him. He honours our faith. He honours every act of obedience.

Hope burns bright and strong in our hearts. The undying hope grows stronger with each passing day. Hope that perseveres. Hope that leads us to the heart of God.

Merciful God

In recent years, God spoke to me about preaching the Gospel and I received it with gratitude. My heart was overwhelmed with the goodness of God.

When God spoke, I did not doubt. I started to pray for God to open the door. I shared with Monte and some people.

I waited in expectancy. My heart was bursting with excitement. The Lord opened the door for me to preach His word on 23 January 2023 at Baguio International Chinese Church in Baguio, Philippines. 

Thank you, Pastor Moon Tee for the opportunity to share the word. Special thanks to Pastor Tham Wan for the encouraging introduction.

God inspires faith in our hearts for the miraculous. The anointing of God is not for the selected few. God wants to minister through each of us. He ministers through broken vessels. He works through our vulnerabilities. He anoints us as we step out in obedience.

Wednesday, March 06, 2024

Move Spirit Move

Move Spirit move. Fall upon us, Spirit of the living God. Move upon our broken lives. Ignite Your holy fire in us.

Flow river flow. Flow with power. Flow with intensity. Flow with strength. I do not want to wade in  ankle-deep water. We do not want to wade in knee-deep water. We want to swim in Your river. We want to be completely immersed in the power of Your Spirit.

Shine Jesus shine. Live Your life through each of us. Shine gloriously through us. Shine powerfully through us. We desire to live in the light of Your glory. Shine Your glorious light on us. Make us a channel of Your love.

We Worship You

The sky is stunningly beautiful. God created this universe. All creation worship the everliving God. His majesty and splendour is on full in the hearts of His people.

Lord, we worship You. We prostrate. We bow down. We exalt Your most high name. The  name that is above every other name.

We Trust in You

Your eyes are on the sparrows. You watch over Your creation. You beautify the earth. You bless us with luscious vegetation. You bless us with blooming flowers.

You supply our every need. You teach us to trust You. You direct Your ravens to bring us food. We are fully dependent on Your grace and provision.

Thank You for teaching us to live by faith. Thank You for putting eternity in our hearts. We trust in Your miraculous power. We worship You with our final breath.

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Rebuild Our Broken Walls

Lord, You are the repairer of broken walls. You are the restorer of broken lives. Supreme God, we bow in humble adoration.

Renew and rebuild us. Nothing will separate us from Your love. Hold us in Your arms. Encourage and strengthen us. 

In seasons of hardships and challenges, our eyes are fixed on You. You give us hope to live. You give us hope to persevere. We worship You almighty God.

Monday, March 04, 2024

Evèning Praise

Your glorious presence is on full display in all the earth. Come in Your glory. Come in Your grace. Come in Your power.

Merciful Lord, ignite our hearts. Set our hearts ablaze. Burn it deep within our soul. Burn it strong. Burn it incessantly.

We will give You glory and honour. We have decided to follow wherever You lead us. Take us by the hand. Bring us to where we belong.

Faithful God

Today, I went through colonoscopy. Thank God that it turned out well. There were no  polyps. 

As we trust the Lord, He gives us peace. The Lord is in complete control. The circumstances and challenges does not determine us. God walks with us. He cares for the sparrows in the air. What more for you and I. We are in God's good hands.

We may not fully comprehend the workings of the Lord. He wants us to trust Him with no conditions. Our full confidence is in God and His goodness.

He knows our pain and struggles. He grants us solace and strength. He gives us undying hope.

We set our eyes on God who never fails. We set our hearts to seek Him to love Him.

God is in full control. In the eye of the storm, He shows us that we can rely and depend on Him. God is faithful in every season of our lives.

Divine Love

Nothing we can do can make the Lord love us more. He loves us the way we are. We do not need to prove our love to Him. He loves us unconditionally.

He does not measure our love by what we do or do not do. All He wants is our hearts. A heart that embraces Him. A heart that cries out for more of Him. A heart that follows hard Him.

For His love compels us to reach greater heights and deeper depths in Him. All earthly things grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. His divine love permeates through our lives.

O Lord, enlarge our capacity to contain all that You want to do in and through us. We long for Your divine love to flow through us powerfully. Touch the world through each of us.