Monte and our spiritual parents, Rev Everett and Evelyn McKinney |

As I am watching the Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) graduation online, my heart is bursting.
I would have loved to be with Monte for the graduation but my thyroid eye disease is still at bay. Flying intensifies my upper eyelid swelling. The altitude of APTS also affects my eye swelling as it is situated 5000 feet above sea level.
God is ever faithful. By His grace, Monte completed the PhD in 3 years. In reality, it would have taken 5 years.
Some 10-15 people gave towards this endeavour. God provided for every cent. His miraculous provision is real. We are thankful for all who were involved. People blessed us financially. People prayed. People encouraged us. We call to remembrance the many who have journeyed with us all these years.
I vividly remember the many hours we spent travailing in prayer. We do not know how the PhD will come to fruition. We know that God spoke and He will bring it to pass. We are mindful of our smallness and the greatness of His glory and power.
We pray for God to continue to lead and guide us. We pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to fall upon us. We pray for the power of God to saturate our hearts. We pray for the power of God to move in His anointing.