Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Mount Us on Wings Like Eagles

Mount us on wings like eagles, help us to see through Your eyes. Grant us laser sharp vision. We see through eyes of faith. We see You in every day living. Grant us eternal perspectives. Sharpen our vision we pray. 

Mount us on wings like eagles, help us to rise with faith. Faith that inspires us to trust You for the miraculous. Endow us with gifts and talents to serve You and Your people.

Mount us on wings like eagles, help us to soar high into the sky. Broaden our understanding. Grant us insights and wisdom. As we soar higher, we have a clearer picture. You give us a bird's eye view. 

Strengthens our hearts to persevere. We press into Your presence. We have decided to follow You. There is no turning back. 

Lord, help us to soar into the skies. Help us to grow in leaps and bounds. Help us to persevere in Your love.  As we soar in the skies, reveal Your glory and grace to us powerfully.

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