Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Power of His Love

One of the blessings of journeying with Christ is the power of change. The Lord changes us. The Lord is transforming us daily. We encounter the Lord daily.

God is actively at work in us. In His love, we learn to persevere. We learn to work through tough situations and circumstances. 

God changes us. Through the power of God's love, we step out to embrace people. We begin to see people through the eyes of Jesus.

Do a deeper work in us. Let Your image be formed in us. Make us more like You. Teach us to be a servant. Teach us to love. Do a deep and a lasting work in our lives.

Celebrate Jesus

Merciful Lord, thank You for a brand new day to taste Your goodness. All creation worship You almighty God.

Let all those who seek You rejoice. We celebrate life. We celebrate Jesus. We proclaim Your glory. We worship You With all of our hearts.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Rooted In You

Let our lives be rooted in You. Your hope abounds. Your love abounds. Your strength abounds. Renew us in Your love.

Let our lives be rooted in You. You put eternity in our hearts. Teach us to number of days. Let Your eternal plans and purposes be fulfilled on our lives.

Let our lives be rooted in You. Anchor us in Your love. Our hearts find rest in You. Our sole desire is You. Take Your place in our hearts. Be magnified. Be exalted. Be high and lifted up.

King Of Glory

Let the King of glory enter. Lift up our heads. The Lord comes in His glory and might. He shines His glorious light in our broken lives.

Let the King of glory enter. Come, Lord. Move in the power of Your Spirit. Come and abide in us.

Let the King of glory enter. Let the glory of God fall. The fools say that there is no God. But wise men still seek You today. Let every heart turn to You. Let every knee bow.

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Thank You, Lord

Yesterday, I saw a rainbow in the water. It was amazing.

God is with us. He is with us in every season of our lives. Though the odds are against us. The Lord reminds us that He is all we ever needed.

His faithfulness reaches to the skies. He opens our eyes to see His wonders. He touches our hearts and inspire us unceasingly.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Omnipotent God

The power Of God is real. He is not a God that is made of wood, metal or stones. He is alive. He is the everliving God.

God performs miracles powerfully. His surpassing greatness is unparalleled. Future generations will remember and testify the wonder working power of God.

God inspires faith in our hearts. In the goodness of God, He pours His mercy and grace on us.

He manifests His glory. He shows us His signs and wonders. We stand amazed at the marvelous work of our omnipotent God.

When we step out in obedience, His anointing comes upon us. His power comes upon us. We begin to move in His anointing.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

How Great Is Our God

Last night, Monte and I were out at Changi beach. We had a wonderful evening together.

We had a picnic dinner and laid a ground sheet on the grass patch.

I took these photos as I laid on my back. Peering into the night sky is magical. 

God is magnified and our problems disintegrate. God shows us He is mighty. He is in complete control.

God made the universe. He created every star in the sky and named each one of them. How majestic is our glorious God. How great is our God!

Hide Us In Your Love

You are our hiding place. Hide us in Your love. Hide us in the cleft of the rock. Our redeemer and deliverer, we rest in Your love. 

Come Lord, come and empower us. Come and rebuild us. Come and restore us. Your merciful love lead to all that You desire for our lives.

We abide in Your live. We cling to You. We depend on You completely. 


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Stir Our Hearts

Stir our hearts. Lead us to Your plans and purposes. We hear Your clarion call. The call to worship You. The call to bow at Your feet. We lay ourselves on Your altar. Move upon our broken lives. Let us be a pleasing sacrifice. Sanctify us, Lord.

Stir our hearts. Lead us to Your holy presence. Empower and energise us. Release us to move in Your anointing. Put us in a place where our gifts will flourish. Open doors of opportunities for us to serve You and Your people.

Stir our hearts. Lead us to Your living streams. Your streams of delight. Your streams of refreshing. We bask in Your presence. Renew us in Your love. Bring us strength and encouragement. Our hearts find rest in You.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Merciful Saviour

Lord, never will there be one as faithful as You. Never will there will one as loving as You.

We are awakened by Your love. We invite the Holy Spirit to move upon our lives this day. Touch us and be glorified in us. Shine Your glorious on us. Make our lives count.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Work Mightily Through Us

God is looking for a broken people. Our lives are transformed by our merciful God. Break us, mould us in Your loving hands.

God is looking for a contrite people. Teach us to submit humbly. Teach us to surrender completely. The broken and contrite in heart shall see the glory of the living God.

God is looking for a willing people. We are willing. We lay our lives on Your altar. We are at Your disposal. Align our lives to Your will and purpose.

Hope And Optimism

This glorious morning is bursting with hope and optimism.

Let the weak say I am strong. Let the weary find strength in Your sanctuary.

Your love sustains us daily. Your rich mercy come pouring through us as we seek Your face. Draw us to Yourself. Bring us to our knees.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Enter In

Let our hearts be wide open. Wide open for the King of glory to come in. Our eternal and glorious God. Endowed with power and wisdom. Take complete control of our faculty of our being.

Let our hearts be wide open. Wide open for the Rock of ages to enter. You are our firm foundation. The eternal Rock, our strength and our mighty fortress.

Let our hearts be wide open. Wide open for the Balm of Gilead to flow through. Heal and restore us. Touch us from the sole of our feet to the top of our heads. Let Your healing power flow through us.

We Cry Out To You

Each day we cry out to You, thanking You for Your unending mercy. Your mercy is new ever morning. You pour Your mercy on us  daily. We turn our eyes to You. We posture our hearts to seek You.

Each day we cry out to You, thanking You for Your unfailing love. Your love has lifted us. Your love brings us hope and encouragement.

Each day we cry out to You, thanking You for Your empowering presence. Teach us to linger in Your presence. Beholding Your beauty and glory. Floods our hearts with Your presence.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

We Seek You

We seek You. We love You. Seeking You with no agenda. Drawing near purely from a heart of worship. We long for You more with each passing day. The more we know You, we realise there is more to discover about You.

Draw us to Yourself. Draw us into Your glorious presence. We draw near and abide in You. Cover us with Your love. Engulf us with Your fire. Do a deep and a lasting work in our lives.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Mighty Healer

A couple of years ago, I had a tooth that was highly sensitive. Hot or cold food will cause the sensitivity to strike. There was also low grade pain from time to time. It went on for more than a year.

Countless visits to the dentists did not yield any result. They could not identify the cause of the tooth sensitivity.

Is has been a few months to a year since I last had any sensitivity in the tooth. The pain is completely gone. Glory be to God! 

God has healed me. The great physician is greatly to be exalted. God is mighty to heal. 

As we reach out to our healer. The Balm of Gilead flow through our broken bodies. We become living testimonies for God's glory. God is supreme. God rules and reigns in all eternity.

Lord, let Your healing flow through us. Right every wrong in our bodies. Bring wholeness and healing to our bodies. Let faith arise to believe You for miraculous healing. We worship You almighty God.

Mount Us on Wings Like Eagles

Mount us on wings like eagles, help us to see through Your eyes. Grant us laser sharp vision. We see through eyes of faith. We see You in every day living. Grant us eternal perspectives. Sharpen our vision we pray. 

Mount us on wings like eagles, help us to rise with faith. Faith that inspires us to trust You for the miraculous. Endow us with gifts and talents to serve You and Your people.

Mount us on wings like eagles, help us to soar high into the sky. Broaden our understanding. Grant us insights and wisdom. As we soar higher, we have a clearer picture. You give us a bird's eye view. 

Strengthens our hearts to persevere. We press into Your presence. We have decided to follow You. There is no turning back. 

Lord, help us to soar into the skies. Help us to grow in leaps and bounds. Help us to persevere in Your love.  As we soar in the skies, reveal Your glory and grace to us powerfully.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Cry of Our Hearts

The cry of our hearts is that You will cleanse us. Cleanse us with hyssop. Cleanse us from deep within. Remove everything that hinders us from drawing near to You.

The cry of our hearts is that You will soften our hearts. We want to know You. We want to see You. We want to hear You. Move upon us. Let our hearts be like a sponge to absorb everything that comes from You. Saturate us with Your holy presence.

The cry of our hearts is that You will work mightily through our broken lives. Love the world through each of us. We are channels of Your love. We are channels of Your blessing. We carry Your presence everywhere we go. Minister powerfully through us we pray.

Monday, August 14, 2023


On 4 August 2023, I took a shot of the sky from home. There was an brownish tinge. It was mesmerising.

The beauty of the Lord is unparalleled. We are made to glorify the Lord. God touches our hearts with our emotions. He also reveals Himself through the things we see. We experience God through our five senses.

Help Us

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. We come in holy reverence. We come in humble adoration.

Lord of the universe, You spoke the universe into existence. Inspire our hearts to believe You for miracles.

We pray for divine intervention. We pray for divine help. We pray for deliverance. We call upon Your mighty name.

We worship You in the beauty of Your holiness. Draw us to Yourself. Draw us into the desert. Draw us into the high mountains. Draw us to Your presence. We seek You with all of our hearts.

Seek the Lord and You shall be found. All those who seek You will rejoice. We will scale new heights by the power of the Spirit. Nothing will deter us from seeking You.

We have decided to follow You. We press into Your presence. We persevere by Your love. We triumph in You. We lean on You. We need You desperately.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Move Upon Our Lives

We make for Your Holy Spirit to move. Spirit of the living God, come upon us. We give reign to You. Move mightily. Move powerfully.

We want to be vulnerable. We yield ourselves. We offer our lives as a living sacrifice. Consume us, Lord.

Let Your Spirit come. Let Your will be done. We need You. We are completely surrendered to You. We are at Your disposal. Rule and reign in us. Captivate our hearts. Let Your will be done. 

Sustaining Power

This glorious morning, flood our hearts with Your sustaining power. Let Your presence permeate through every part of our broken lives.

You hold all things together. You are in complete control. We trust in Your hope all day long.

Grant us a fresh hunger and a fresh thirst. We come in humble submission. We come with open hearts.

Spirit Of The Living God, fall afresh on us. We the redeemed people of God stand on the firm foundation. We will be bold and strong. We rely completely on You.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Thank God For Monte

God has been so good to Monte and I. We were married in March 1999. We cherish each day that God has blessed us to live as one. A lifetime is too short to love someone.

God pours His mercy and grace on us daily. He unfolds His plans and purposes to us as we seek Him.

We would never be where we are have it not been for the mercy of our Saviour. 

The Lord has brought us to the highest heights and the deepest depths. All we see is His goodness. All we see is His loving-kindness.

We call to mind the faithfulness of God. He is unchanging. He is fully dependable. His love never fails.

Each day, we see signs of His goodness. Each day, we see glimpses of His glory. God is mighty. Mighty to save. Mighty to heal. Mighty to deliver.

Hope Abounds

This glorious morning, we stand amazed at Your love and goodness. You are our strength. You are our portion forever.

Deep calls to deep. Hope abounds when we dwell in presence. Grace abounds when we behold Your glory. Mercy abounds when Your love overwhelm us.

We bow. We surrender. We yield to the move of Your Spirit upon our broken lives.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Move Upon Us

God is in complete control. He hems us in behind and before. He protects us from seen and unseen danger. No fiery dart will hit us.

God is in complete control. Fear, doubt and anxiety will flee. The power of God's presence will flood our hearts. The peace of God flows like a river. Let go and let God rescue and deliver us.

We put our trust in almighty God. We set our faces like flint. We seek You And bow in humble adoration. We are at Your disposal. We stand at Your command. 

Move upon us. Breathe upon us breath of God. Let Your glory fall. Let Your fire consume us. Let everything that had breath praise Your holy name.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Faithful God

My mum is 81 years old. I thank God for His hand of protection over her.

She recounted that she had on some occasions almost fell. She was somehow able to break the fall.

I firmly believe that God watches over my mum. She keeps her safe. She protects her from seen and unseen danger. God covers her.

The Lord assures me of His goodness. He watches over my mum. 

The comfort of knowing that we can rely on the Lord daily is reassuring. The  circumstances and situations are often beyond us and God is beckoning us to put our complete trust in Him. We rest in His love.

Merciful Saviour

You send Your ravens when we are hungry. Our hope is in You. You are our only source. You are our provider. Our hearts are overwhelmed with gratefulness.

You fill our mouths with laughter when days are difficult. Nothing is too hard for You. Our faith arises when we dwell on Your word. Your presence floods our hearts as we worship You.

You shower us with Your love when the flowers stop blooming. The odds are against us but Your love spurs us on. We trust You only. We lean on You moment by moment. 

We Need You

Give us a thirst that is unquenchable. We drink from Your living streams. We linger along Your river banks. We drink deep of Your love and presence. We drink deep from the river of delight.

Give us a hunger that never satisfies. A hunger that cries out for more of You. Saturate our hearts with You. More love. More power. More of You in our broken lives.

Give us a longing that is unending. A longing that craves for Your presence increasingly. Your inspiring presence. Your empowering presence. Your liberating presence. Fill us with Your Spirit this day. We need You, Lord!

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Be Still

Be still and know that He is God. God supreme. God almighty. The God of this universe. The Lord of all.

Be still and know that He is sovereign. He rules. He reigns. He holds all things together. He is the beginning and the end. He is alpha and omega.

Be still and know that He is unparalleled. Who can compare with the Lord! There is none like Him. He is invincible. He is indescribable. He is our all in all.

Monday, August 07, 2023

God's Miraculous Provision

In January 2019, our washing machine broke down. It was beyond repair.

Monte and I prayed. God answered our prayer. The Lord provided us a used washing machine. It is amazing that we are still using it today.

God provides for us miraculously. He helps us in our times of need. He teaches us to wait on Him. He teaches us to trust Him.

We do not waver. We do not fear. God is with us. He reaches out to lift us up. His love lifts us up.

He continues to amaze us daily. He covers us with His love and mercy.

There is nothing our God cannot do. He carries the weight of the world on His shoulders, He will carry us through it all. Our God is faithful.

On Bended Knees

We come on bended knees. We come with hearts wide open. Touch our hearts. Touch our lives. Move upon us.

We come in total surrender. Sanctify us.  Cleanse our hearts. Let Your will be done in us. Remove every barrier and obstacle. Release us to move in Your anointing. We lay our lives on Your altar.

Saturday, August 05, 2023

Resting In Your Love

We rest in Your love. We rest in full assurance in You. You are unchanging. You are fully dependable. Teach us to rest in the midst of a raging storm. We are anchored deeply in You. 

We glory in Your grace. Let Your grace abound. Your grace is sufficient for us. Take us deeper into Your grace. We want to to see Your glory. We want to know Your grace.

We bask in Your presence. Your presence liberates us. You bring us healing and wholeness. You bring us peace that passes understanding. Your presence overpowers us. Your presence empowers us.

Living Hope

With the finishing line in view, we press into Your presence. Help us to persevere. Help us to lean on You. Release us and empower us today.

With the finishing line in view, we run with full faith. Faith that moves mountains. Faith that pleases You. Faith that spurs us on to believe You for the miraculous.

With the finishing line in view, Your hope floods our hearts. You are the reason why we exist. Your hope leads us to live victoriously. Your hope gives us meaning and purpose to live. We thank You for Your living hope.  

Thursday, August 03, 2023

We Are Blessed

We are blessed to receive Your mercy. You saved us. You give us meaning and purpose to live. Every breath we take reminds us of Your goodness.

You poured in the oil and the wine. You restore us and rebuild us. You made us whole again.

We are blessed to receive Your love. Love that liberates us. Love that empowers us. Love that inspires us. Love so deep. Love so strong. Love so rich. We are eternally grateful to You, Lord.

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Lead Us

Lead us by the hand. Bring us to where we belong. Lead us to where we will flourish. Bring us to a place where our gifts can be released.

Lead us from victory to victory. Lead us from faith to faith. Lead us to conquer mountains. Lead us to swim in raging rivers. Open our eyes to see the miraculous. Show us Your power and Your might.

Sustain Us

Cast our cares on the Lord and He will sustain us. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He carries the weight of the world on His shoulders and He carries us. 

Cast our eyes on the Lord and He will lead us to green pastures. He makes level paths for us to walk through. He brings us to a spacious place. He grants us freedom. He keeps us safe. 

Lead us to Your living streams. Lead us to Your majestic mountains. You are our strength. You are our eternal hope. You are all we ever needed.