Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Awakened by Your Love

Each day as we are awakened by Your love. We are overwhelmed by Your goodness. The privilege of knowing You is endless.  

We rise with hope and purpose. We are awakened by Your mercy and grace. We are awakened by Your hope.

We are blessed beyond our wildest imagination. You fill us with exceeding great joy. You warm our hearts with Your love. Love so deep. Love so strong. Love so wide. Love divine.

You bless us with wholeness and healing. You provide for our every need. You calm our raging seas. You give meaning and purpose to live.

We thrive. We are vibrant. We are hopeful. We triumph in Your victory.

Lord, we are eternally grateful. Grateful for every breath. Grateful for undying hope. Grateful to love and serve You and Your people.

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