Tuesday, May 31, 2022


I am thankful to my brother, Nicholas, who blessed my mum and I with a staycation for the past few days.  We had such a wonderful time together.  My mum is so happy.

Thursday, May 26, 2022


God has blessed me with my wonderful and loving mum. She will soon be 80 in June 2022.

My mum has a host of health challenges.  Three years ago, she was diagnosed with dementia.  At her last memory clinic appointment in May 2022, the two attending specialists placed her at the  mild stage.  It is a miracle.  God is so merciful and gracious.

Daily, I pray for God to cover her.  I pray for God's presence to surround.  I pray for God to protect her from seen and unseen danger.  God is so powerful, He watches over our loved ones. All glory be to God our help, our hope and all we can say is that God is loving and kind.  His mercies are new every morning.  Each day, we live in the light of His love.  Each day, we cry out to our maker.  He is faithful.

The Pure in Heart shall See Your Face

I am out brisk walking this glorious morning.  Lord, let everything that has breath praise Your glorious name.  

Let the power of Your presence flood our hearts. Fill us till we overflow.  Let every heart that seek You rejoice. 

The pure in heart shall see Your face.  The pure in heart shall hear Your voice.  The pure in heart shall behold You in Your beauty and splendour.
Teach us to number our days.  We worship You almighty God.  We bow in humble adoration.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Awakened by Your Love

Each day as we are awakened by Your love. We are overwhelmed by Your goodness. The privilege of knowing You is endless.  

We rise with hope and purpose. We are awakened by Your mercy and grace. We are awakened by Your hope.

We are blessed beyond our wildest imagination. You fill us with exceeding great joy. You warm our hearts with Your love. Love so deep. Love so strong. Love so wide. Love divine.

You bless us with wholeness and healing. You provide for our every need. You calm our raging seas. You give meaning and purpose to live.

We thrive. We are vibrant. We are hopeful. We triumph in Your victory.

Lord, we are eternally grateful. Grateful for every breath. Grateful for undying hope. Grateful to love and serve You and Your people.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Come, Lord!  Come into every part of us that is broken.  Broken hearts, broken dreams, broken lives. Renew, rebuild and restore us by the power of Your spirit.  Energise and empower us to live in Your will. Transform and work Your purposes in us.  Lead us into Your path.  Order our desires and align our hearts to Yours.  Pour Your spirit on us and make us whole again. 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Almighty God

Lord, You flow through every broken vessel.  You flow through every contrite heart.  You flow through our broken lives.  Bring us deeper into Your grace.  Bring us deeper into Your love.  Bring us deeper into Your presence.  Let Your fire consume us. Let Your fire purify us.  Let Your fire burn deeper and stronger in our hearts.  Fresh fire of Your love.  Fresh fire of Your anointing. Fresh fire of Your power.  Come Lord, enter in.  Enter in, our King of glory.  Our Rock of ages.  Our soon and coming King.  Our eternal God. Lord, we bow down in humble adoration.  All creation proclaims Your glory.  We worship You, almighty God. 


Only God can cause our hearts to leap with joy.  The stress and challenge of life will never knock us down.  Deep joy comes from the Lord.  The problems may not be solved.  The heartache is real.  Yet, the joy of the Lord is our strength.  Joy unspeakable. Overflowing joy that bubbles over.  God reminds us that He is actively at work in every area of our lives.  He has numbered the strands of hair on our heads.  He has engraved our names on His palms.  We rest in everlasting joy.  Joy that lasts because of His love never ends.

Friday, May 20, 2022

We Will Follow You

It does not matter where You are leading us.  We will You to the very end.  Lead us to Your rushing river.  Lead us to Your breathtaking peak.  Bring us to Your straight and narrow path.  We have decided to follow You.  Lead us to Your liberating love.  Lead us to Your calming presence. Lead us to Your empowering grace.  No matter how hard it is.  We have decided to follow You. 

Thursday, May 19, 2022

We Cry Out to You

As children of the most high God, we have the privilege to cry out to the Lord. We call on His almighty name.  We reach out through the maddening crowd to touch the hem of His garment.  We need Him desperately.  Without Him we will never survive.

His ears are inclined to our cries.  A mother praying for her wayward son,  a father praying for his struggling business.  A young lady battling spiralling depression.  The Lord cares and loves us deeply.  He knows our pain and struggles.  He is the only one who holds all things together.  

He challenges us to trust Him with all of our hearts.  As we lay our lives on the altar.  He consumes us in His love and divine power.  He works mighty miracles and opens our hearts to understand that there is absolutely nothing He cannot do.  

He calls us to Himself.  He calls us to purity.  He calls to linger in His courts.  To behold His power and His grace.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

He is Lord

Today marks the the 9 of my 12 IV Methylprednisolone treatment.  God has poured His mercy and grace lavishly on me.  The only reason why I am alive today is because of the sustaining love and power of God.  God had blessed Monte and I beyond our wildest imagination.  There is no greater love.  There is none like our God and saviour.  The Lord reaches to the innermost part of our being and releases His strength and power.  The love of God envelopes us.  The power of God’s presence gives us energy and strength to press on.  We experience God's empowering presence every moment of the day. God comes powerfully into our lives and shows the world that He is Lord.  Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord.  Lord of all.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Be Magnified

I started blogging in 2007.  I am thankful that Jee Fong's Corner is kept on all these years.  I am grateful that I have penned down the precious experiences God has brought me through.

I see the height, depth and breadth of the love of God.  I taste the goodness and grace of God.  I know His rich mercies that are new every morning.  

God's loving kindness is better than life. He is like honey in the rock.  What divine joy and hope!  O, magnify the Lord!  Be exalted.  Be high and lifted up.  God of great power.  God of great grace.  God of great love.

Let every thing that has breath bless His holy name. Let every heart that seeks Him rejoice!  The eternal purpose of God is fulfilled in every broken vessel. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Faith Touches the Heart of God

Back in June 1999 - April 2000, Monte and I were in Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in Baguio, Philippines. Housing Development Board (HDB) of Singapore notified us that the application for our flat in Sengkang is approved and it was time for selection. 

We came back to Singapore around April 2000.  I vividly remember Monte and I went to the foot of our HDB block. We prayed around the block. God honours faith. Our faith touches the heart of God. 

God provided me a job and we were able to purchase the flat. He is Jehovah Jireh. He meets all our needs.

God is the centre of our focus. The Lord draws us to Himself. He wants 100 percent from you and I. He wants to flood our hearts with His love. He wants to empower us with His word. He wants to newew us with His presence.

Monte and I moved into our 17th floor (highest floor) flat in August 2001. Our hearts well up with thanksgiving. God is faithful. He blesses us beyond our wildest imagination. He is our provider. He is all we ever needed.

Sunday, May 08, 2022

Your Mercy Reigns

You cover us with Your love
You protect us
You hem us in

You watch over us
You defend us
You envelope us

Our defender
Our help
Our hope
Our protecter 
Our all in all

Your mercy reigns 
Your power rules
Your grace abounds 

Thursday, May 05, 2022

Mighty God

In the midst of IV Methylprednisolone treatment for my thyroid eye disease, I battle the side effects of the medicine.  As the going gets tough, the Lord reminds me of His active involvement in every facet of my life.  I taste the goodness of God.  I know His unfailing love.  I receive His overflowing mercy and grace.

The journey to the heart of God is filled with unending mercies and empowering love.  God pours His grace on us.  The storm will end.  The birds will fly again.  God's merciful grace helps us when our knees are weak.  He never leave us nor forsake us.  He gives us a living hope.  He spurs us on to persevere in love.  God's love is deeper than the deepest ocean.  How can we ever live another moment without Him.  His sustaining power works mightily to transform us.  He reveals His unwavering love for us through the move of His spirit in our broken lives.  Lord, touch our hearts.  Manifest Your love and power  through each of us. 

Tuesday, May 03, 2022


To breathe
To know Your grace
To taste Your goodness 


To touch the hem of Your garment 
To hear Your still small voice 
Trusting You
Loving You
Worshipping You

Monday, May 02, 2022

Great Is The Lord

Our limited vocabulary is incapable to fully express the greatness and goodness of God.  God is boundless.  He is not bound by space, time and distance. 

God is actively at work in our broken lives.  He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.  

You picked us up from the miry clay.  You cleaned us up.  

You restore us.  You remake us. You refine us.  

We have hope, purpose to live.  We have direction.  

We have full liberty to move in the power of Your spirit. Hope abound.  Grace abound.  Love abound.  

We worship You, Almighty God.  We bow in humble adoration.  We behold Your beauty and glory.  We thank you for You have put eternity in our hearts.

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Your Still Small Voice

Your still small voice
Voice of hope
Voice of comfort
Voice of strength

Reviving us
Restoring us
Rebuilding us

Your still small voice
Energise us
Empower us
Encourage us