Wednesday, March 30, 2022


God is so good. I completed session two of my twelve IV Methylprednisolone treatment (IMPT) at Singapore National Eye Centre today. My ECG, blood pressure and blood test all cleared. Thank God for His marvelous love. Thank God for His miraculous work. Thank God for a sign of His goodness. Next Wednesday is session three of my IMPT. The power of God’s presence envelopes me and empowers me daily. His sustaining power keeps me alive.

Here is a little background for more clarity. In February 2021, I was diagnosed with Grave's disease. What came along was thyroid eye disease. My eyelids started swelling end of 2020. I have been battling with thyroid eye disease for more than a year. His mercy reigns.

In November 2021, I went through ten sessions of radiotherapy (radiation) to treat my thyroid eye disease. God miraculous provided for the treatment. God did not just provide financially, He gives me excellent, professional and caring specialists and doctors to treat me.

My IMPT was delayed for a couple of months because of severe urinary tract infection (UTI).  Imagine not being able to make it to the bathroom from my bed. For the whole duration of my IMPT, the urologist administered low dosage of antibiotics.  

Since 2018, I have been battling chronic diseases.  Had the Lord not provided the finance and competent medical experts, I do not think I will be around today. 

On 23 March 2022, before my IMPT, an ECG was done. There was abnormality. The attending opthalmologist said that he would like me to see a cardiologist should I not clear my ECG today. I was elated to know that my ECG report is good. 

At this point, I am seeing a few specialists. Adding a cardiologist is the last thing I need.

God is actively at work in our lives. In our deepest pain and darkest moment, He abides in us. He is not a figment of our imagination. He is God eternal. The omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God.  He cares deeply for us.  Before we can utter our prayers, He already knows everything. He is Immanuel. God with us. 

He builds faith in us to believe Him for the miraculous. Faith comes from God. He grows our faith. He teaches us to walk by faith and not by sight.  

Our God reigns. There is no shifting shadows in our redeemer. He gives us a living hope that never dies. We celebrate His love. We celebrate His goodness. We celebrate Jesus. 

We see the power, goodness and glory of God daily. Our merciful God continues to journey with us. He is the reason why we have joy, purpose and hope. 

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