Lord, we cannot live a moment without You. Not a second. Not a minute. Not an hour. We need You desperately. You are the life giver. You are the everliving God. We worship You.
Your love and mercy sustain us. Every breath comes from You. We live and move and have our being in You. We thrive by the power of Your Spirit.
You consume our lives with the fire of Your love. You pour Your grace and mercy on us lavishly. We would have despaired had it not been for Your tender mercies and Your loving kindness.
We abide in You. We are awakened by Your love each day. Each day is filled with Your love and power. We see Your wonder working power at work in us daily.
Teach us to rest in You. Teach us to linger in Your presence. Teach us to love You with no agenda. We worship You and kneel at Your footstool. We behold Your beauty and glory. We call on Your almighty God. Move powerfully upon our broken lives.
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