Thursday, January 30, 2020

We Will Bless You

We will bless You
At all times
We will bless You
In the desert
We will bless You
In the fiery furnace
We will bless You
In the raging sea

Our hope is in You
Our strength is in You
Our life is in You

We will bless You
At sunrise
We will bless You
At sunset
We will bless You
With every breath 

Move Mightily Through Us

We are fellow pilgrims loving the Lord.  As we journey through life, God wants us to live in the light of love.  He wants us to live in the light of His glory.  He wants to live in the light of His presence.  

He moves mightily upon us by the power of His spirit.  He pours His anointing on us to touch lives. A new season is in the horizon.  A new move of God's spirit is coming.  A new day has dawned.  

God is seeking for men a women who are totally consumed by His love and power.  He will pour His spirit on us.  We will receive dreams, visions and prophecies.  

God will glorify His name through each of us.  He will work in and through our broken lives as we abandon our lives on His altar.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Drive Us

Drive us into the desert
Drive us to the mountain
Drive us to Your living streams

We seek Your face
We seek Your heart
We seek You
We need You desperately

We hunger for You
We thirst for You
Drive us to our knees
To seek You
To cry out to You
To call on Your mighty name

You are the Reason

You are the reason
For our exceeding great joy
You are the reason
For our expectant hearts
You are the reason
For our certain hope

Leaning on You
Living in You
Resting in You

You are the reason
For our dreams
You are the reason
For our hope
You are the reason
For our desire to live
To thrive
To grow
To move in the power of Your Spirit

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Purify Us

You search our hearts
You search our minds
You know us inside out
Purify us
Renew us
Refire us
Let Your fire burn stronger
Let Your light shine brighter
Let Your love grow stronger
The pure in heart
Shall see Your
The pure in heart
Shall hear Your voice
The pure in heart
Shall know know Your heart

Monday, January 27, 2020

God's Providence

Two days ago, I lost my tissue pouch along with my Ezlink card. Last night, my friend, Julie gave me a tissue pouch which she had made.
This gift from Julie is not a coincident. She has no knowledge of my missing tissue pouch. I believe God is speaking through His divine providence.
The Lord looks into the minutest detail of our life. His providential care is a sign of His great love for us. He watches over. He showers His love and grace on us lavishly.

He is Lord

Monte and I are so blessed to see God's hand of love everyday.  We have been between a rock and a hard place in many occasions.  God pours His Mercy and grace on us.  He challenges us to keep our hearts pure through the crisis.  We see God's divine intervention.  We see His wonder working power.  We see a sign of His goodness.  As we focus on God, we begin to understand His heart.  We begin to see through His eyes.  We begin to hear His heart beat.

Touch our broken lives. Work powerfully through each of us.  The trials and tribulations in life only makes us more determined to lean on God.  To receive His empowerment.  To receive strength for each new day.  To come and bow before the Lord and declare that He is Lord. 

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this Place

Surely the presence of the Lord
Is in this place
Your presence brings peace

Surely the presence of the Lord
Is in this place
Your presence brings hope

Surely the presence of the Lord
Is in this place
Your presence brings liberty

Teach us to linger
Teach us to wait
Teach us to rest

Surely the presence of the Lord
Is in this place
Your surpassing greatness
Your mighty power
Your ever increasing glory

Surely the presence of the Lord
Is in this place
We honour You
We Worship You

Friday, January 24, 2020

Faithful God

My family and I are deeply indebted to everyone who have stood with us through my mum's missing yesterday. It warms my heart to receive phone calls, WhatsApp messages, Facebook messages conveying their loving concern. Some have even offered to help by driving around Singapore to help look for my mum. Others have reposted my Facebook post and posted on other platforms. 

My family and I extend our heartfelt appreciation to all of you.  My mum told me that when she was at Bukit Panjang bus interchange. Many people approached her to help her. This is the goodness of humanity. Total strangers showing care and concern for someone in distress.

God watches over our loved ones.  Some of us have growing children and aged parents to take care of. God's unfailing love surrounds us. 

He is before us. He is behind us. He is within us. He is with us. A God of faithfulness. A God of great power. A God whom we can depend on. In every season of our life, He rules, He reigns. He empowers us to live each day with hope and optimism. Call to mind His loving kindness. Call to mind His tender mercies. Call to mind His abiding presence.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Touch Our Hearts

Touch our hearts
Touch our eyes
Touch our ears
Touch our mouths
Touch every fibre
Touch every cell
Touch every tissue
Touch our bodies
Spirit of the living God
Fall afresh on us
Cleanse us
Consecrate us
Consume us
Breathe upon us 
Breath of God
Move mightily in us
Move mightily on us
Move mightily through us

Our Help is in the Name of the Lord

Our help is in the name of the Lord
All who look to You find strength

Our help is in the name of the Lord
All who call on You find hope

Our help is in the name of the Lord
Every cry reaches Your heart
Sustain us
Empower us
Renew us

Our help is in the name of the Lord
No one can compare with You
No one can take Your place
No one is more deserving than You

Our help is in the name of the Lord
The name above every other name
The matchless name
The glorious name
At Your name

Every knee will bow
Every tongue confess
You are Lord
Our help is in the name of the Lord

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Those Who Trust In The Lord Are Like Mount Zion

Those who trust in You
Are like mount Zion
We will not be shaken
We will not be moved
We cling to You
We abide in Your love

We rest in Your presence
Strengthen us by Your grace
Empower us by Your love
Renew and refresh us

Those who trust in the Lord
Are like mount Zion
We shall not be moved
We are rooted deeply in Your love

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Test of Faith

Our journey with the Lord takes us to places we never imagined going. 

Every place that God takes us is strategic. There is a purpose and plan for each destination.

Our faith in God will be put to the test over and over again. Trials and challenges are stepping stones to the presence of God.

Blessed are those who believe though they do not see. By faith, God challenges us take steps of faith. One step at a time. 

This faith journey is not for the fainthearted. Courageous and faithful men and women of God sacrifice everything to pursue the Lord.

We meet God in the deepest valley. We meet Him in the highest mountain. We meet Him in the fiercest storm. All we see is God and God alone. His mercy reigns.

The test of faith strengthens our resolve to pursue the Lord at all cost. 

The test of faith opens our eyes to marvel at God's awesome power and grace. 

The test of faith makes us more pliable in the hand of the living God.  

We serve a faithful God. We serve a mighty God. We serve a glorious saviour. There is none like Him. 

Journey with us, Lord. We will go wherever You desire. Work powerfully through each of us. We lay our lives on Your altar. We receive Your mercy and grace.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Celebrate Jesus

Awake our soul and sing
Sing of His glory
Sing of His strength
Sing of His power

Awake harp and lyre
Blow the trumpet
Play the tambourine

Rejoice with great joy
In Him we live
And move and have our being

Celebrate His love
Celebrate His goodness
Celebrate Jesus

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Thank you, Lord

This morning, Monte departs for Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in Baguio, Philippines.  He will officially begin his PhD programme on 18 January 2020.

We testify to the faithfulness and goodness of God.  A promise making and a promise keeping God.  The alpha and omega.  The beginning and the end.  God empowers us with His strength and  grace to take this journey of faith.  He assures us of His abiding presence.  God of great grace.  God of great power.  God of miracles.

Some trust in chariots.  Some trust in horses.  We put our trust in Him.  We put our hands in His and follow Him wherever He wants to take us. 

We thank our family and friends for journeying with us.  Thank you for your loving support and encouragement .  Thank you for standing with us in prayer.  Thank you for giving.  We are deeply indebted to each of you.  We pray for God to grant you an open heaven and pour His blessings on you.

God is ever faithful.  We give Him the highest praise.  We give Him the greatest honour.  We give Him all the glory.  Praise be to our God.

None Like You

Never has there been one as faithful as You
Never has there been one as mighty as You
Never has there been one as merciful as You

You lift the lowly
You feed the hungry
You heal our sickness
Never has there been one like You

No one can compare with You
We enthrone You
We exalt You
We magnify Your holy name
Never has there been one like You
We worship You almighty God

Soften Our Hearts

Soften our hearts
We want to hear You
Soften our hearts
We want to see You
Soften our hearts
We want to know You

Sensitise us
Breath upon us
Empower us

We long for You
We thirst for You
We hunger for You

Move upon on hearts
Cleanse us with Your water
Purify us with Your fire

Thursday, January 16, 2020

All We See is You

All we see is You
Your tender mercies
Your loving kindness

Your abundant grace
Your endless love
Your assuring hope
All we see is You

Christ in us
The hope of glory
Come into our broken lives
Come into our broken dreams
Come into our broken estates

As we bow in worship

All we see is You
Glorious Lord
Marvelous Saviour
Our soon and coming King

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Merciful Lord

God has blessed Monte and I with a loving father-in-law and my mother.  My father and mother-in-law had passed away some years ago.

My father-in-law was diagnosed with dementia many years ago. My mother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

It is so painful to see our loved ones suffering.  God knows no distance, He is not bound by space, time and distance.  Each day, as we uphold our loved ones in prayer.  He reaches out to touch them.  His hand is never too short.  He watches over our loved one. He hears our cry.  He knows our pain.

My mother has lost her short and long term memory.  She could not figure out dates.  Occasionally, she remembers something.  It brings me great joy.  Every little improvement is a cause for celebration.  God is merciful.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

We Worship You

This glorious morning, the early morning sunlight brings out the radiance of these beautiful bougainvillea.  

Lord, the beauty of Your creation. You have adorned the flowers and manifested Your glory.  We exalt Your magnificent name. The name above every other name. We praise You with all of our hearts.  

We behold Your glory and beauty.  Shine gloriously upon our hearts as we worship You, the ever living God.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Wings of Love

We ride on eagle's wings.  Soaring powerfully through the sky.  You carry us on the wings of love.  Raging storms or thundering skies do not stop us from trusting in Your loving care.  On Your wings of love, You comfort us. You restore us. You renew us.  Teach us to trust.  Trusting Your wind to carry us through each season of our lives.  Trusting Your strong and loving arms to embrace us in the eye of the storm.  We come before You in total submission.  We come offering our broken lives.  We come bowing in Your holy presence.  Let the wings of Your love drive us to dream again.  To hope again.  To sing again. 

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Thank You for breath.  Thank You for keeping us alive.  Thank You for Your sustaining power. Your love is better than life.  When we think of You, our hearts well up with gratitude and adoration. You poured in the oil and the wine.  You set our broken hearts at liberty.  We serve a glorious saviour.  We serve a mighty God.  We serve a loving Father.  Work Your purposes in and through us.  Show us Your strength.  Show us Your power.  Show us Your greatness. We rest in Your love.  We bask in Your presence.  We trust in You with all of our hearts. 

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Come Lord

Lord, You are with us.  You are with us in the high sea.  You are with us in the fiery furnace.  You are with in the deepest ocean.  Underguird us with Your strength.  Empower us with Your love.  Consume us with Your fire.  The long journey is peppered with Your love and grace.  Fill us with dreams, visions and prophecies.  Speak to us.  Speak through us.  Speak for us.  Let faith arise and let the enemies be scattered. The ground we stand on is holy ground.  Anoint us to bring release.  Anoint us to bring hope.  Anoint us to bring salvation. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us.  We are Your broken vessels. We are willing.  We are ready.  Come with Your mighty wind.  Come in Your awesome power.  Come in Your mercy and great grace.

Friday, January 10, 2020

An Update from Jee Fong

Here is an update from me... 🌈

Dear all

I call to mind the faithfulness of God almighty.  God in His love and mercy orchestrates every circumstance to bring Him the greatest honour, pleasure and delight.  He works His purposes and plans through every willing vessel.  The highest call in life is to worship the ever living God. The Lord leads Monte and I to live by faith.  It is a privilege to journey with the Lord.

We see His glory. we taste His goodness and we know His greatness.  The Lord opens our eyes to see through His.  We are human, we are limited and we face countless boundaries.  When God fills our hearts with faith, we are no longer operating in the natural realm.  God is boundless, timeless and limitless.  He comes through for us even in the most trying times and seasons.  He pours His grace and mercy on His beloved.  Grace and strength abound when we dwell in the presence of the living God.  There is absolutely nothing God cannot do.   There are endless possibilities in God.

By the providence of the Lord, Monte presented six papers within at the Society for Pentecostal Studies (SPS, USA),conferences between 2012 and 2018.  In 2016, God opened the door for me to join Monte.  After the conference in San Dimas, California, we visited our family in Fresno California.  That was my maiden trip to America.  I am deeply grateful for this wonderful golden opportunity. We are mindful that none of these SPS conference trips that Monte had made would have materialised if God had not supplied miraculously.  Every time we think of God's miraculous provision, our minds are blown away.  I am amazed at the miraculous power of God.

In light of Monte's PhD studies, our hearts are at rest.  We know that God will supply for every cent that is needed to go through this upcoming years.  Every SPS conference is a preparation for this season and beyond.  A new season to see God's providential supply.  A new season to see His hand of love.  A new season to see a sign of His great love.  God is plunging us into His river.  He is teaching to rest.  He is teaching to trust though we do not see.  He is teaching us to open our hearts to the miraculous.  In all things, He receives all the glory, honour and praise.  We are thankful to rise to the occasion. We are thankful for the privilege to journey with the Lord.

The journey began when we united in holy matrimony in March 1999.  We do not forget every person who have journeyed with us all these years.  Many have encouraged us, prayed for us and blessesd us financially.  We are deeply indebted to you.  We pray for God's bountiful blessings on you. Our hearts are eternally grateful for God's merciful love and grace.  We can never out-give God.  He promised His endless supply.  He leads us to streams of living water.  He nourishes us with His love and presence.  We declare His majesty.  We proclaim His lordship.  We bow in humble adoration.

How You Can Help
1.    Prayer

We covet your prayer as we begin this journey of faith.  We serve a mighty God.  We serve a faithful God.  We serve a loving God

2.   Open ministry doors / new platforms & pathways

I am seeking for opportunity to share the word of God.  One avenue is via ladies groups in churches and christian organisations.

I can conduct classes to teach people basic blogging. (How to create a blog)
I conduct training in singing techniques

I conduct speech related training on debating, oral skills training, oral presentation, story telling and any other speech relating programmes   

3.    Facilitate / collaborate / network

You may be able to facilitate, collaborate, or network towards new or greater ministerial, church, organisational, or collaborative relations.  At the links below my name, you can access my information via my blog, Vocal Training blog and Trainer's blog.


Thank you for your friendship.  You have been a blessing to me.  May God bless you bountifully.  May He will shine His light on you daily.

The peace of Christ be yours through the power of God’s Spirit,

Jee Fong

My Blog

My Vocal Training Blog

My Trainer's Blog

Jee Fong's Bio data:

Past Enrichment Projects:
Handphone: 90103906

Life Giver

Lord, we cannot live a moment without You. Not a second. Not a minute. Not an hour. We need You desperately. You are the life giver. You are the everliving God. We worship You.

Your love and mercy sustain us. Every breath comes from You. We live and move and have our being in You. We thrive by the power of Your Spirit. 

You consume our lives with the fire of Your love. You pour Your grace and mercy on us lavishly. We would have despaired had it not been for Your tender mercies and Your loving kindness.  

We abide in You. We are awakened by Your love each day. Each day is filled with Your love and power. We see Your wonder working power at work in us daily.  

Teach us to rest in You. Teach us to linger in Your presence. Teach us to love You with no agenda. We worship You and kneel at Your footstool. We behold Your beauty and glory. We call on Your almighty God. Move powerfully upon our broken lives.

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Great is the Lord

I call to mind the faithfulness of God almighty. God in His love and mercy orchestrates every circumstance to bring Him the greatest honour. He works His purposes and plans through every willing vessel.  The highest call in our lives is to worship the everliving God.

The Lord leads us to live by faith. It is a privilege to journey with the Lord. We see His glory. We taste His goodness and we know His greatness.  

The Lord opens our eyes to see through His. We are human and  we are limited. When God fills our hearts with faith, we are no longer operating in the natural realm. The faith of God spurs us on to live in the supernatural realm.

God is boundless, timeless and limitless. He comes through for us in the most trying times and seasons. He pours His grace and mercy on His beloved.  

Grace and strength abound when we dwell in the presence of the living God. There is absolutely nothing God cannot do. There are endless possibilities and opportunities in God.

God has performed one miracle after another for Monte and I. In God's goodness, Monte presented six papers at the Society for Pentecostal Studies (SPS, USA), conferences between 2012 and 2018.

In 2016, God opened the door for me to join Monte at one of the SPS conference. After the conference in San Dimas, California, we visited our family in Fresno, California. That was my maiden trip to America. I am deeply grateful for this wonderful golden opportunity.

We are mindful that none of these trips would have materialised if God had not supplied miraculously. Every time we think of God's miraculous provision, our minds are blown away. I am amazed at the miraculous provision of God. 

We live in an amazing season. A new season to see God's providential supply. A new season to see His hand of love.  A new season to see a sign of His great love. 

God is plunging us into His river. He is teaching us to rest in Him. He is teaching us to trust. He is teaching us to open our hearts to the miraculous.  

He receives all the glory, honour and praise. We are thankful to rise to the occasion. We privileged to live in the light of His glory.

We are thankful for the privilege to journey with the Lord. The journey began when we united in holy matrimony in March 1999. We are mindful of every person who has journeyed with us all these years. Many have encouraged us, prayed for us and blessed us financially. We are deeply indebted to you. We pray for God's bountiful blessings on you.

Our hearts are eternally grateful for God's merciful love and grace. We can never out-give God. He promised His endless supply. He leads us to streams of living water. He nourishes us with His love and presence.  We declare His majesty. We proclaim His lordship. We bow in humble adoration.

Monday, January 06, 2020

God's Miraculous Provision

On 21 November 2019, we received word from Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) that Monte was provisionally approved for the PhD programme.  The entrance fee of US1000 is required to be paid and he will begin his programme on 20 January 2020.  He will depart for APTS for a one month orientation trip on 18 January 2020.

We are deeply indebted to everyone who is journeying with us in this faith venture.  Thank you for standing with us in prayer.  Thank you for giving.  Our hearts well up with thanksgiving every time we think of You.

We have a very small window to the raise the funds.  We prayed and we trusted on the Lord.  As the days progressed, it came to a point that Monte saw the possibility that reaching this US$1000 mark is difficult.  I shared with Monte that God has given me a rhema.  I knew that God will perform a miracle.  In the natural, it may seem impossible, but God will come through for us.  This faith venture requires us to put our hands in His hands.  He will open doors.  He will open the floodgates and bless us.  God opens our natural eyes to see His miraculous grace and power.  He is our covenant making and covenant keeping God.

God in His love and mercy miraculously provided for the needed funds and Monte will depart for a one month trip to APTS Baguio, Philippines, campus to being his PhD.  We give all glory to the living God.  God of miraculous power.  God of faithfulness.  God who answers prayers.  We live by the power of God’s spirit.  We live in the light of His glory.  We live in His abundant grace.