Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Grant us Courage

It takes courage to do what God puts on our hearts. It takes courage to step into the water. It takes courage to keep on going on.

God works on our behalf. We see His miraculous work unfold before our eyes. We see miracles. We see His power. We see His glory.

God opens the floodgates of heaven and pours His spirit on us. We begin to see, and hear and understand the heart of God. 

God unleashed His anointing on us. He challenges us to take another step of faith. As we step out in obedience, God empowers and anoints us.

We place our complete trust in Him. We allow the Lord to lead us to places that we never imagined going.

God pours His spirit on us. We set our faces like flint before Him. When we are deeply rooted in Him, no storm can overcome us. 

We declare His faithfulness. Our sovereign God rule and reign. He is matchless. He is unparalleled. He deserves all the praises in our hearts.

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