Friday, November 25, 2016


God works through our brokenness. God uses trials and challenges to shape and mould us. 

We allow God to break through our defenses and see His hand of love.

In the midst of our pain and struggles,
the fire of God's love penetrates through us. 

Brokenness allows our authentic self to emerge. God leads us on to taste His goodness and know Him in intimacy. 

He makes something beautiful out of our brokenness. He works miracles through tragedies and hardship. His love is made perfect in our weaknesses.

Divine Providence

Monte and I were at the Ministers' Institute cum Retreat (MIR) in Malacca, Malaysia, from 21 - 24 November, 2016. Our stay in Holiday Inn was wonderful. 
Our friends, B and M (a christian couple), have graciously paid for me to attend this retreat. I am deeply indebted to their kind generosity and help.
Time and again, God has shown His goodness and faithfulness to Monte and I. We are humbled and thankful for His providence and grace. The Lord's unending mercy is new every morning. His unfailing love never fails. Our hearts rejoice for He is exceedingly good. God has blessed us beyond our wildest imagination.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Great is the Lord

We are limited; we are bound by space and time. Even the smartest among us have their limits. God is limitless, ageless, boundless, matchless and great. When God speaks into the depths of our hearts, things that were once impossible and not achievable suddenly brim with possibility. Our hearts overflow with hope and optimism. Our hearts leap with joy. We cannot contain all that God is doing. The awesomeness and glory of God spur us on to trust God for the impossible. He leads us to tread on uncharted water. From faith to faith, He empowers us to see the miraculous as His glory fills the earth.

Awesome Privilege

Last Sunday morning, Monte was preaching at Pentecostal Christian Community. His message:
"Build an Ark for Coming Rain."
There are time God prompts us to build arks
Though there be no show of coming rain.
Regardless of what we see or don't see
Times when God us to acts of faith
Acting as apostolic people
Partnering with God towards
The dreams He gives us
Getting ready for coming rain
For the blessing of humanity
And the healing of creation."
Our hearts are filled with deep gratitude for every opportunity we have to minister. We continue to draw from God's throne of grace. God grants us His wisdom, grace and understanding to share what He places on our hearts. As vulnerable and weak vessels, His transforming and empowering presence graced us to love and serve Him and His people. It is a great privilege to share His message of hope, renewal and restoration.

Monday, November 07, 2016

God has Blessed me with Monte

Monte gave me a surprise birthday party two days ago. I am so blessed with a wonderful husband. He planned for the event two months ago. I shared openly with the people present at my home last night that Monte has been a loving and supportive husband. I battled with depression since I was a young single adult. I had gone through several bouts of depression in my lifetime. God's mercy and grace saw me through each episode. It was never easy for Monte. He kept praying, loving, caring and supporting me through it all. I love and appreciate him deeply.

I thank God for family and friends who made my birthday so memorable. The Lord graced us with His sweet presence. 😊

Thursday, November 03, 2016

The River of Your Spirit

In the face of a raging storm
We feel Your peace
In the times of testing
We know Your presence
In the place of desolation
We feel Your comfort
In the depth of our pain
We receive Your healing
Who is like unto You
The God of comfort
The one who is with us 
Till the end of the age
Flood us with Your love
Let Your raging river
Wash over us 
As we are carried 
By the river of Your spirit

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Grant us Courage

It takes courage to do what God puts on our hearts. It takes courage to step into the water. It takes courage to keep on going on.

God works on our behalf. We see His miraculous work unfold before our eyes. We see miracles. We see His power. We see His glory.

God opens the floodgates of heaven and pours His spirit on us. We begin to see, and hear and understand the heart of God. 

God unleashed His anointing on us. He challenges us to take another step of faith. As we step out in obedience, God empowers and anoints us.

We place our complete trust in Him. We allow the Lord to lead us to places that we never imagined going.

God pours His spirit on us. We set our faces like flint before Him. When we are deeply rooted in Him, no storm can overcome us. 

We declare His faithfulness. Our sovereign God rule and reign. He is matchless. He is unparalleled. He deserves all the praises in our hearts.