Friday, November 25, 2016


God works through our brokenness. God uses trials and challenges to shape and mould us. 

We allow God to break through our defenses and see His hand of love.

In the midst of our pain and struggles,
the fire of God's love penetrates through us. 

Brokenness allows our authentic self to emerge. God leads us on to taste His goodness and know Him in intimacy. 

He makes something beautiful out of our brokenness. He works miracles through tragedies and hardship. His love is made perfect in our weaknesses.

Divine Providence

Monte and I were at the Ministers' Institute cum Retreat (MIR) in Malacca, Malaysia, from 21 - 24 November, 2016. Our stay in Holiday Inn was wonderful. 
Our friends, B and M (a christian couple), have graciously paid for me to attend this retreat. I am deeply indebted to their kind generosity and help.
Time and again, God has shown His goodness and faithfulness to Monte and I. We are humbled and thankful for His providence and grace. The Lord's unending mercy is new every morning. His unfailing love never fails. Our hearts rejoice for He is exceedingly good. God has blessed us beyond our wildest imagination.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Great is the Lord

We are limited; we are bound by space and time. Even the smartest among us have their limits. God is limitless, ageless, boundless, matchless and great. When God speaks into the depths of our hearts, things that were once impossible and not achievable suddenly brim with possibility. Our hearts overflow with hope and optimism. Our hearts leap with joy. We cannot contain all that God is doing. The awesomeness and glory of God spur us on to trust God for the impossible. He leads us to tread on uncharted water. From faith to faith, He empowers us to see the miraculous as His glory fills the earth.

Awesome Privilege

Last Sunday morning, Monte was preaching at Pentecostal Christian Community. His message:
"Build an Ark for Coming Rain."
There are time God prompts us to build arks
Though there be no show of coming rain.
Regardless of what we see or don't see
Times when God us to acts of faith
Acting as apostolic people
Partnering with God towards
The dreams He gives us
Getting ready for coming rain
For the blessing of humanity
And the healing of creation."
Our hearts are filled with deep gratitude for every opportunity we have to minister. We continue to draw from God's throne of grace. God grants us His wisdom, grace and understanding to share what He places on our hearts. As vulnerable and weak vessels, His transforming and empowering presence graced us to love and serve Him and His people. It is a great privilege to share His message of hope, renewal and restoration.

Monday, November 07, 2016

God has Blessed me with Monte

Monte gave me a surprise birthday party two days ago. I am so blessed with a wonderful husband. He planned for the event two months ago. I shared openly with the people present at my home last night that Monte has been a loving and supportive husband. I battled with depression since I was a young single adult. I had gone through several bouts of depression in my lifetime. God's mercy and grace saw me through each episode. It was never easy for Monte. He kept praying, loving, caring and supporting me through it all. I love and appreciate him deeply.

I thank God for family and friends who made my birthday so memorable. The Lord graced us with His sweet presence. 😊

Thursday, November 03, 2016

The River of Your Spirit

In the face of a raging storm
We feel Your peace
In the times of testing
We know Your presence
In the place of desolation
We feel Your comfort
In the depth of our pain
We receive Your healing
Who is like unto You
The God of comfort
The one who is with us 
Till the end of the age
Flood us with Your love
Let Your raging river
Wash over us 
As we are carried 
By the river of Your spirit

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Grant us Courage

It takes courage to do what God puts on our hearts. It takes courage to step into the water. It takes courage to keep on going on.

God works on our behalf. We see His miraculous work unfold before our eyes. We see miracles. We see His power. We see His glory.

God opens the floodgates of heaven and pours His spirit on us. We begin to see, and hear and understand the heart of God. 

God unleashed His anointing on us. He challenges us to take another step of faith. As we step out in obedience, God empowers and anoints us.

We place our complete trust in Him. We allow the Lord to lead us to places that we never imagined going.

God pours His spirit on us. We set our faces like flint before Him. When we are deeply rooted in Him, no storm can overcome us. 

We declare His faithfulness. Our sovereign God rule and reign. He is matchless. He is unparalleled. He deserves all the praises in our hearts.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

God's Holy Call

God is raising God fearing men and women who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.  

We are a people who are consumed by the holy call of God upon our lives. We abondon all we have to pursue the Lord.  

We want to see God's purposes and will fulfilled in our lifetime. We lay aside comfort, prestige and  power to embrace all that the Lord desires to do in our broken lives. 

God pours His spirit on us. He empowers us to do what we are incapable to do. All that matters is that all glory and honour will go to Him. All that we see is the loving hands of God. We live to see a sign of His goodness.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Miracle of Life

You are the miracle working God who breathed life into us. 

Every breath we take reminds us of Your sustaining power. Every breath we take reminds us of Your redeeming grace. Every breath we take reminds us that Your mercy. 

Come and abide in us. We find refuge in the shelter of Your love. Wash over us and renew us with Your great love.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

More of You

We ask
Not for gold or silver
Not for power or prestige
Not for title or applause
We ask 
For more of You
More of Your 
We long for You
We long for Your presence
All we ask is for
More of You

Sunday, October 23, 2016

We See Your Glory

We see Your glory
In the eye of the storm
We see Your glory
In our trials
We see Your glory
In our darkest hour

All we need is
A glimpse of
Your glory
All we need
Is the touch of Your love

The things of this earth
Grow strangely dim
As we gaze into
Your lovely face

Set our hearts on fire
Let Your glory fall
Let Your grace abound

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Great is the Lord

The wonder of Your grace
The power of Your spirit
The sureness of Your hope
The depth of Your love
The warmth of Your comfort
The greatness of Your might
We worship and adore You
We give You
All the praises
From the depth of our heart
We are limited
You are limitless
We are finite
You are infinite
We are powerless
You are powerful
So we proclaim
Your majesty
We extol You, O Lord

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Every Heartbeat

Every heartbeat
Reminds us of
Your sustaining power
Your enduring love
Your redeeming grace
Your divine love
Your sovereignty
Every heartbeat
Reminds us of
Our powerlessness
Our frailty
Our vulnerability
Our desperate need
For You
Our maker
Our redeemer
Our fortress
Our all in all

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Saturate Us

Saturate our hearts
With Your presence
Saturate our minds 
With Your presence
Fill us with Your presence
Touch our hearts 
Saturate us with
Your love
Your grace
Your strength
And hope, O Lord

Purify Us

Purify us, Lord
The pure in heart
Shall see You
The pure in heart
Shall hear You
The pure in heart
Shall know You
Cleanse us from deep within
Hide Your word in us
That we would not
Sin against You
Purify our hearts
We pray

Thursday, October 06, 2016

Live Through Us

Live through our broken lives
Live through our broken dreams
Live through our broken hearts
Live through our anguish
Live through our bruises
Live through our pain
Live through our hurts
Live through our scars
Lord, live through every part of us
Be glorified in us, we pray

Your Hand of Love

Thank you, Lord
For Your hand of love
Your hand of protection
Your hand of comfort
Your hand of grace
Your hand of restoration
Your hand of deliverance
Your hand of help
Watching over us
Opening pathways for us
Thank you, Lord
For You are eternal
Almighty God

Friday, September 30, 2016

Walking by Faith

Lord, teach us to walk by faith and not by sight. When we do not see, when we do not hear, when the obstacles and challenges mount. Teach us to lean and cling to You our eternal rock of salvation. Open our eyes to see, open our ears to hear. Open our hearts to receive You in Your splendour, majesty and grace. Touch our hearts, this day. Pour Your spirit on us, we pray.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Wonder and Grace

Thank you for a brand new day, Lord. The morning sky is indescribably beautiful. Your glory fills the earth as our hearts sing of Your wonder and grace.

Joyful Hope

God works through us powerfully and amazingly with His love. He works through broken lives. 

In our deepest anguish and struggles, God brings out beauty and strength. 

The fragrance of Christ is released when we go through the wine press of live clinging onto the Lord. He works through our pain, our sufferings, our wounds and our broken lives. 

With our unanswered questions and daily stress of life, He beckons us on to follow Him and find complete rest in His love.  He is in complete control.  There is nothing our God cannot do.

The Lord empowers us to trust and lean on Him.  This is the beauty of the Christian life, a life of bliss not because we are free from hardships but rather knowing that God is with us.   He is with us  in every season of our lives.   

He is with us when we are on the highest mountain and the deepest valley. 

The everlasting presence of God is all that really counts.  The eternal hope of the living God burns bright and strong in all who calls on His mighty name.

Lord, strengthen and empowers us to press on in this arduous journey.  Our hearts are filled with expectancy, joy and hope.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

On Bended Knees

This beautiful morning is a gift from You, Lord. We cry out to you, Abba Father. You are our strength and our hope. We lay everything at the altar this day. Sanctify and purify us. Make Your face shine upon us and pour Your grace on us. We long for the courts of the Lord. We wait for You on bended knees. Touch our hearts this day.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Miracle Working God

In August, we received word from the Society of Pentecostal Studies thatMonte's paper has been accepted for the March 2017 Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
As next year’s theme is “Pentecostalism and Culture,” Monte's topic is, “Towards a Pentecostal Conscientizing Praxis of Mass Culture Engagement.” Recognising the role Pentecostalism plays towards shaping culture, he will be suggesting from the wells of pentecostal theology, constructive ways for doing so, in dialogue with Roman Catholic approaches. God willing, this will be his fifth presented paper in six consecutive SPS annual meetings.
We are thankful for the opportunity for Monte to serve through this platform that the Lord had sovereignly opened. On the other hand, we do not have the funds to do this. Over dinner this evening, I told Monte that God is going to provide for the upcoming SPS conference. God has challenged us to believe even when we do not see with our natural eyes. He has performed one miracle after another. He shows us that nothing is impossible for Him. This trip is not possible in the natural but God will do a supernatural work.
We marvel at His greatness and providence. As we step out in faith to believe, the Lord reminds us that all we have to offer Him is our five loaves and two fishes and He will multiply. He has blown our minds so many times that our hearts would leap with joy. We serve a mighty God. He knows no bounds. He is limitless, matchless and awesome. As God begins to work, we see our vulnerability and frailty in the light of His greatness. The Lord is greatly to be praised.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Power of His Presence

Two days ago, I was experiencing nagging discomfort at the upper portion of my spine.  Yesterday morning, I woke up with a hard lump at the top of my spine.  There is pain when I touch the hard lump.  The amazing thing is I have perfect peace.  In the natural, I could have panicked and worried. 

God is not a figment of our imagination, He is alive, He works in and through us powerfully.  The beauty of the Christian faith is that God gives us peace that passes understanding.  Peace that defies logic.  Peace that conquers fears and anxiety.  We experience peace that the world can never understand.  The power of God’s presence under girds us amazingly.  He is our hope and refuge.  He is our help in times of need.  Our healer, our comforter and strength.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Redeeming Grace

This glorious morning beams with Your redeeming grace. Your love brightens our life. Watch over us and guide us. Pour Your spirit on us. For You are everlasting and eternal. You are Alpha and Omega. You are the beginning and the end. We put our hope in You.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Healing Grace

Release Your healing grace upon us
Heal and touch us
Pour Your oil
Cleanse us with Your fire
Come in Your power
Come in Your might
Come in Your glory
Let Your healing grace fall

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Empower Us

Flood our heart
With Your presence
Your peace
Your joy
Your hope
And restore us
Work in 
And through us
This day
As we lay our life
At Your altar

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Praise Arise

We praise Your most high name
Thank You for journeying with us
Thank You for a blessed life 

You knit us together
In the depth of
Our mother's wombs
We are fearfully
And wonderfully Made

We are made to praise 
Your glorious name
Praise arise 
From our hearts
To You
Our Maker
And everlasting God
And King

Monday, July 18, 2016

Celebrate Life

On the morning of 18 July 2016, our hibiscus was in full bloom. It was beautiful!

All you need is a gust of wind and hibiscus would fall off. It falls off easily. It was fragile. 

Our life is like this hibiscus. The Lord sustains us by His power. Our life is just one breath away. We may be here today but gone tomorrow. 

We are vulnerable, powerless and fragile. God in His love and mercy keeps us alive. His redeeming grace helps us to persevere.

Lord, teach us to number our days. We want to live purposefully. We live for You. We live to glorify Your name.  

We celebrate life, we celebrate living. Your gift of live brings us undying hope and amazing grace. Empower us to live for You daily. Unfold Your plans and purposes. Help us to see Your pathways and roads.

We walk in love and liberty. We live by the power of Your Spirit. We cannot live without You.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

You are Lord

Lord, Your glory fills the earth. Your majesty and power radiate with every rising sun. Who can compare with You. You are matchless, glorious and great. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Quiet Love

His quiet love
In the stillness
In tranquility
In solitude
Be still and know
That I am God
He said

Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Eye of the Storm

You are with us
In the eye of the storm
Your abiding presence
Your unending hope
Your amazing grace
In the eye of the storm
We see You
Your hand of love
Your ever increasing glory
Your surpassing power
We cling to You
We lean on You
We cry out to You
For You are with us
In the eye of the storm

Friday, July 08, 2016

A Heart that Seeks You

Grant us a heart
That seeks You
A heart
That follows hard
After You
Do a deep
And a lasting work
In our heart
Draw us by Your spirit
Touch us with Your grace

The Vision of the Cross

Fill our eyes with
The vision of the cross
Your grace so rich
Your love so deep
At the foot of the cross
We find peace
Fill our eyes
With the vision of the cross
At the foot of the cross
We find release
We find healing
We find wholeness

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Broken Lives

Broken people
Broken lives
Broken dreams
Broken hope
Broken world
Touch our lives
So that we can touch
The broken people
In this broken world

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

How Great You are

The warmth of Your love
The comfort of Your Spirit
The purity of Your word
The strength of Your grace
The courage of Your hope
The splendour of Your glory
How great You are
We bow down at Your feet
We declare Your majesty
In all the earth

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Come to Us

Come into our broken lives
Come into our shattered dreams
Come into our midst
Come into our pain
Come into our sorrow
To heal
To restore
To inspire
To build
To create
To empower
For You are all we ever needed
You are our source
You are our only hope
You are supreme
You are sovereign
You are eternal God

Monday, June 20, 2016

Your Mercy and Grace

Lord, we do not know what tomorrow holds but we know You have complete control over us. When the journey gets more challenging, we rest in Your quiet love. We draw strength from You. We cry out for Your mercy and grace. You are God almighty, ever faithful and true. We cannot live without You. We bow in humble submission to You. Let Your name be magnified in all the earth. We worship and adore You. We give You the highest praise.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Five Loaves and Two Fishes

This morning, Monte is invited to preach at His Sanctuary.  We are thankful for every ministry opportunity.  God grants us His mercy and grace to serve Him in season and out of season.  We offer our five loaves and two fishes to the Lord.  We call out to the Lord to do what we are incapable to do.  As we posture our hearts to serve God and His people, the Lord empowers us.  He graces us with His strength to do the work of the ministry.  God's faithfulness reaches to the sky and His tender mercies are new every morning.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

The Hand of God

God pours His mercy and grace on us daily. We need the Lord every moment of every day. We need Him like fish needs water.

God brings us renewed hope. His love never fails. All we need is the hand of God on us. His loving hands that guide, protect and embrace us in the darkest hour. 

Touch our lives and bless our hearts. Draw us by Your Spirit, Lord. 

We posture our hearts to seek You. We live to taste Your goodness. We live to see a sign of Your love. Your hand is upon our broken lives.

Monday, June 06, 2016

The Sustaining Power of God

A few days ago, Monte and I ran into a dear sister in the Lord, Sis A. She is in her seventies. We sat down with her and her son at the coffee shop in Tampines.
She is a caregiver to two family members. She shared that in the earlier days, she was at a loss and struggled to make sense of what she was going through. God came through for her and continues to help her to face the difficulties and challenges.
We prayed together. Monte and I were deeply encouraged by what the Lord is doing in Sis A's life. Though she continues to shoulder the heavy responsibilities of caregiving, what makes the difference is the sustaining power and grace of God. Our God who empowers us in our powerlessness. He is our helper and refuge.

Friday, June 03, 2016

Fellow Sojourners

Life can be tough at some junctures. Pressure and stress are part and parcel of life. Things fall apart, relationships sour.  We battle with unanswered questions and the great unknown.  

The word of God tells us that in life we will face tough times. 

Some of us are hurting from betrayal. Some have lost loved ones to diseases and accidents.  Some have faced tragedies and destruction.

We are fellow sojourners; we are not alone.  We can encourage one another.  We can lift each other up. 

The hand of God is never too short to reach us. He inclines His ears to hear our heart cries. 

He promised help and deliverance. As we call on the name of Jesus, the Lord reaches out to us in His mercy and grace. 

In Him, we find solace and strength. He is our hiding place; He is our high tower; He is our only hope. 

We call to mind the faithfulness of God this day. His faithfulness reaches to the sky. There is nothing our God cannot do. He wants our complete trust. We cling to Him. We find eternal hope in God.

Thursday, June 02, 2016


You are infinite
We are finite
You are limitless
We are limited
You are all powerful
We are powerless
Lord, we bow
We fall at Your feet
We worship You
The God of the universe
You are boundless
Your splendour and glory
Fill the earth
And Your presence
Floods our hearts
You are strong
We are weak

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Eternity in Our Hearts

Thank you, Lord
 For putting eternity
In our hearts
We have a living hope
Life has meaning
Joy floods our hearts
Our purpose and destiny
Are rooted in Your love
Bring us to a place of release
A place of overflowing grace
A place of wonder
A place where Your mercy reigns
Lord, thank you
For putting eternity
In our hearts