God gave the children of Israel fresh manna for each day and should they keep any for the next, the manna would turn bad. A lesson we can draw from here is that the Lord provides for our daily needs and we are never to worry about tomorrow and the day after. Interestingly, being human sometimes, we worry about things that may not happen and we waste precious energy on empty speculation. Faith dwindles when we fail to put our complete trust in God. Crippling fear overwhelms us and paralyses us when we least expect. The Lord teaches us to rest securely and safely in His divine love and providence.
Monte and I have constantly remind ourselves that God is truly our provider. Without God's providence, we would never have bought a flat, gone to (APTS) Asia Pacific Theological Seminary to pursue Monte's further education. He sustains us daily and continues to provide for us. He is Jehovah Jireh, our provider. He is always enough.
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