The road ahead may be tough but we have purposed in our hearts to focus on the Lord. We take one-step at a time placing our full confidence in Him, our covenant maker, our helper and source of strength and eternal hope. He is the reason why we are entering 2011 with a bounce in our feet and a song in our heart. Thank you, Lord!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Entering 2011 with a Bounce in our Feet
Monday, December 27, 2010
Food never Fails to do the Job
Friday, December 17, 2010
Heart Melting Moment
He has a Part in This

Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Monday, December 06, 2010
The Restart Button
He Wants Us
Friday, December 03, 2010
Living In Exciting Days
Good and the Bad
Recently, the buzz online are the effects that Facebook has on its users especially for those who are heavy Facebook users. To clear the air, Facebook has been a wonderful tool in establishing and renewing friendships and contact with people globally. Here are some good things that came out of Facebook. Families have drawn closer to each other, friendships are strengthened. Bridges were built. Relationships have improved in many fronts. However, it is obvious that anything that may be good and beneficial can also be dangerous and harmful.
This morning, I was tuning in to a mandarin counseling programme on the radio. Please take note that the name of wife in the case is undisclosed for confidentiality. The counselor cited the case of a wife who was contemplating divorce because she was terribly affected by her husband who has been contacting another woman via Facebook in the night. She had trouble sleeping and ultimately contacted that counselor to address the private matter that was bothering her. Meanwhile, the husband was not cooperating because he did not see any wrong in relating intimately to this other woman on Facebook. He may even feel that his wife is unreasonable and sensitive.
The case brought out the urgency to address possible and imminent problems that can emerge with human frailty and the lack of discernment, self-control and vigilance.
It is increasing dangerous to find a pop up to ask if one likes to flirt with a total stranger when all you want to do is to take a look at the birthday calendar. Here, we are talking about the danger when Facebook users can be children. Our children are therefore exposed to unnecessary danger and temptation.
It is for this reason that when I set up my vocal training website, I had to put this down:
All advertisements & pop-ups are not representative of us!
For the simple reason that I have absolutely no control of any advertisement, that may appear at my website.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Let Everything within me Praise the Lord
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Jolly Good Time

After visiting my parents yesterday afternoon, I made my way to meet Monte in town. I had one of the most memorable and interesting encounter with our adorable mammal friend at the bus stop. He was surely having a jolly good time. He made himself at home; all stretched out and comfortable. He captivated all the people around him. When he attempted to get near us, everyone fled. I have always thought that monkeys are fearful of us but it seems it is the other way round.
Awakened to His Love
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Counting My Blessings
In October this year, I embarked on the Advanced Certificate in Training & Assessment (ACTA) programme. I thank God for helping me to clear two modules thus far.
On 2 Nov, I was on module 2 when the facilitator made a request for us to share something special that we have found out from one of our fellow course mate. Jenny Ong, whom I had briefly been re-acquainted with that day at the training was actually my former colleague at St James Church. When it was Jenny’s turn to speak, she mentioned that I have a good husband. The facilitator quickly followed up with the comment that it was heartening to hear the male species given special mention that day.
Jenny is obviously right. God has blessed me with a wonderful and loving husband. I thank God for blessing me with a God fearing man. I look back to the year in 2008 when we were in courtship, then entering marriage in March 2009. Today, my parents are happy that Monte and I are still blissfully married. This means a lot to any parent on earth because their children’s happiness means the world to them. We learn to cherish whatever time we have as husband and wife and see the hand of God’s love upon us in everyday living. God is good.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Inside Out
He knows us inside out. He sees us through our ups and downs. He lifts us up from the valley and beckons us to return to the flat land when we linger far too long on the mountaintop. Yes, no one else knows us better than Him because He made us and so He knows us extremely well. The Lord Jesus, a brother and a true friend who gave Himself fully to us. He not only wants the best for every aspect of your life and mine; more than anything else, He wants to see us thrive in Him. Vibrant, strong and full of tenacity and grace, He flows through us when we walk in step with His Spirit and live in His will.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The First Light

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Vocal Training at His Sanctuary

I had the privilege to conduct four sessions of vocal training at His Sanctuary from 20 Oct to
Looking back at day one when the Lord led me on this amazing journey. I see Him at every vocal training session that He opened for me. With individuals, groups, church groups and corporate clients, I am amazed by all that the Lord has accomplished. Apart from Him, I can do nothing.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Blood that Mends

“When the broken vessel came out of the fire cracked at the lip, the potter had a remedy to salvage it. After he had finished his work for the day, he would go out through the fields and hunt for a small tick-like insect, a fasuka, that lived on bulls and goats. Having found some, he would take them home to his shop where he would keep them in small clay jars or leather bags. Thus when a broken vessel came out of the fire with a cracked lip or some other flaw, the potter would not discard the vessel but would sit at his bench for a great length of time working to repair it. With dry clay powder and infinite patience he labored. Taking the fasuka between his thumb and forefinger, he crushed it. Then he mixed that blood with the clay powder to make a mixture that worked effectively and uniquely as a “glue” into the cracked area.”
The late Dr Sam Sasser in his book The Potter’s Touch succinctly brought out the amazing power of the blood of Christ. He went on to say: “The cross of
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Unlimited Access

Monday, September 27, 2010
In Sickness and in Health
The YouTube is all abuzz with a recent clip called the Peacock Dance. A man by the name of Jiang Ren Rui who went on the show called China’s Got Talent and moved the hearts of millions of people around the globe. He loved his wife unconditionally. A special device that her husband had painstakingly made with his hands overjoyed his wife, who was completely paralyzed except for the ability to make facial movements.
From time to time, we hear about people who abandoned their spouses when a terminal illness strikes. But here is a man who epitomizes what the true essence of the marital vow is by loving his wife ‘in sickness and in health’.
Join me in viewing this is amazing clip of unconditional love which certainly exists today.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Hope Alive
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Meeting the Needs of the Elderly
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Finishing Strong
Monday, September 20, 2010
At Risk Kids
He is the Reason
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Humble Homecoming
Nouwen noted: “The immense joy in welcoming back the lost son hides the immense sorrow that has gone before.” Unspeakable joy overshadowed sorrow that glorious day when the loving father ran towards his son.
If the prodigal son had entertained fear and doubt, his return would not have taken place. He will be lost forever. Maybe he could end up dead, a vagrant or derange. He overcame because he did not dwell on his failure and loss. He put his complete trust in His father’s love. He was set free through his father’s love.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
His Undying Love

All the responses point us to the depth of the father’s love. Pride and anger would have stopped the father from receiving his returning son. Many earthly fathers could have long severed their relationship with such a wicked son but not this father. He did not allow unforgiveness and bitterness to deter him from reconciling with his beloved son. In fact, the word of God tells us that the aging father, upon seeing his younger son was moved to pity and he ran towards him. His love overshadowed any wrongdoing that his son had committed. Love truly covers a multitude of sins. He was determined to tell his son that nothing he has done will ever stop him from loving him. Since the day, the wayward son left home, his father’s hope for his return never dwindled. Love compelled the father to believe the impossible. Love compelled him to put away all pride and bitterness for all that mattered was his desire to see his son again. Love conquerered every conceivable human frailty and failure to reveal the undying love of our loving father. He pursues us relentlessly with His undying love.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Empower Me
Monday, August 09, 2010
Happy Birthday, Singapore

For many years, Monte and I have been trying to attend the National Day Parade (NDP) but we were not able to get tickets for it. Every year, we would find ideal locations to watch the fireworks.
This year, we balloted and won tickets for NDP 2010. We are overjoyed. Today is our country's big day. Happy birthday, Singapore! We are looking forward to the spectacular event of the year.
Each national day celebration brings back fond memories of warm tears that flow down our faces when we sing the national anthem as the Singapore flag flies across the sky. Pride, joy and gratitude overwhelmed each person's heart as we stand united as one people in this wonderful nation.
The Lord has blessed
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Courage of a Twelve-Year-Old Girl

Friday, August 06, 2010
Time Alone with Him
As I reflect on my life with Monte, one significant area stands out. That is time alone with the Lord. We do put aside time to be with people but we guard our time with Him. Times of prayer and intercession, time reading His word. We set aside time to seek Him and to listen to His heart. These are times we locked ourselves in with the Lord. We cannot do without Him. In the stillness of His presence, we await for His infilling and empowerment. We wait in His uplifting presence as He fills us over and over again. He is ever faithful and true. We are safe and secure in His loving embrace. We need Him more with each passing day.
Monday, August 02, 2010
His Strength
TWhat does not break us only makes us stronger. Trials, challenges, problems may surface but our spirits are not dampened. The sustaining power of God’s word gives us strength and hope to overcome and triumph in Him. The Lord speaks strength into our being when we cry out to Him in our hour of need. In the face of insurmountable obstacles, the riveting love of God washes us repeatedly. Plunging us fully in the river of His spirit. His strength penetrates through our weakness to show His might. How great is our God.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Incredible Resilience
Monday, July 19, 2010
His Masterpiece
Yesterday, Monte and I were with