Lately I have been having problem getting Mickey home whenever I bring him out for a walk. It happened again on Thursday, February 2I. As usual, I was walking Mickey at the surrounding area near Bukit Panjang Plaza. As I was trying to get him to go home, he just refused to budge. He stared right through me and for that moment I saw such defiance and stubbornness on his pudgy little face. If Mickey could speak, I believe he must be saying: “So what can you do to me if I do not want to move.” As I kept trying to cajole him, he absolutely refused to cooperate with me. Finally, I had to get help and I made an SOS call to Monte. In this post, you can see Mickey soaking in every moment near the taxi stand outside Bukit Panjang Plaza while we were waiting patiently for Monte to come. Mickey is out of this world.
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