I am very thankful for the Lord's opened door for me to be on the judging panel of FAME2008. This was an inter-boarding school singing competition for some boarding schools here in Singapore. It was held last night at Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) Boarding School. Along with me were three other judges. We had a great time together.
When I was first approached to be a judge, I was thinking to myself that maybe someone else who was more qualified could do a better job. When I finally accepted the offer, I felt so honoured and privileged. The competition was so well planned. We spotted some real good talents. I learnt so much through the experience.
This brings back to mind what took place when we were in Asia Pacific Theological Seminary in Baguio, Philippines some years ago. A professor on campus was not able to honour a commitment as something unforeseen had crept up and he asked if I could take it on. When I found out that I have to minister at a worship seminar at an established church, I was hesitant. He could have asked any student in the seminary or the faculty members to stand in for him. Why me? Monte (my husband) encouraged me to go ahead as he felt that I could do it. To cut the long story short, I took on the challenge. It turned out to be a great blessing. I went away encouraged and thankful for God's help, grace and strength because His enablement and empowerment was more than enough for me to accomplish the task.
When God opens the door for us, He graces us with all that is necessary to do the job. In our inadequacy and timidity, we may miss the blessings of the Lord at one time or another. When we step out in faith and confidence in Him, He lifts us up to greater heights. He teaches us new things and opens us to the realm of the supernatural. He accomplished what we are unable to do in the natural in order to show us His goodness and graciousness. Thank you, Lord!