Sunday, March 09, 2025

Our Hearts Find Rest in You

Our hearts find rest in You alone. You are our only hope. Hope that is anchored in Your love. Hope that does not disappoint. Hope so sure. Thank You for putting eternity in our hearts.

Our hearts find rest in You alone. You bring us comfort and strength. You strengthen our feeble knees. You keep our hearts pumping. You are why we rise each day with optimism. Because of Your, we are full of life.

Our hearts find rest in You alone. You are all we ever needed. You are the light at the end of the tunnel. You lead us to Your pathways. You leads through perilous terrains. You show us Your power and might. You reign supreme. You reign sovereign.

Friday, March 07, 2025

Glorious Lord

One evening, Monte and I were out at Changi Village. We strolled towards the nearby beach. This photo was taken when we were on the bridge that connects the Changi Village with the beach.

We beheld the glorious beauty of the Lord. Beauty beyond description. The God of heaven and earth unfolds His glory right before our eyes. Majestic and glorious is our God. We worship You almighty God!

We Look to You

As we look to You, our face is radiant. You poured in the oil and the wine. You satisfy our deepest longing. Shine Your glorious on us. Make us a people of power. Make us a people of praise.

As we look to You, our hearts are leaping with joy. Joy unspeakable. Exceeding great joy. Joy overflowing. Joy in the depth of our being. In the midst of great trails, joy prevails.

As we look to You, our hearts are overwhelmed. This journey with You is peppered with Your mercy and grace. You have blessed us beyond our wildest imagination. We see You high and lifted up. You are mighty God. Move powerfully upon our broken lives.

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Help Us to End This Race Well

Help us to end this race well. Strengthen us by the power of Your Spirit. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh and anew on us. Touch our broken lives. Breathe upon us, breath of God. Consume us as we lay on Your altar. Sanctify us as we worship You.

Help us to end this race well. Flood our hearts with Your love. Love personified. Love crucified. Love divine. We taste the sweetness of Your love. How deep is Your love! How strong is Your love! How wide is Your love. How rich is Your love!

Help us to end this race well. Guide us to the very end. Grant us a vision of the cross. Help to persevere. Help us to take baby steps of faith daily. This journey is peppered with Your power and grace. We are eternally grateful for Your work in our lives. Move powerfully through our lives and ministries.

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Glorious Lord

We live to see a glimpse of Your glory. Let Your glory fall. Manifest Your power and strength. Engulf us with Your glory. We stand amazed at Your wondrous work. You are mighty to save. Mighty to heal. Mighty to deliver.

We live to taste Your goodness. Nothing else matters. Your goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives. Your goodness overwhelms us daily. Taste and see that the Lord is good. We taste honey in the rock. We taste sweetness that words cannot express.

We live to see Your wonders. Miracle working God, work powerfully through each of us. We see miracles daily. We know Your power. We worship You. Sanctify us. Release us to move in Your anointing. Work powerfully through our lives and ministries.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

God of Miracles

God of miracles, inspire our hearts to trust You in desolate wasteland. Lift us up. Lift us up to know Your abiding love. Inspire our hearts to hold on to Your promises.

God of miracles, touch our hearts. Open our eyes to see Your glory. Open our ears to hear Your voice. We walk in Your love. We follow hard after You. Pave our way. Guide us into Your plans and purposes.

God of miracles, move upon our hearts. Anoint and empower us as we step out in obedience to serve You. Anoint and empower us as we step into the water. Your faithfulness reaches to the skies. We trust You with our final breath.

Saturday, March 01, 2025


My watch is beyond repair. Monte surprised me with a new watch. ❤️


Thankful to breathe. Thankful for all You have done in our broken lives. Teach us to walk in Your ways. Teach us to number our days. In You we live and move and have our being.

Thankful to smell the flowers. Thank You for Your rich blessings. You surround us with Your love and presence. You lead us by the hand. Bring us to Your living streams. Bring us to Your high mountains. Show us Your glory and power.

Thankful to see Your hand of love. Love personified. Love crucified. Love divine. Love so pure. Love so rich. Wash us with Your water. Cleanse us with Your fire. Consume our lives as  we lay on Your altar.

Friday, February 28, 2025

We Need You

We need Your grace and mercy. Our hearts find rest in You. Consume our broken lives. Inspire our hearts to seek You wholeheartedly. We see You in the raging sea. We see You in the fiery furnace.

We need Your grace and mercy. You are our sole desire. Align our hearts to Your word. Order our desires. Teach us Your ways. Guide us through the straight and the narrow road.

We need Your grace and mercy. You are all we ever needed. You are more than enough. You possess all the resources. You are the God of abundance. Supply our every need. Teach us to trust You in the face of trials and hardship. We lean on You. We seek You earnestly.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Mighty is Our God

God allows us to enter into parched and dry desertland. He allows us to enter into tough terrains. A place of desolation. A place where there is no water. A place that is filled with danger and pitfalls.

God is the God of adversity. As we plunge ourselves into the environment. God sustains us. He empowers us to overcome life's challenges. He upholds us with His righteous right hand. 

He speaks hope and strength into our hearts. He sustains us by the power of His Spirit. He spurs us on to trust Him when the challenges intensify. He grants us courage to persevere. He leads us to triumphant victory because this God is our God. God of power and might.

My Greatest Love is You

Every new day, the Lord graces us to do all that is impossible in the natural. He empowers to take on the mountains. He graces us to reach deeper in Him. He tells us to trust Him when seemingly the odds are against us.

Take us deeper into Your grace. Take us deeper into Your love. Take us deeper into Your presence. Engulf us with Your love. Hide us in the cleft of Your rock. Warm our hearts. Stir our hearts. Let our hearts yearn for You all day and all night.

Lord, we need You desperately. We cry out to You our maker. Sustain and empower us as we seek Your lovely face. Draw us by the power of Your Spirit and we will run after You. Our greatest love is You.

My Greatest Love Is You

Every new day Your glory unfolds
Filling my eyes with Your treasures untold
The beauty of holiness brings worship anew
My greatest love is You
Every new day Your glory unfolds
Filling my eyes with Your treasures untold
The beauty of holiness brings worship anew
My greatest love is You

Call me deeper into Your grace
The river that flows from the Holy Place
Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You

Every new day Your glory unfolds
Filling my eyes with Your treasures untold
The beauty of holiness brings worship anew
My greatest love is You

Call me deeper into Your grace
The river that flows from the Holy Place
Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You

Call me deeper into Your grace
The river that flows from the Holy Place
Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You

Call me deeper into Your grace
The river that flows from the Holy Place
Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You

Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You
Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You

Saturday, January 25, 2025

We Need You

We need You desperately. We call on You unceasingly. Help us. Deliver us. Open pathways and roads for us. Guide us with Your loving hands.

Lead us into Your holy place. We behold Your beauty and glory. Saturate our hearts with Your love and presence. Let Your fire burn deep and strong in our hearts.

We lean on You. You are the strength of our hearts. We rise with hope. We sing the songs of the redeemed. We celebrate life. We celebrate You. Draw us by the power of Your Spirit. Engulf us with Your holy power.

We need You like fish need water. We cannot live without You. Help us to finish this race. Empower us to go the extra mile. Flood our hearts with undying hope. We cry out to You.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Come Lord

We come on bended knees. Seeking You daily. Lingering in Your abiding presence. Holding on to You as we entrust all things into Your loving hands.

We come in humble adoration. We worship and adore You. There is no higher calling than to worship You. Draw us into Your holy presence. Overpower us. Envelope us in Your love.

We come with open hearts and open hands. We receive all You for us. Teach us to live in humble submission. As we step out in obedience, You anoint us with holy oil. You work wonders. You perform mighty miracles. You reveal Your glory and power. Magnificent God, we worship You.


My mum is folding clothes. As an Alzheimer's patient, the doctor always encourage us to engage her. Let her do as much as she can manage. This will engage her meaningfully.

Saturday, January 04, 2025


Mum is staying with Monte and I for a month. ❤️

Monte cooked dinner tonight. 😮 What a scrumptious dinner!

The Goodness of God

Mum came down with Alzheimer's in 2019. She is not able to make connections. She struggles to understand washroom signs. In this clip, she was asked to circle the female and she did well. The next is on more or less. She was asked to circle the picture that shows "more". She did well too. The third exercise is on calculations. All these activities helps to stimulate her mind.

God watches over our loved ones. His grace is sufficient. His power is at work in their lives. We entrust them to God's loving hands.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024


Every step is a step of faith. Faith that inspires us. Inspire us to step out in obedience. We love and serve You with no reservation. We are at Your disposal. Flow through each of us.

Every step is a step of faith. Faith that strengthens us. Strengthen us to scale Your high mountains. Energise us to go the extra mile. Fill our hearts with passion and compassion. 

Every step is a step of faith. Faith that empowers us. Empower us to move in Your anointing. We are hungry for a move of God. Pour Your holy anointing oil all over us. We call upon You. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us.

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Thank You Lord

On 8 January 2020, Monte and I were at Sambawang Hot Spring. We had so much fun. I have spent the best years of my life with Monte. 

Part of our life together is making memories. Memories of the goodness of God. Memories of the wonders of God. Memories of the love of God.

God has blessed us with one another. He has sustained us. He has supported us all these years. He has energised and empowered to go through raging storms and deep valleys.

We call to mind the faithfulness of our almighty God. He is with us in every season of our lives. He strengthens our feeble knees. He speaks hope and strength. He empowers us to journey with Him daily.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving

Monte and I in December 2022. This photo was taken at someone's wedding.

Each morning, my first response to God is thanksgiving. Thanking and praising the Lord for life.

Thanksgiving opens the door of our hearts to the power of God. It opens our hearts to the greatness of God. It opens our hearts to His wonder.

We leave no room for discouragement and despondency. We leave no room for fear and doubt to dampen our hearts.

God pours His love and power on us. He nourishes us with His love. He strengthens us by the power of His Spirit. He anoints us with holy oil as we step out in obedience.

Let the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to God. He sanctifies our every thought and motivation. He works His purposes and plans through every broken vessel.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Almighty God

God provides for our daily needs.He directs the ravens to bring us food. He inspires faith in us to walk with Him. He infuses us with strength and vitality. He sustains us by the power of His Spirit.

Let the weak say I am strong. Let the redeemed say that God is faithful. His faithful care is seen in His providence. His faithful care is seen in His healing grace. His faithful care is seen in His hand of love.

We are eternally grateful for all You have done in and through our broken lives. Energise and empower us to love and serve You. Almighty God, we put our complete trust in You. We live in the light of Your love We live in the light of Your glory. Spirit of the living God fall afresh on us. God

God provides for our daily needs.He directs the ravens to bring us food. He inspires faith in us to walk with Him. He infuses us with strength and vitality. He sustains us by the power of His Spirit.

Let the weak say I am strong. Let the redeemed say that God is faithful. His faithful care is seen in His providence. His faithful care is seen in His healing grace. His faithful care is seen in His hand of love.

We are eternally grateful for all You have done in and through our broken lives. Energise and empower us to love and serve You. Almighty God, we put our complete trust in You. We live in the light of Your love We live in the light of Your glory. Spirit of the living God fall afresh on us.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Faithful God

You flood our hearts with mercy and grace. We cannot live without You. In our distress, Your love lifts us up. In our distress, Your hope sustains us. 

You direct our paths with love and patience. You show us the way out of our pain and anguish. You help us to understand Your purposes. You unfold Your glorious plans for us.

You lead us on in victory. Your banner of love is over us. You remind us daily that You are in complete control of every facet of our lives. We trust You in every season. Faithful God, we lean on You.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Merciful Saviour

Your faithfulness reaches to the skies. We have every reason to hope. We have every reason to rejoice. You have turned our mourning into dancing. You have given us purpose and meaning to live.

We live to taste Your goodness. We live to see Your glory. We live to hear Your voice. Sensitise our hearts. Let us be sensitive to Your promptings.

Eternal God, we rest in Your love. We find strength when we call upon You. You have made our life beautiful. We remember Your nail scarred hands. We are thankful for Your love and mercy. We bow in humble adoration.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

God of All Creation

God of all creation, we come on bended knees. Every knee and every confess that You are Lord. Lord of all. Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name.

God of all creation, we come in humble submission. We surrender all. We are at Your disposal. Minister powerfully through our lives and ministries.

God of all creation, we come with open hearts. Hearts wide open for the move of Your Spirit. We are hungry for a move of God. We want to see You high and lifted up. Be magnified. Be glorified, O Lord!

Friday, November 15, 2024

The Voice of Your Spirit

We hear the voice of Your Spirit. You bring strength. Strengthen us as we seek Your face. Strengthen our feeble knees. Lead us to Your living streams. Lead us to Your high mountains.

We hear the voice of Your Spirit. You bring comfort. You bring relief. You bring consolation. You empower us to take another step of faith. You remind us that Your love never fails.

We hear the voice of Your Spirit. You bring hope. A living hope. A hope that does not disappoint. A hope that is anchored deeply in Your love. Your hope is endless. Your hope is boundless.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Touch Our Broken Lives

The power of God is unleashed on the poor in Spirit. God's power is upon broken men and women. People who are crying out for more of the Lord day and night.

In the course of ministry, we have encountered a wide range of people from all walks of life. Some have inspired us. Despite of tragedies and hardship, they persevere to seek God and please Him. On the other spectrum, our hearts are saddened by people who have no desire to draw close to the Lord. They look to the Lord when trouble strikes. 

Some will pursue God to the ends of the earth. Some are sucked into fame, fortune  prestige and power.

Lord, order our desires. Let our lives be a pleasing sacrifice to You. Turn our hearts like rivers of water. Stir Godly desires within our hearts. Draw us by the power of Your Spirit. Help us to live in Your purposes and plans. Sanctify us as we worship You.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Almighty God

We declare Your majesty. We proclaim Your glory. As we worship You, sanctify us. Order the desires of our hearts. Let the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to You.

Surely Your goodness and love will follow us all the days of our lives. Lead us on to scale another mountain. We see Your glory. We taste Your goodness. Your grace abounds. Our hope is anchored in Your love. We worship You, almighty God.

Our Hearts Find Rest in You

Our hearts find rest in You. We are thankful for Your leading. We are thankful for Your mercy and kindness. Shine Your light on us. Make our lives count. We pray for Your blessing and favour upon us.

Our hearts find rest in You. We hide in Your love. We abide under the shadow of Your wings. We long for You. We thirst for You. We hunger for You. Saturate our hearts with Your presence. Bring us to a spacious place. We find strength in Your presence.

Our hearts find rest in You. You are why we rise each day with hope. You are the reason for our being. You are all we ever needed. Apart from You, we are nothing. We are eternally grateful for Your work in our broken lives. Lord, live powerfully through us. Make us a channel of Your blessing today.

Saturday, November 09, 2024

Our Eyes are on You

As we set our eyes on the Lord, strength abounds. You energise us moment by moment. You grant us supernatural strength. We can go on because of Your energising power. Lead us on with courage.

As we set our eyes on the Lord, hope abounds. Hope that is anchored in Your love. Hope that does not disappoint. Flood our hearts with undying hope as we worship You.

As we set our eyes on the Lord, grace abounds. Your grace is always sufficient. You are more than enough. You are more than able. We call on You. We cry out to You. We need You desperately.

Friday, November 08, 2024

Almighty God

God is actively at work in our broken lives. He is concerned with the minutest detail of every facet of our lives. He orchestrates the circumstances of our lives. He directs and leads us to walk through His desired pathways.

Lord, sensitise our hearts. Order our desires. Show us Your way. Grant us clarity. Grant us insights and wisdom. Speak to our hearts. Ingrain Your word deep in our hearts. We hearken unto Your voice.

Lord, we are hungry for a move of God. Help us to understand Your purposes and plans. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us. Empower and anoint us. Move powerfully through our lives and ministries.

Thursday, November 07, 2024

Mighty God

Capturing a moment in time. 😮 The Lord sustains us one moment at a time. He energises us. He strengthens us to press on. 

Lord, we call to mind Your grace. You grace us to go through every season of our lives. You grace us to scale every mountain. You grace us to overcome by the power of Your Spirit.

We come in great expectation. Enlarge and broaden us. Grant us insights and wisdom. We pray for Your favour upon our lives. Pave our way. Open doors of opportunities. We pray for divine connections. We pray for Your guidance and leading. Help us, Lord. Direct our paths.

Sunday, November 03, 2024

Make Your Praise Glorious

Make Your praise glorious. You alone deserve all the praises. You command the winds and the waves. You set the stars in place and named them one by one. Eternal God, we place You on the highest place. We extol Your most high name.

Make Your praise glorious. Let the rivers clap. Let the mountains sing. Let the rocks cry out. As we worship You, sanctify our hearts. As we worship You, move upon our hearts. Order our desires. Speak to our hearts. Direct our paths. Set our hearts on fire.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Thank You

Thank You for every breath. We live life eternally. For all eternity, we worship and magnify Your glorious name. You have put eternity in our hearts. You fill our hearts with endless hope.

Thank You for every breath. We live life supernaturally. You inspire faith in us to believe You for the miraculous. We live in the realm of the supernatural. We live in eager expectation for the powerful move of Your Spirit. Mighty God, come in Your might and glory.

Thank You for every breath. We live life vibrantly. The strength and vitality flows from You. You lift us up with Your love. You give us meaning and purpose to live. Flow powerfully through our lives and ministries.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

We Worship You

How deep is Your love. Love crucified. Love personified. Love divine. Love without conditions. You love us with an everlasting love. Love that sent You to the cross to die a painful death. Love that shown on Your nail scarred hands.

Saturate our hearts with Your glorious presence. We behold Your glory. We behold Your beauty. We stand amazed at Your abounding grace. We cannot thank You enough for all You have done in our broken lives.

You set our feet to dance and celebrate. You give us full liberty. You give us endless opportunities. Our hope is anchored in Your love. Come and abide in us. Teach us to number of days. You are our mighty fortress. You are our only hope.

Monday, October 28, 2024


And the Spirit in our hearts cry Abba! Abba! We draw near. Call out to us and we run after You. We pursue You to the ends of the earth. Bring us to where we belong. Lead us by the power of Your Spirit.

And the Spirit in our hearts cry Abba! Abba! We come in humble adoration. We abide in Your love. Our hope is anchored in Your love. Lover of our soul, we worship You.

And the Spirit in our hearts cry Abba! Abba! We revere You. Your renown and fame spread far and wide. You are eternal. You are mighty. Mighty to heal. Mighty to deliver. Mighty to save.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Evening Praise

We cry out to You. Lord of lords. And King of kings. We come in humble adoration. We worship You. We behold Your glory. We magnify Your holy name.

Let everything that has breath praise Your name. You are eternal. You are immortal. You are the great King. We honour You. We proclaim  Your glory. We exalt Your most high name.

Broken Lives

God is in complete control of every facet of our lives. He orchestrates the circumstances in our lives to align our hearts to His purposes and plans. 

As we offer our broken lives to the Lord. He puts us through the test of fire. He sharpens us. He shapes and moulds us lovingly. We become vessels of honour. We are not rejects. The Lord treasures us. 

The fire of God's love illuminates our hearts. He burns His deep desires in us. Order our desires. Turn our hearts like rivers of water. Bring us to where we will flourish. Bring us to where our gifts and talents can be released. Anoint and empower us to serve You. Make our lives a living sacrifice for the glory of Your name.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Draw Us

Draw us and we will run after You. Lead us to Your living streams. Wash over us. Lavish Your love on us. Grant us an unquenchable thirst. We come back for more of You moment by moment.

Draw us and we will run after You. Leaf us to Your high mountains. We echo Your praise. We bow down and adore You. We exalt You. We lift Your name up high. Blessings and honour. Glory and strength be to Your name forever and ever.

Friday, October 25, 2024

We Trust in Your Goodness

We trust in Your goodness. Nothing will stop us from pursuing You. Trial and hardship will not knock us down. We draw strength from You. We  lean on You. We call upon Your mighty name. We rest in Your love.

We trust in Your goodness. We are strong and courageous. With hope and determination, we fix our eyes on the finishing line. We purpose in our hearts to seek You. We purpose in our hearts to know You in grace and goodness.

We trust in Your goodness. We stand firm in You. Our hope is anchored in Your love. By the power of Your Spirit, lead us on to scale one more mountain.

Touch Our Broken Lives

You have made our lives beautiful. You give us meaning and purpose to live. You sharpen our vision to see by the power of Your Spirit. You broaden our understanding. You grant us wisdom and understanding.

Order our desires, O Lord! Let the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to You. Let the words of our mouth be seasoned with grace. Inspire our hearts to follow You on the straight and narrow path.

Sanctify us as we worship You. Saturate our hearts with Your presence. Teach us to abide in the shadow of Your wings. Bring release. Bring hope. Bring strength. We need You desperately. Touch our broken lives.