Tuesday, October 15, 2024

We Worship You

We lift Your name up high. We magnify Your magnificent name. We come in humble adoration. Reveal Your glory and grace to us as we worship You.

We cry out to You. We come in holy submission. Sanctify us. Purify us. Do a deep and a lasting work in us. Empower us to live for You.

Seeking the Lord

Seek You and we find You. Seeking You wholeheartedly. Seeking You passionately. We seek You to love Him. Love crucified. Love personified. Love so lavish. Love so tender.

Seek You and we find You. Seeking You earnestly. The watchman yearns for the break of dawn. We yearn for Your courts. We long for You. You bring release. You bring relief. You bring consolation.

Seek You and we find You. Seeking You endlessly. We will seek You in Your sanctuary. We press in relentlessly. You are our sole desire. You comfort and strengthens us. We need You more with each passing moment.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Miracle Working God

A couple of days ago, Monte and I were facing a pressing need. I went before the Lord in prayer. The Lord spoke to my heart and I shared  it with Monte. A few days later, the need was met. God is faithful.

God performs miracles. He hears our cry for help. He supports us. His heart beats for us. His ears are inclined to us. 

There is nothing God cannot do. He parted the Red sea. He commands winds and waves. He created every star and named each of them. He is Alpha and Omega. He is the beginning and the end. We put our trust in our faithful and merciful God.

God inspires us daily. He grows our faith to believe Him for the miraculous. He opens our eyes to see. He opens our ears to hear. He grants us insights and wisdom. He broadens our understanding. God is actively involved in our lives. He blesses us daily.


I am deeply indebted to the Lord for opening the door for me to be a vocal coach. I am thankful for every trainee for giving the opportunity to train them. 

"Jee Fong is a very passionate vocal coach, always going the extra mile to clarify any doubts, questions or issues I have. Her passion flows through her coaching and ignites passion in me to reach higher to excel in singing. Jee Fong's knowledge of singing techniques and vocal care are rich and sound and she's able to demonstrate it and guide me to try and experience what the techniques can do. Her coaching also addressed my misconceptions about singing and enabled me to sing with less constraints and more confidence. I highly recommend Jee Fong if you're looking for an effective vocal coach."

Georgina Ong

"Dear Sister Jee Fong, Your lessons benefited me tremendously, especially for someone like me who sing each Sunday without previous training. I tried hard but could not identify areas which needed fine-tuning. Your vocal training sessions helped me understand myself better. I have yet to grasp everything you taught us but I am more confident already. You are a conscientious trainer. I am sure every of your students have gained greatly from you.

Betty Yeo
His Sanctuary

"Jee Fong is a very committed teacher and comes prepared for every lesson. With her engaging and bubbly personality, she makes lessons interesting and fun and inspires one to try and do more.

Shauna Law
His Sanctuary

"Sister Jee Fong came well prepared for each lesson. Her tips and techniques are very useful and enriching. I did not even know the "ahem" will spoil our vocal chords! All in all I had gained lots of knowledge and techniques. Thank you Sister Jee Fong."

Simon Loh
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

The vocal training class was very interesting. I have benefited a lot. I have learnt to have expression when I sing, put in emotions when I sing and also on voice control. All these techniques have helped me to be a better back-up singer in my church. I would encourage those who have not attended any such training to go for it."

Joycelyn Lee
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

Jee Fong is an articulated and resourceful trainer. Although I had attended vocal training before, I had picked up many new information and techniques which help to enhance my vocal health.

Randall Goh
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

I never realize how we can easily spoil our Vocal Cords without knowing it until it's too late. I now know that taking care of our Voice is quite simple if we were taught the proper Vocal & Singing Techniques. Some of the Techniques you shared with us during your Demo Session was quite simple to practice & proved to be effective. Thank you for sharing and I wish you success in your vocal training workshop.

Richard Tan
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

After the vocal training, I am now more confident in singing, at least I dare to sing louder then before and with more expression. Thanks for teaching us the techniques of singing. May God continue to bless you and your work.

Rosie Lee

Hi! Your vocal training has helped me in singing properly and with confidence. I will continue to use the techniques to improve on my weak areas. I used to have sore throat after two hours of singing. I have learnt that I have exerted on the wrong muscle and lack warming up. Now with proper practice and knowledge of taking care of my vocal cord, I am able to speak properly after 2 hours of singing. I must thank Jee Fong for her Marvellous GIFT in Vocal Training."

Hong Demei
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

"I can feel the passion that Jee Fong has in wanting to impart all the knowledge that she has to the participants that come to her class. Personally, her desire to make sure that her participants understood and grasped what she was teaching touched me the most"

Lilian Lee
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

Indeed I felt that the training is fruitful and useful to me. Sis Jee Fong has made it so interesting and practical that I can put into practice right away. After attending the training, it has given me more confidence in delivering the songs and able to express better. Thank u Sis Jee Fong. Hereby, I would like to give thanks and praise to the Lord for giving me the opportunity to attend this training. God bless one and all!

Cheralyn Lim
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

A committed and dedicated teacher to her craft, Jee Fong believes that everyone has a singing voice that just needs the correct techniques to bring it out. I thoroughly enjoyed the training sessions with her and gained a better understanding on how to "stretch " my voice.

Michelle Chau
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

We have definitely learnt a lot through this course. It has helped us to project our voice better and we have also discovered many new insights. We will surely look forward to attend such courses in the future. Cheers to you our coach!!

Janet Koh
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

I begin to enjoy singing with a louder voice. Thank you Sister Jee Fong.

Paul Png
Chapel of Christ the Redeemer

My greatest achievement is knowing Christ. And that He loves me and you.

Goh Hong Eng
Church of Our Saviour

It is most liberating to be able to sing with confidence without getting hoarse or worse, a sore throat. Now I can worship with greater joy!

Frances Goh
Church of Our Saviour

After several meetings, I can sing loudly and confidently. It is an enjoyable experience to work with you.

Clifford Mario
Anglo Chinese School (Secondary)

"Jee Fong's classes enabled me to learn how to use my voice better and to realise that good speech not only included using one's voice correctly but that it was necessary to have the right posture and use correct breathing techniques as well. Jee Fong's personality is also warm and engaging which made the personalised classes all that more enriching to attend."


"It was an eye opener for me. I was not aware of the intricate details of maintaining vocal quality. A great help for me, as a trainer."

Selvarajoo Vadivelu

"I've attended the voice training sessions with hopes of improving my foundational techniques and I have improved since. Now when i sing for longer periods of time, my voice does not feel the strain and tiredness. Praise God!"

Vincent Kwok
Living Faith Church

"Thank you for coaching us in vocal and singing techniques. It had been a fun time. We found the sessions refreshing, enjoyable and relaxing as we're comfortable with you. You have been very helpful and patient.

May the Lord bless and extend this area of your passion and ministry for His glory."

Nancy Choo, Michelle Pillai & Pearl Yeo
St John's St Margaret's Church

The Voice of Your Spirit

Let us hear the voice of Your Spirit. Empower us to live for You. We need You. We call upon Your mighty name. Pour Your grace and mercy on us.

Let us hear the voice of Your Spirit. Sustain us as we worship You. Lead us to conquer every mountain. Help us to thrive in the power of Your Spirit. Come Lord, come in Your might and power. Empower us. Let the strength of Your come all over us.

Let us hear the voice of Your Spirit. Release us to move in Your anointing. Let Your gifts flourish in our broken lives. Move mightily in us. Move mightily through us. We are hungry for a move of God.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

We Need You

The long and winding road is endless. God is with us on this journey. This journey is peppered with His love and grace. This journey is filled with hope and optimism.

The Lord beckons us to follow Him to the ends of the earth. He beckons us to trust Him even if the odds are against us. 

We trust God completely. We place on full confidence in our loving God. He orders our desires. He aligns our lives to His purposes and plans. He is in complete control of every facet of our lives. We lean on His strong arms.

Lord, You are the strength of our hearts. You are  why we rise each day with hope. Help us. Deliver us. Save us. You are our mighty fortress. You are our high tower. You are all we ever needed.

For this God is our God. God of power and might. God of strength and grace. God of endless opportunities and possibilities.

Merciful God

Never will there be one as faithful as You, Lord. Your faithfulness reaches to the sky. We trust You wholeheartedly. We follow hard after You. Align our hearts to Your purposes. Guide us in Your ways.

Never will there be one as merciful as You, Lord. Your mercy is new every morning. Pour Your mercy on our broken lives. Consecrate our hearts as we lay on Your altar.

Never will there be one as glorious as You, Lord. All creation worship You. Let everything that has breath bless Your holy name. Let the meditations of our hearts be pure. Let the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to You. Touch our broken lives.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Ice Cream Time

Mum is enjoying ice cream after lunch! 🥰


Having lunch with mum today. She loves sliced fish soup with rice. 🥰 Scrumptious food! 😊 It is a blessing to enjoy food

Shrimp wonton soup

Shrimp wonton and char siew noodles
Sliced fish soup

New Mercies

I call to mind the faithfulness of God. Each day, the Lord reminds me that He keeps me alive. He sustains me by the power of His grace.

Since 2021, I have been battling with thyroid eye disease (TED). The thyroid hormones attacked my eye glands and cause my upper eye lids to swell.

To treat my TED, I went through radiotherapy and Intravenous Methylprednisolone treatment (IMPT).

In November 2021, I went through ten sessions of radiotherapy (radiation). Sometime between March to May of 2022, I had 12 sessions of IMPT.

Radiation was not so difficult because I was given low dosages. IMPT was a killer. I had many side effects. God is so merciful. The power of God is real.

God miraculously provided for the treatment. God did not just provide financially, He gave me excellent, professional and caring specialists and doctors to treat me.

Singapore National Eye Centre has discharged me on 16 July 2024. I thank God for His grace and mercy. He is in complete control.

The mercies of God are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. I marvel at the love and power of God.  
He is constant. His love never fails. Ascribe greatness to our God, the rock!  There is nothing impossible for God!

Monday, September 09, 2024


My mum came down with Alzheimer's in 2019. Doing simple calculations helps to stimulate her mind. She got all the sums right. 😮 I thank God for my mum.

Faithful Lord

Faithful Lord, You have seen us through every crisis. You are with us in the raging fire. You are with us in the stormie seas. Nothing is too difficult for You. We behold Your great glory. We are amazed at the might of Your strength.

Faithful Lord, You have helped us in our darkest hours. In everything we give You thanks. We honour You. You grace us to see through eyes of faith. You grace us to hear the voice of Your Spirit.

Draw us to Yourself. Reveal the secrets of Your heart to us as we worship You. You control the times and the seasons. You are almighty God. For this God is our God. God of power and might.

Help Us

This glorious morning radiates with Your love. The warmth of Your love. You grant us strength and tenacity. You pour Your grace and mercy on us lavishly. 

You help us to see through eyes of faith. You broaden our understanding. You lead and guide us patiently. We lean on You. We trust You.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Have Mercy on Us

Have mercy on us. You are our helper. You lift us in our darkest hour. You carry us in times of despair. You turn our sorrow into joy.

Have mercy on us. You are our deliverer. You rescue us. You make the way where there seems to be no way. You show us Your miraculous. You remind us that You are unparalleled. You are invincible.

Have mercy on us. You are our hiding place. Hide us in the cleft of the rock. Keep us safe. Keep us whole. You are the strength of our hearts. You are why we rise with hope daily.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Mighty God

Let our hearts be Yours alone. We call out to You. We cry out to You. God of great power. God of great glory. God of mercy and grace. Shine gloriously through each broken vessel. Consume our lives. Move powerfully. We declare Your majesty. We proclaim Your glory. We come on bended knees.

The Goodness of God

Monte and I in December 2022. I have spent the best years of my life with Monte. 

We live each day to taste God's goodness. We live each day to see a sign of His love. We live each day to see a glimpse of His glory. God is faithful. He inspires us to trust Him increasingly as we journey with Him.

Friday, August 23, 2024

We Worship You

This glorious day is beaming with Your presence. We call to mind Your faithfulness. Faithful are You our Redeemer. Faithful are You our Waymaker. Faithful are You our Provider.

We bow in reverential love. We bow with reverential fear. We come with broken and contrite hearts. We empty ourselves. Fill us with Your presence. Engulf us with Your love.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Do A Deeper Work In Us

As we seek Your face, our hearts burn with hope. Your hope does not disappoint. Your hope burns bright and strong. Your hope spurs us on to trust You.

As we seek Your face, our hearts burn with fire. Your refining fire. The fire of Your love brings us deeper onto Your presence. Purge us. Cleanse us from deep within. Burn it deep within our soul.

As we seek Your face, our hearts burn with optimism. We wait expectantly. We wait earnestly. We wait in anticipation. Teach us to wait on You. Teach us to linger in Your presence. Wash us with Your love. Sanctify us as we worship You. Do a deeper work in us.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Voice of Your Spirit

Let us hear the voice of Your Spirit. Empower us to live for You. We need You. We call upon Your mighty name.

Let us hear the voice of Your Spirit. Sustain us as we worship You. Lead us to conquer every mountain. Help us to thrive in the power of Your Spirit.

Let us hear the voice of Your Spirit. Release us to move in Your anointing. Let Your gifts flourish in our broken lives. Move mightily in us. Move mightily through us.

All Creation Worship You

Let the rivers clap their hands. Let the mountains sing. Let the pounding waves make melody to the Lord. All creation worship You.

The birds sing Your praises. The flowers in the field dance with the breeze from heaven. All creation worship You.

Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name. We proclaim Your glory. We lift a song of praise. We worship You with our musical instruments. All creation worship You.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Our Hearts Are Full

Our hearts are full. Full of Your presence. Your abiding presence. Your holy presence. Your precious presence. Wash over us. Flood our  hearts with Your presence. Empower us to live for You.

Our hearts are full. Full of Your goodness. We live to taste Your goodness. We live to know Your goodness. You orchestrate the circumstances in our lives to bless us. We see You in all Your glory and Your splendour.

Our hearts are full. Full of Your love. Your love invigorates us. Your love liberates us. Your love lifts us. Nothing in this world can separate us from Your love.

Monday, July 22, 2024

We Glorify Your Name

You have made us to glorify Your name. We lift Your name up high. We extol Your most high name. The name above every other name. We exalt You  We magnify You. 

You have made us to glorify Your name. We declare Your majesty. We proclaim Your glory. We honour You, our God and our King. Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Merciful Grace

Lord, You have blessed us  beyond our wildest imagination. You have led us on an amazing journey that is peppered with Your strength and grace. 

You are the only one who can cause our hearts to leap with joy. You turned our mourning into joy. You give us beauty for ashes. Your love has lifted us.

We live to see Your glory. We live to taste Your goodness. We  live to see a sign of Your love. Consecrate our hearts. Turn our hearts like rivers of water. Direct us to where You desire us to be. Help us to understand Your purposes. We lay our lives on Your altar. Consume our broken lives.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Your Mercy Reigns

In evert crises, Your mercy reigns. Our eyes are on You. You see us through the fire. You see us through the storm. You strengthen our feeble knees. The Hope of glory, the Rock of ages. Our eternal hope. Our everlasting God and King.

In every crossroad, Your grace abounds. You direct our paths. You show us the way out of the maze. You grant us wisdom and insight. You broaden our understanding. You guide us. You lead. You help us. 

In every season Your love overflows. How deep is Your love. How strong is Your love. How high is Your love. How wide is Your love. Your love never fails. You sustain us by Your love and power.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thank You

Thank You for Your merciful grace. Grace abounding. Grace that sustains us in every season of our lives. Our hearts are eternally grateful for all You have done for us.

Thank You for Your nail pierced hands. Your love and sacrifice bring us to a place of release. You broaden our paths.You lead us to a spacious place. Our hearts find rest in You.

Thank You for Your sustaining power. Each day, You show us Your radiant glory. Each day, You show us Your merciful grace. Each day, You show us Your unfailing love. We bow at Your feet. The greatest calling is to worship You almighty God.

Monday, July 15, 2024


We trust You with our final breath. Lead us to Your empowering presence. Your presence liberates us. Your presence engulfs us. Abide in us. We long for Your courts.

We trust You with our final breath. We set our gaze on You. Every minute of every day is bursting with hope. Hope that is anchored in Your love. Hope that does not disappoint.

We trust You with our final breath. Lead us to Your high mountains. Strengthen our feeble knees. Hold us by the hand. Help us to navigate this perilous pathways. Our eyes are on You. Everlasting God and King, consume our broken lives.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Move Upon Our Hearts

Set our hearts ablazed. Let the fire of Your love burn bright and strong. Move upon our hearts. Our courage will not melt away. As we set our gaze on You, we are strengthened by the power of Your Spirit.

Mighty Conqueror, move on our behalf. We surge ahead with Your strengthening grace. We are bold and strong. We persevere with hope and optimism. 

Teach us to wait on You. We wait with expectancy. Let faith arise and let Your enemies be scattered. We rise with hope. We trust You wholeheartedly. We triumph in Your holy name. Blessed be the Lord God almighty. Blessed be Your glorious name.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Wow! Look at the sky at this moment.

We declare Your majesty. We stand amazed at Your mercy and grace. As we worship You, saturate our hearts with Your presence. Our hearts swell because of Your love. 

Direct our paths. Smoothen our paves. Bring us to a spacious place. We lean on You. We find strength in You.

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Holy Anointing

Put us where our gifts will flourish. Open doors to minister in Your anointing. Empower us. Energise us. Liberate us.

Help us to lean on You. Help is to draw strength from Your holy presence. As we step out in obedience, anoint us to minister the power of Your grace.

We call on You. We rest in Your love. Come in Your might. Come in Your glory. Come in Your power. Work powerfully through our lives and ministries.

Friday, July 05, 2024

His Hand of Love

My mum had right knee replacement surgery on 14 May 2024. Today, I practised standing up from the chair with her. Thank God, mum is recovering so well.

Today is mum's physiotherapy. It went well. We appreciate the dedication and hardwork of the attending physiotherapist.

Mum is now 82 years old. The Lord watches over her lovingly. Each day, the Lord watches over our loved ones. As we pray, the Lord builds a hedge of protection around them. His hand of love is on them.

Monday, July 01, 2024


God is greatly to be magnified. Gratitude flows from my heart when I meditate on the goodness of God.

God has put people in Monte and my life. He blesses us through these people. They show us the love of Christ. 

Once, Dr W H blessed us with some funds to celebrate our wedding anniversary. 

L blessed me with probiotics when I fell ill.

K blessed me with super strength cranberry tablets when I came down with severe urinary tract infection.

D blessed us with Chinese New Year goodies more than once.
J L prayed for me when the bus she was on passed by my place. I marvel at God's goodness.

I underwent Intravenous Methylprenisolone treatment (IMPT) in March 2022 to treat my thyroid eye disease. I went through weekly treatment for 12 weeks. Each session lasted about an hour. At least 2 or 3 sisters in Christ offered to accompany me for my treatment. Wow! God is so good.

Last November, sister G knew that I had lost my spectacles. She paid for my new spectacles. . I am touched by her kindness and generosity.

Recently, sister L bought us a rice cooker. We are thankful.

Many people have blessed us financially. Many have prayed with us. Many have prayed for us.

God is at work in the hearts of brothers and sisters who care deeply for Monte and I. We thank each of you from the depth of our hearts.

Love, care and concern radiate from the hearts of God's people. The Lord works through each of us to touch broken people. 

God touches our hearts and prompts us to cover others in prayer. He impresses upon our hearts to respond to someone who has a need. He loves the world through each of us.

As we minister in the power of God. The Lord sensitises our hearts and anoints us to minister in the power of His love. He softens our hearts and makes us a channel of His love and blessing.

Friday, June 28, 2024

God is Faithful

In this photo, Monte and I were out at the Botanic Garden in June 2013. A few months prior to this, Monte suffered a hairline fracture to his knee.

The accident happened while we were walking on the travellator into Sentosa. The Lord saw us through the months while He was recovering. Monte was in a cast for a few months. 

Those were difficult months. God's sustaining power and grace helped us to navigate unforseen circumstances and tough situations. He is our help in time of need. He is fully dependable. We stand amazed at the faithfulness of God.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Our Hearts Find Rest in You

Our hearts find rest in You. The hope of glory. The Rock of ages. Our eternal King. Mighty I our God. Let Your glory fill the earth.

Our hearts find rest in You. We follow You wholeheartedly. We offer our lives to You. Take us where we belong. Anoint and empower us in move in Your anointing.

Open Hearts

We come to You With hearts wide open. Perform a miracle. Open our hearts to the miraculous. Let us see through eyes of faith. Grant us strength and hope to face each new day.

We come to You With hearts wide open. Captivate our hearts. Hold our hearts in Your hands. Do whatever You desire in our lives. Consecrate us. Make us Your instrument of praise. Make us Your instrument of peace. Move powerfully through each of us.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Great is the Lord

God has blessed us with a home with a view. Every shot of the sky is different. The cloud formation changes constantly. 

God has blessed us with beauty. Every time we lay our eyes on God's masterpiece, we marvel at His creation.

The Lord reminds us of His goodness. Each day we live to see a sign of His love. We live and move and have our being in Him. He sustains us. He empowers us by the power of His Spirit.

Great is the Lord. The God of gods. The Lord of lords. The great I am. Alpha and Omega.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Our Hearts Flow with a Good Theme

Our hearts flow with a good theme. We sing the songs of the redeemed. We magnify Your holy name. All the earth is filled with Your glory. All creation worship You the everliving God.

Our hearts flow with a good theme. We sing the songs of the redeemed. We exalt Your most high name. You are the Lord of all. You reign in all eternity. Magnificent and glorious Lord, we bow in Your presence. We behold Your glory.

We Bow Down

Our hearts find rest in Your presence. Our hearts find rest in Your love. Our hearts find rest in You. Merciful Lord, take complete control of every facet of our lives. Live powerfully through each of us.

Touch our hearts. Renew and refresh us as we linger in Your presence. Comfort and strengthen us as we call on Your name. The name above every other name. We prostrate. We fall. We bow down before You.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mighty God

The radiant sky reflects the glory of the risen Lord. You give us reason and purpose to press on. You spur us to pursue You at all cost.

Lord, we come before You with expectant hearts. We come in holy submission. Move upon our lives. Direct our paths. Smoothen the rough places. Pave our way.

Mighty God. Mighty to save. Mighty to rescue. Mighty to deliver. We hope in You all day long.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Only You

Only You can open blind eyes
Only You can heal the sick
Only You can cause our hearts to leap with joy

Mighty God
Merciful Saviour
Glorious Redeemer

We call on You
We cry out to You
We lean on You

We need You every second
We need You every minute
We need You every hour

Spirit of the living God
Fall afresh on us
Breathe upon us
Breath of God
Consume our broken lives

Monday, June 17, 2024


Thankful to breathe.
Thankful to live.
Thankful to know You.

Thankful to smell the flowers.
Thankful to hear the chirping birds.
Thankful to see Your beauty.

Thankful for Your energising power.
Thankful for Your sustaining grace.
Thankful for Your unending hope.

Amazing Grace

This morning the sky is bursting with colours. Monte and I have lived in Sengkang since 2001. This is a lovely estate. We enjoy living here.

God provides a roof over our heads. He is our source. He is our provider. God's sustaining power and grace leads us to trust Him increasingly.