Friday, February 17, 2023

Our Spiritual Parents

This morning, I call to mind the faithfulness of almighty God.  God has blessed us with many people who have journeyed with us.  Our spiritual parents, Rev Everett and Evelyn McKinney topped the list.

In 2002, we were blessed to get to know the McKinney's.  I audited one of their classes. God moved mightily through their class.

They encourage and pray with us.  They believe in us. In many of our darkest moments, they give us tremendous support and help.

One of greatest blessings we received is the lesson on faith.  Faith moves the heart of God.  Faith moves the hand of God.  The McKinney's live and walk by faith.

They have so many challenges and yet they soldier on.  Putting their complete trust in God.  They persevere with hope because their eyes are always on God.

The McKinney's are humble and loving.  They love and care for people.  They sacrifice and give despite of their challenges.  God honours their faith and blesses them.

When Monte and I were believing God to open the door for Monte to present a paper at the Society and Pentecostal Studies (SPS) in 2012 in Virginia, USA.  The McKinney's challenged us to believe God for a miracle.  God came through for us.  Glory be to His glorious name.

God miraculously provided.  The seed of faith germinated.  Subsequently, God provided for a couple more opportunities for Monte to present papers at SPS conference in various states in America from 2012 to 2018.  

God speaks and He performs miracles.  He opens our eyes to see. He opens our ears to hear.  He opens our hearts to understand.  There is nothing Our God cannot do.

More than 3 decades ago, God spoke to Monte about doing a PhD.  He started his PhD in 2020.  He will defend the dissertation in April 2023. 

God intervenes divinely.  He provided every cent we need for the PhD.  All glory be to God who reigns forevermore.  

When God speaks to us.  He will provide the resources.  He will grow our faith to believe Him for the impossible.

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