Monday, June 10, 2013

Humble Neha

The Strait's Times yesterday featured Neha Ramu from London who scored the maximum 162 in a test for Mensa, the world's oldest high-IQ society. Her IQ surpassed Professor Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and even Albert Einstein. Her modest reaction is amazing. She said: "Stephen Hawing, Albert Einstein, they've achieved so much... It's not right to compare me to them just because of my IQ. If I don't put in my effort and make use of my IQ, then there's no point in having it."

Not surprisingly, her parents, British eye specialists Jayashree and Muniraju Ramu were also extremely low-key. They did not blow the horn or any trumpet to publicize Nehu's amazing achievement although they were happy. It was reported that "they didn't celebrate with a party or a series of loud, joyous phone calls to everyone in the family's contact list."

I believe Neha will go very far in life because she has good attitudes and values. True humility is never self serving. It will not be eager to outshine or flaunt its strength and ability. When we walk in humility, we not only grow and develop internally, others will also partake of our success and achievement. Humility opens doors for us to be an impact and influence to touch lives.

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