Friday, February 28, 2025

We Need You

We need Your grace and mercy. Our hearts find rest in You. Consume our broken lives. Inspire our hearts to seek You wholeheartedly. We see You in the raging sea. We see You in the fiery furnace.

We need Your grace and mercy. You are our sole desire. Align our hearts to Your word. Order our desires. Teach us Your ways. Guide us through the straight and the narrow road.

We need Your grace and mercy. You are all we ever needed. You are more than enough. You possess all the resources. You are the God of abundance. Supply our every need. Teach us to trust You in the face of trials and hardship. We lean on You. We seek You earnestly.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Mighty is Our God

God allows us to enter into parched and dry desertland. He allows us to enter into tough terrains. A place of desolation. A place where there is no water. A place that is filled with danger and pitfalls.

God is the God of adversity. As we plunge ourselves into the environment. God sustains us. He empowers us to overcome life's challenges. He upholds us with His righteous right hand. 

He speaks hope and strength into our hearts. He sustains us by the power of His Spirit. He spurs us on to trust Him when the challenges intensify. He grants us courage to persevere. He leads us to triumphant victory because this God is our God. God of power and might.

My Greatest Love is You

Every new day, the Lord graces us to do all that is impossible in the natural. He empowers to take on the mountains. He graces us to reach deeper in Him. He tells us to trust Him when seemingly the odds are against us.

Take us deeper into Your grace. Take us deeper into Your love. Take us deeper into Your presence. Engulf us with Your love. Hide us in the cleft of Your rock. Warm our hearts. Stir our hearts. Let our hearts yearn for You all day and all night.

Lord, we need You desperately. We cry out to You our maker. Sustain and empower us as we seek Your lovely face. Draw us by the power of Your Spirit and we will run after You. Our greatest love is You.

My Greatest Love Is You

Every new day Your glory unfolds
Filling my eyes with Your treasures untold
The beauty of holiness brings worship anew
My greatest love is You
Every new day Your glory unfolds
Filling my eyes with Your treasures untold
The beauty of holiness brings worship anew
My greatest love is You

Call me deeper into Your grace
The river that flows from the Holy Place
Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You

Every new day Your glory unfolds
Filling my eyes with Your treasures untold
The beauty of holiness brings worship anew
My greatest love is You

Call me deeper into Your grace
The river that flows from the Holy Place
Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You

Call me deeper into Your grace
The river that flows from the Holy Place
Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You

Call me deeper into Your grace
The river that flows from the Holy Place
Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You

Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You
Wash over me, cleansing me through
My greatest love is You