Thursday, November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving

Monte and I in December 2022. This photo was taken at someone's wedding.

Each morning, my first response to God is thanksgiving. Thanking and praising the Lord for life.

Thanksgiving opens the door of our hearts to the power of God. It opens our hearts to the greatness of God. It opens our hearts to His wonder.

We leave no room for discouragement and despondency. We leave no room for fear and doubt to dampen our hearts.

God pours His love and power on us. He nourishes us with His love. He strengthens us by the power of His Spirit. He anoints us with holy oil as we step out in obedience.

Let the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to God. He sanctifies our every thought and motivation. He works His purposes and plans through every broken vessel.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Almighty God

God provides for our daily needs.He directs the ravens to bring us food. He inspires faith in us to walk with Him. He infuses us with strength and vitality. He sustains us by the power of His Spirit.

Let the weak say I am strong. Let the redeemed say that God is faithful. His faithful care is seen in His providence. His faithful care is seen in His healing grace. His faithful care is seen in His hand of love.

We are eternally grateful for all You have done in and through our broken lives. Energise and empower us to love and serve You. Almighty God, we put our complete trust in You. We live in the light of Your love We live in the light of Your glory. Spirit of the living God fall afresh on us. God

God provides for our daily needs.He directs the ravens to bring us food. He inspires faith in us to walk with Him. He infuses us with strength and vitality. He sustains us by the power of His Spirit.

Let the weak say I am strong. Let the redeemed say that God is faithful. His faithful care is seen in His providence. His faithful care is seen in His healing grace. His faithful care is seen in His hand of love.

We are eternally grateful for all You have done in and through our broken lives. Energise and empower us to love and serve You. Almighty God, we put our complete trust in You. We live in the light of Your love We live in the light of Your glory. Spirit of the living God fall afresh on us.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Faithful God

You flood our hearts with mercy and grace. We cannot live without You. In our distress, Your love lifts us up. In our distress, Your hope sustains us. 

You direct our paths with love and patience. You show us the way out of our pain and anguish. You help us to understand Your purposes. You unfold Your glorious plans for us.

You lead us on in victory. Your banner of love is over us. You remind us daily that You are in complete control of every facet of our lives. We trust You in every season. Faithful God, we lean on You.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Merciful Saviour

Your faithfulness reaches to the skies. We have every reason to hope. We have every reason to rejoice. You have turned our mourning into dancing. You have given us purpose and meaning to live.

We live to taste Your goodness. We live to see Your glory. We live to hear Your voice. Sensitise our hearts. Let us be sensitive to Your promptings.

Eternal God, we rest in Your love. We find strength when we call upon You. You have made our life beautiful. We remember Your nail scarred hands. We are thankful for Your love and mercy. We bow in humble adoration.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

God of All Creation

God of all creation, we come on bended knees. Every knee and every confess that You are Lord. Lord of all. Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name.

God of all creation, we come in humble submission. We surrender all. We are at Your disposal. Minister powerfully through our lives and ministries.

God of all creation, we come with open hearts. Hearts wide open for the move of Your Spirit. We are hungry for a move of God. We want to see You high and lifted up. Be magnified. Be glorified, O Lord!

Friday, November 15, 2024

The Voice of Your Spirit

We hear the voice of Your Spirit. You bring strength. Strengthen us as we seek Your face. Strengthen our feeble knees. Lead us to Your living streams. Lead us to Your high mountains.

We hear the voice of Your Spirit. You bring comfort. You bring relief. You bring consolation. You empower us to take another step of faith. You remind us that Your love never fails.

We hear the voice of Your Spirit. You bring hope. A living hope. A hope that does not disappoint. A hope that is anchored deeply in Your love. Your hope is endless. Your hope is boundless.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Touch Our Broken Lives

The power of God is unleashed on the poor in Spirit. God's power is upon broken men and women. People who are crying out for more of the Lord day and night.

In the course of ministry, we have encountered a wide range of people from all walks of life. Some have inspired us. Despite of tragedies and hardship, they persevere to seek God and please Him. On the other spectrum, our hearts are saddened by people who have no desire to draw close to the Lord. They look to the Lord when trouble strikes. 

Some will pursue God to the ends of the earth. Some are sucked into fame, fortune  prestige and power.

Lord, order our desires. Let our lives be a pleasing sacrifice to You. Turn our hearts like rivers of water. Stir Godly desires within our hearts. Draw us by the power of Your Spirit. Help us to live in Your purposes and plans. Sanctify us as we worship You.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Almighty God

We declare Your majesty. We proclaim Your glory. As we worship You, sanctify us. Order the desires of our hearts. Let the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to You.

Surely Your goodness and love will follow us all the days of our lives. Lead us on to scale another mountain. We see Your glory. We taste Your goodness. Your grace abounds. Our hope is anchored in Your love. We worship You, almighty God.

Our Hearts Find Rest in You

Our hearts find rest in You. We are thankful for Your leading. We are thankful for Your mercy and kindness. Shine Your light on us. Make our lives count. We pray for Your blessing and favour upon us.

Our hearts find rest in You. We hide in Your love. We abide under the shadow of Your wings. We long for You. We thirst for You. We hunger for You. Saturate our hearts with Your presence. Bring us to a spacious place. We find strength in Your presence.

Our hearts find rest in You. You are why we rise each day with hope. You are the reason for our being. You are all we ever needed. Apart from You, we are nothing. We are eternally grateful for Your work in our broken lives. Lord, live powerfully through us. Make us a channel of Your blessing today.

Saturday, November 09, 2024

Our Eyes are on You

As we set our eyes on the Lord, strength abounds. You energise us moment by moment. You grant us supernatural strength. We can go on because of Your energising power. Lead us on with courage.

As we set our eyes on the Lord, hope abounds. Hope that is anchored in Your love. Hope that does not disappoint. Flood our hearts with undying hope as we worship You.

As we set our eyes on the Lord, grace abounds. Your grace is always sufficient. You are more than enough. You are more than able. We call on You. We cry out to You. We need You desperately.

Friday, November 08, 2024

Almighty God

God is actively at work in our broken lives. He is concerned with the minutest detail of every facet of our lives. He orchestrates the circumstances of our lives. He directs and leads us to walk through His desired pathways.

Lord, sensitise our hearts. Order our desires. Show us Your way. Grant us clarity. Grant us insights and wisdom. Speak to our hearts. Ingrain Your word deep in our hearts. We hearken unto Your voice.

Lord, we are hungry for a move of God. Help us to understand Your purposes and plans. Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us. Empower and anoint us. Move powerfully through our lives and ministries.

Thursday, November 07, 2024

Mighty God

Capturing a moment in time. 😮 The Lord sustains us one moment at a time. He energises us. He strengthens us to press on. 

Lord, we call to mind Your grace. You grace us to go through every season of our lives. You grace us to scale every mountain. You grace us to overcome by the power of Your Spirit.

We come in great expectation. Enlarge and broaden us. Grant us insights and wisdom. We pray for Your favour upon our lives. Pave our way. Open doors of opportunities. We pray for divine connections. We pray for Your guidance and leading. Help us, Lord. Direct our paths.

Sunday, November 03, 2024

Make Your Praise Glorious

Make Your praise glorious. You alone deserve all the praises. You command the winds and the waves. You set the stars in place and named them one by one. Eternal God, we place You on the highest place. We extol Your most high name.

Make Your praise glorious. Let the rivers clap. Let the mountains sing. Let the rocks cry out. As we worship You, sanctify our hearts. As we worship You, move upon our hearts. Order our desires. Speak to our hearts. Direct our paths. Set our hearts on fire.