Friday, June 28, 2024

God is Faithful

In this photo, Monte and I were out at the Botanic Garden in June 2013. A few months prior to this, Monte suffered a hairline fracture to his knee.

The accident happened while we were walking on the travellator into Sentosa. The Lord saw us through the months while He was recovering. Monte was in a cast for a few months. 

Those were difficult months. God's sustaining power and grace helped us to navigate unforseen circumstances and tough situations. He is our help in time of need. He is fully dependable. We stand amazed at the faithfulness of God.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Our Hearts Find Rest in You

Our hearts find rest in You. The hope of glory. The Rock of ages. Our eternal King. Mighty is our God. Let Your glory fill the earth. For this God is our God. God of power and might.

Our hearts find rest in You. We follow You wholeheartedly. We offer our lives to You. Take us where we belong. Anoint and empower us.  We desire to move in Your anointing. As we worship You, sanctify our hearts.

Open Hearts

We come to You with hearts wide open. Perform a miracle. Open our hearts to the miraculous. Let us see through eyes of faith. Grant us strength and hope to face each new day.

We come to You with hearts wide open. Captivate our hearts. Hold our hearts in Your hands. Do whatever You desire in our lives. Consecrate us. Make us Your instrument of praise. Make us Your instrument of peace. Move powerfully through each of us.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Great is the Lord

God has blessed us with a home with a view. Every shot of the sky is different. The cloud formation changes constantly. 

God has blessed us with beauty. Every time we lay our eyes on God's masterpiece, we marvel at His creation.

The Lord reminds us of His goodness. Each day we live to see a sign of His love. We live and move and have our being in Him. He sustains us. He empowers us by the power of His Spirit.

Great is the Lord. The God of gods. The Lord of lords. The great I am. Alpha and Omega.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Our Hearts Flow with a Good Theme

Our hearts flow with a good theme. We sing the songs of the redeemed. We magnify Your holy name. All the earth is filled with Your glory. All creation worship You the everliving God.

Our hearts flow with a good theme. We sing the songs of the redeemed. We exalt Your most high name. You are the Lord of all. You reign in all eternity. Magnificent and glorious Lord, we bow in Your presence. We behold Your glory.

We Bow Down

Our hearts find rest in Your presence. Our hearts find rest in Your love. Our hearts find rest in You. Merciful Lord, take complete control of every facet of our lives. Live powerfully through each of us.

Touch our hearts. Renew and refresh us as we linger in Your presence. Comfort and strengthen us as we call on Your name. The name above every other name. We prostrate. We fall. We bow down before You.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mighty God

The radiant sky reflects the glory of the risen Lord. You give us reason and purpose to press on. You spur us to pursue You at all cost.

Lord, we come before You with expectant hearts. We come in holy submission. Move upon our lives. Direct our paths. Smoothen the rough places. Pave our way.

Mighty God. Mighty to save. Mighty to rescue. Mighty to deliver. We hope in You all day long.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Only You

Only You can open blind eyes
Only You can heal the sick
Only You can cause our hearts to leap with joy

Mighty God
Merciful Saviour
Glorious Redeemer

We call on You
We cry out to You
We lean on You

We need You every second
We need You every minute
We need You every hour

Spirit of the living God
Fall afresh on us
Breathe upon us
Breath of God
Consume our broken lives

Monday, June 17, 2024


Thankful to breathe.
Thankful to live.
Thankful to know You.

Thankful to smell the flowers.
Thankful to hear the chirping birds.
Thankful to see Your beauty.

Thankful for Your energising power.
Thankful for Your sustaining grace.
Thankful for Your unending hope.

Amazing Grace

This morning the sky is bursting with colours. Monte and I have lived in Sengkang since 2001. This is a lovely estate. We enjoy living here.

God provides a roof over our heads. He is our source. He is our provider. God's sustaining power and grace leads us to trust Him increasingly.

Sunday, June 16, 2024


Thank You for putting eternity in our hearts. We hope in You all day long. You give us purpose to live. You guide us with Your loving hands.

Thank You for putting eternity in our hearts. Life eternal. Life supernatural. Life everlasting. The things of this earth grow strangely dim as we behold You. 

We sing the songs of the redeemed. We celebrate You every moment of the day. We revel in Your love. We declare Your majesty.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Almighty God

As surely as the sun rises, the sun will set. God in His might created the universe. He made the stars and named them one by one. He know us each by name. He knows the number of strands of hair on our heads. He is omnipotent. He is omnipresent. He is omniscient.

Almighty God, we worship You. Everlasting God, we bow in humble adoration. We come in full submission. We honour You. We magnify Your name. Empower us to live victoriously in You.

The Goodness of God

God is merciful. My mum went for knee replacement surgery on 14 May 2024. It was a successful surgery. Yesterday, Doctor S was so happy when he saw my mum walking into the clinic. We are so thankful to the Lord for sending us a good Orthopaedic doctor.

I vividly remember that during that time, covid cases went up. Less crucial surgeries were put on hold. Thank God for God's divine protection. 

On 14 May, due to a shortage of beds, my mum was upgraded to class A ward. Wow! At least she had the whole room to herself for a day. Thank God!

As we commit our loved ones into God's hand, we are rest assured that the Lord covers them. We see the power of God at work. The blessings of God do not stop with us. God blesses our loved ones.

Thank You

Peace like a river. Hope unending. Joy unspeakable. Lord, our hearts are overwhelmed by Your loving-kindness. You keep us strong and whole in You. You hold all things together. We trust in with every ounce of our energy.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Lift Us Up

Spirit of God, lift us up. Fill us with hope. Hope that does not disappoint. Hope that perseveres. Hope that never dies. We hope in You all day long. You keep us alive.

Spirit of God, lift us up. Inspire our hearts today. Move sovereignly. Move mightily. Move powerfully. Open our hearts to the miraculous. Move supernaturally. We serve a mighty God.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


With Monte at the Sports Hub in June 2015. God is faithful. He has seen us through life's journey. I thank God for Monte daily.

We Need You

Our hearts find rest in You. The warmth of Your love. The comfort of Your presence. The soreness of Your hope. We need You more with each passing moment.

Set us apart as we worship You. Move upon our hearts. Speak to us. Guide us. Lead us. Help us. We call on You our Redeemer and merciful Saviour.

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Sanctify Us

Sanctify us as we worship You. Cleanse us from deep within. We see Your glory. We taste Your goodness. We know Your power.

Spirit of the living God Fall afresh on us this day. Stir our hearts. Captivate our hearts. Renew and rebuild our broken ruins. Set our lives apart for Your glory and honour.

Fill Our Eyes with the Vision of the Cross

Fill our eyes with the vision of the cross. Let us see You in all Your glory. Let us see You in all Your power. Let us bow down and adore. Let us extol Your holy name.

Fill our eyes with the vision of the cross. We see through eyes of faith. Grant us divine revelation. Open Your floodgates. Pour Your blessings on us. Move mightily in and through our lives as we worship You.

Fill our eyes with the vision of the cross. We are at Your disposal. Grant us Your holy mission. Touch the world through each of us. Make us a channel of Your love. Make a channel of Your blessing.

The Depth of Your Grace

The depth of Your grace shows us Your loving heart. Your unconditional love. Your sacrificial love. The love that melts away all hardness and pain.

The depth of Your grace shows us Your tender heart. Your gentleness and graciousness touch our hearts. Your loving-kindness brings us undying hope.

The depth of Your grace shows us Your merciful heart. You pour Your mercy and grace on us daily. You prod us on when the going gets tough. You lead us with love. You give endless hope and strength. You are our joy and delight.

Friday, June 07, 2024

We Call on You

Help us to navigate the tough terrains. We are courageous because You are our strength. You lead and guide us in difficult territories. You show us Your might and power as we call on Your name.

Help Us to navigate life's challenges. We are confronted with things that spring on us unexpectedly. We are engulfed with situations that are not within our control.

We choose to trust You. We choose to fix our eyes on You. We choose to hearken unto Your voice. We choose to follow You wherever You desire to bring us.

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Move Through Us

God works through His broken people. The fragrance of Christ is released. Through our brokenness, the gentleness and kindness of God permeates through us to touch a broken world. The Lord works through us as we yield to Him.

God works through His surrendered people. As we step out in obedience. As we surrender. God releases us to move in His anointing. He empowers us to do the work of the ministry.

Mighty God

Lord, we bow before Your throne. Captivate our hearts. Stir our hearts. Turn our hearts like rivers of water. Do a deep and a lasting work in our hearts.

We call upon Your mighty name. Release us to move in Your anointing. Saturate our hearts with Your greatness. We see You in all Your power and Your glory.

We Trust You

The Lord is our Waymaker. He holds all things together. He is in complete control. He speaks strength into our hearts as we call on Him.

God's tender loving care warms our hearts. Only He can lift us and give us hope. Only He can show us the way out of the tunnel. As we posture our hearts to seek Him, He turns water into wine. He turns our mourning into dancing. 

He will not leave us in the lurch. He upholds us. He supports us. He sustains us. He is our help in times of need. He is faithful. He is unchanging. He is eternal.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

This God is Our God

We seek You wholeheartedly. Our courage will not melt away in the fire. You enable us to meet every challenge. You lift us up to see with eyes of faith. You strengthen our feeble knees.

This God is our God. God of power and might. Almighty God. We lean on Your strong arms. We find strength and hope in Your presence. Empower us to live in the power of Your Spirit.

Monday, June 03, 2024


We see You in all Your glory. Your glorious presence engulfs us. Your glorious presence ignites our hearts. Your glorious presence saturate our hearts.

We behold You in Your glory and beauty. Your splendour and majesty is unparalleled. We come on bended knees. We come in humble adoration. Do a deep and a lasting work on us. Move mightily through our broken lives.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Because of Your Love

Thank You for seeing us through another day. We live to taste Your goodness. We live to see Your glory. We live to know Your grace.

We are mindful that our lives are but a breath away. In Your sovereign power and grace, You sustain us. You empower us. You restore us.

Because of Your love, we have a song in our hearts. Because of love, we celebrate and rejoice. Because of Your love, we have endless hope.

Thank You for putting eternity in our hearts. Move powerfully through our broken lives. Teach us to walk in Your way.