Friday, May 31, 2024
You Carry Us
You carry us. You carry us with love. You carry us with Your tender hands. You carry the weight on our shoulders. You bear our burdens. We cast our cares on You.
Lead us by the hand. Take us to Your living streams. Quench our thirst. Fill our hunger. Provide for our every need. We rest in Your love.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Mighty God
Lord, there is none like You. No one can compare with You. You are the Lifegiver, You are the Promise Keeper. You are the Waymaker. You are eternal. You are immortal. You are everlasting God.
We put our complete trust in You. You hold all things together. We trust Your goodness. We trust Your mercy. We follow You To the ends of the earth. We place ourselves on Your altar. Have Your way in us.
Monday, May 27, 2024
Glory Be to God
God is ever faithful. By His grace, Monte completed the PhD in 3 years. In reality, it would have taken 5 years. We are deeply indebted to the Lord for this amazing miracle.
As I reflected on what the Lord has done in Monte's life. I am keenly aware that the time, energy, resources and hardwork far exceeded the 3 years that he poured into the PhD. The reality is it had taken him decades to see the fruition of this milestone.
One thing that is close to our hearts is the endless hours we spent travailing before God. God is a miracle working God. He is the one who makes all things possible. As we pray, we see the mighty hand of God move.
All these years, the Lord has granted special help to Monte. He grants Monte insights, understanding and guidance as he digs into Pentecostal theology. He continues to deepen and broaden his understanding. God enables him to grasp things that I will never be able to comprehend in my lifetime.
God provided for every cent for this PhD. His miraculous provision blows our minds away. We are thankful for everyone who are involved in our lives.
People blessed us financially. People prayed. People encouraged us. We call to remembrance the many who have journeyed with us all these years. Thank you for partnering with us. Thank you for sowing into our ministry. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We are mindful of our smallness and the greatness of His glory and power. We continue to call upon the Lord to lead and guide us. We pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to fall upon us. We pray for the power of God to move in His anointing.
Speak Lord
Let us hear Your voice in the heart of the forest. We need You every second. We call on You.
Speak strength. Speak hope. Draw us by the power of Your Spirit. Open wide every part of our being. We abide in Your love.
Saturday, May 25, 2024
God's Sustaining Power
We cannot fully comprehend how the Lord sustains us. The strengthening power of God energises us continually. The Lord sustains us perpetually. He gives us supernatural strength. He is our strength when we are weak. When we call upon the Lord, He infuses us with His strength.
We call out to the Lord. We rely on Him. We depend on His grace and power to sustain us. He does not want us to merely survive. He wants us to thrive. He helps us to overcome. He empowers us to live by His grace.
Thank You for helping us. Thank You for bringing us to where You desire us to be. Thank You for gracing us with perseverance and strength to take another step of faith. We live in the light of Your love.
Friday, May 24, 2024
We Need You
We need You every second. We need You every minute. We need You every hour. We need You desperately.
We hunger for You. We thirst for You. Consume our lives as we offer ourselves to You. At Your altar, we see our vulnerability. We also see thr power of Your cross. Your resurrection power that transform us.
We worship You. Thank You for putting eternity in our hearts. Thank You for Your love and patience. Thank You for leading and guiding us through life's rocky paths.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
A Thankful Heart
A thankful heart opens the door to the miracles of God. We enter Your courts with praise. We celebrate Your miraculous work in our lives. We live with hope and expectancy.
A thankful heart opens the door for God to bless us. With hearts wide open, God pours His bountiful blessings on us.
Pour Your grace on us. Pour Your mercy on us. Bless our going out. Bless our coming in. Guide and lead us into Your glorious presence as we worship You.
Help Us
Help us. The storm is raging. Our eye is not on the threats and dangers. Our eyes are on Your everlasting love. Our eyes are on You, our eternal God and King.
Help us. The fire is burning. The raging fire cannot consume us. You hold all things together. You protect us. You keep us from harm and danger.
Thank You for the awesome privilege to call out to You day and night. Your mercy never ends. Your love lifts us up. When we soar with You, all we see is Your goodness and Your grace.
Touch our broken lives. Make us Your holy vessels. Live and move powerfully through us. We offer our lives anew and afresh to You this day.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
We Worship You
This glorious morning radiates with Your goodness. This glorious morning is pregnant with optimism and hope.
We call out to You. Merciful Lord, consume our lives. Teach us to number our days. Saturate our hearts with things above. Reveal Your power and glory to us as we worship You.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Thanking God
God is so merciful. He saw my mum through right knee replacement surgery on 14 May 2024. Osteoarthritis caused tremendous damage to her knee. She experienced excruciating pain. We thank God for a successful surgery.
God watches over our loved ones. He cares deeply for them. As we commit our loved ones to God, we know that they are in God's good hands. As we pray for them, God keeps them from harm and danger. He builds a hedge of protection over them.
Friday, May 17, 2024
Awesome God
On 13 September 2023, Monte and I were out at Woodlands waterfront. We were mesmerised by the breathtaking sunset.
Lord, Your beauty is beyond description. You are unparalleled. You are glorious. You are majestic. All creation radiate with Your glory.
We come in humble submission. We offer our lives to You. You are King of kings and Lord of lords.
Thursday, May 16, 2024
We Love You
We love You and we lift our hands to You. Lifting our hands to honour You. Lifting our hands in complete surrender.
We love You and we lift our voice to You. We sing with hope . We sing with strength. We sing the songs of the redeemed.
We love You and we lift our hearts to You. Let the meditations of our hearts be pure. We want to see You. We want to hear You. We want to know You.
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
We Worship You
You have made all things beautiful. You turn our lives around. You picked us from the miry clay and transformed our hearts completely. We are eternally grateful for Your love and mercy.
You have put a song in our hearts. The song of the redeemed. The song of deliverance. The song of great joy. Let us give You praise. Let us come on bended knees to worship You.
You have put eternity in our hearts. The things of the earth grow strangely dim. In the light of Your glory, You shine gloriously. Your love radiates with warmth and comfort. We worship and adore You.
We Glory in Your Holy Name
We glory in Your holy name. Make our lives count. Put us where our gifts will flourish. Empower us to move in Your anointing. Open doors and opportunities for us to serve You.
We glory in Your holy name. Teach us us to number our days. Every breath comes from You. You hold all things together. You sustain and empower us daily.
We glory in Your holy name. We posture our hearts to seek You. We seek You and we find You. We seek Your face. We seek You with no agenda. We want to draw near. We embrace everything You are doing in our broken lives.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
We Trust You
We Trust You
How can we live without You. You see us through every season. Season of plenty. Season of lack. Season of release. Season of mounting challenges. Season of flourishing. Season of inactivity.
We trust You. We lean on Your everlasting arms. We can never comprehend the depth of Your grace. When our feet are feeble. And our knees are weak. You lift us up. You speak strength into our hearts. You uphold us with Your love. You spur us to keep on going.
How marvelous is our Saviour's love. Our limited mind is incapable to fully understand Your magnificent and glorious power. Open the eyes of our hearts to see You in Your glory and Your grace.
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Thankful for Mum
God has blessed me with a loving mum. She taught me how to be kind and caring. She taught me to reach out to people who are in need.
I grew up in a Hainanese enclave in Commonwealth Close. My mum was greatly loved and respected in the neighbourhood. I cherish the vivid memories of how my mum cared for people. The neighbours also reached out to her.
My mum has taught my brothers and I well. We will not be where we are today if it had not been for her love and sacrifice. I thank God for my mum daily.
Soften Our Hearts
Soften our hearts this day. Let the tenderness of Christ be evident in us. Let the goodness of the Lord shine through us.
The harsh realities of life harden our hearts. Each day we call upon God to make our hearts pliable in His loving hands. He shapes us. He moulds us.
Do a deeper work in our broken lives. We avail ourselves to You. Open door and opportunities for us to share the love of Christ. Touch the world through each of us.
Saturday, May 11, 2024
We Trust Your Goodness
We trust Your goodness. We trust You with all that is within us. The flowers may not bloom. The birds may not sing. Our hearts remain faithful. We posture our hearts to seek You.
Draw us to Your living streams. Guide us through life's rocky paths. We set our eyes on You. We do not waver. We hope in You all day long.
There is no turning back. We follow You to the ends of the earth. We place You on the highest place. We extol Your name. We magnify Your name.
Thursday, May 09, 2024
Redeeming Love
God has been so faithful. Monte and I marvel at God's merciful grace. We are amazed at His unfailing love. We can never outgive the Lord. He pours His gifts lavishly on us.
Looking through all that God has seen us through. We echo the words of the Psalms. We declare that His love never ends. His love perseveres.
We thank the Lord for His redeeming grace. We are humbled as we bow in His awesome presence.
Tuesday, May 07, 2024
We may fully why things happened. We may not fully comprehend everything. The Lord is in complete control.
We trust Your goodness. We trust Your mercy. We trust You When the flowers no longer bloom. We trust You in the raging seas. We trust You in the parched desert.
You are all we needed. You are all that we desire. We long for You. We rest in Your love. We behold Your beauty and Your glory.
Mighty God
Only fools say that there is no God. You fingerprint is in all creation. You manifest Your power gloriously. All creation worship You. We come on bended knees.
The birds chirp. The flowers dance. The mountains sing. The rivers clap their hands. We rejoice in Your grace. We revel in Your love.
You direct the ravens to send us food. You supply our every need. You teach us to trust You when the odds are against us. You are the Father to the fatherless. You are our defender. You are our deliverer. You are almighty God.
We Worship You
This glorious morning beams with hope and optimism. You are why we rise each day with hope. You are why we have a song in our hearts. You are why we live.
Saturate our hearts with Your presence. We extol Your name. We magnify the most high God. King of kings and Lord of lords, we worship You.
Thank You for breath. Thank You for strength. Thank You for leading us each new day. Your love leads us on. Your grace leads us on. Your hope leads us on.
Monday, May 06, 2024
Lord, You have made all things beautiful. We worship You. You are the Maker of the universe. The winds and waves are at Your command. Mighty God. Mighty Ruler. You rule and reign in all eternity.
Thank You for putting eternity in our hearts. We live to worship You. We live to glorify Your name. You are majestic, magnificent and glorious. We behold Your beauty and Your glory.
Friday, May 03, 2024
Staycation with Mum at Changi Village Hotel
Staycation with my mum. Special thanks to my brother, Nicholas. Mum is enjoying this suite with sea view. Staycation with Mum
Staycation with my mum. Special thanks to my brother, Nicholas. Mum is enjoying this suite with the spectacular sea view. 😮😮
God of All Seasons
I came down with vertigo in April 2024. With all that my body is battling at this point, having vertigo stresses my body further. In this challenging season, the love of God prevails. His unfailing love never ceases.
In every season of our lives, the Lord reminds us that He is the promise keeper. Nothing will stop us from worshipping our Maker. The Lord is the Lifegiver. He keeps us alive. Every breath holds the power of God. Every breath is between life and death. Every breath is God's gift.
We Worship You. You deserve the highest praise. We proclaim Your glory. We extol Your magnificent name. King of kings and Lord of lords. We prostrate before You. We come on bended knees.
Bring healing to our broken bodies. Right every wrong in our bodies. Let Your healing power flood through our bodies. Bring hope. Bring wholeness. Bring strength. We worship You almighty God.
The Rainbow of Hope
A radiant rainbow just appeared in the sky. God reminds us that He is a covenant making and covenant keeping God. The rainbow is a sign of God's love. It is a sign of His goodness. He keeps every promise. His faithfulness reaches to the skies. Every time we see the rainbow, our hearts burn with hope.
Wednesday, May 01, 2024
Merciful Lord
Monte and I were married in March 1999. Never were we prepared for all that God will bring us through as a couple.
We experience the euphoria and joy on the mountain tops. We have been in deep and treacherous valleys. We savour good times. We also face mounting challenges.
All that matters at the end of the day is God's abiding presence. Knowing and experiencing the presence of God bring us to greater intimacy with the Lord.
God shows us the light at the end of the tunnel. He is the promise keeper. He is the covenant making and covenant keeping God. He is Alpha and Omega. We trust Him with our final breath.
This God is our God. God of all grace. God of all power. God of all comfort. All that matters is following our Maker wherever He takes us.
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