Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Your Mercy Reigns

Your mercy reigns. Let Your grace abound. Your all sufficient grace abounds. You lead us to Your living streams. You bring us comfort and strength.

Your mercy reigns. Let Your love abound. Your love lifts us up. Your love liberates us. Your love envelopes us.

Your mercy reigns. Let Your hope abound. There is nothing You cannot do. You are the God of possibilities and opportunities. Your hope does not disappoint. Your hope spurs us on to trust You against all odds. You are our only hope.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Move Us

Move us forward. Plant us where our gifts can flourish. Let Your rich anointing come upon us as we offer our lives to You. Empower us to move in Your anointing.

Move us upward. Draw us to Yourself. A rich intimacy. An intimacy that comes from a heart that longs for You all day long. Draw us into Your glorious presence.

Move us into Your presence. We behold Your beauty and glory. We taste Your goodness. We live in the light of Your glory. Shine Your light on us. Lead us on. Lead us in victory and triumph.

We Trust You

We lift our eyes to You. Our help comes from You. You are our deliverer. You are our only hope. We put our trust in Your goodness.

We lift our hearts to You. Captivate our hearts. Saturate us with Your presence. Come and abide in us. Lead us forward. Move us into the what You desire to do in our broken lives.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Mighty God

You are the promise keeper. You are the waymaker. You are our only hope. You are our only source. You are all we ever needed.

You hem us in and watch over us. You build a hedge of protection over us. You keep us from harm and danger. Let Your presence surround us. Let Your presence empower us. Let Your presence consume us.

Raise us up to shine forth Your glory. Work mightily through our broken lives. Let the power of Your Holy Spirit move upon us. We gaze at Your majestic beauty. We marvel at Your greatness.

Light at the End of the Tunnel

There is light at the end of the tunnel. Help comes from God's sanctuary. He is our helper. He is our deliverer. He comes to rescue us.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. God intervenes divinely. He orchestrates the circumstances of our lives to bless us. He turns things around. He makes a way when there seems to be no way. He is our Waymaker.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. God is our refuge. God is our strength. God's eternal hope prevails. He performs mighty miracles. There is nothing our God cannot do.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

All Creation Worship You

Let all creation worship the everliving God. The sea and the waves are God's tapestry. The sound of the waves soothes our hearts. The sea breeze is refreshing.

We marvel at Your wonderful works. The beauty of creation shows us Your creativity and ingenuity. We worship You almighty God.

We Long for You

Deep calls to deep. Let our longing for You grow in intensity. This longing increases as we journey with You daily. We long for You all day and all night. We long for Your presence.

The deep desires of our hearts are met by You alone. Draw us by the power of Your Spirit. We linger in Your presence. We revel in Your love.

Let the meditations of our hearts be pure. Make our lives be a living sacrifice. We bring honour and praise to Your name. Make our lives count. Make us an instrument of praise.

There is None Like You

Everlasting God and King. There is none like You. We come on bended knees. Seeking You. Worshipping You. Basking in Your presence. 

Everlasting God and King. There is none like You. We come in humble adoration. You have made us to worship You. We find every circumstance to thank You. A thankful heart opens the door for Your rich blessings to flow through us.

Everlasting God and King. There is none like You. We come with broken and contrite hearts. We need You. We are fully dependent on You. Our lives are just one breath away. We find hope in Your everlasting love.

Friday, April 26, 2024

We Seek You

We seek You and we find You. Sensitise our hearts. We want to hear from Your heart. Sensitise us to the promptings of Your Spirit. We rise in faith to move in Your anointing.

We seek You and we find You. Sharpen our vision. We want to see You high and lifted up. Show us Your glory. Show us Your might. Let faith arise. Let Your enemies be scattered.

We seek You and we find You. Open our ears. We long to hear the voice of Your Spirit. You grant us Your strengthening power as we call on You. Your voice thunders. Your voice brings hope. Let faith arise. We are hungry for Your mighty move.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Evening Praise

Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name. Let the rivers clap their. Let the mountains sing. We rejoice in exceeding great joy.

Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. Worthy is Your mighty name. The name that is above every other name. We worship You almighty God.

Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name. Come and abide in us. Come and renew us with Your love. Wash over us. Envelope us in Your glorious presence.

The Lord Watches Over Us

The Lord watches over us constantly. He neither slumbers nor sleeps. His watchful eyes are constantly on us. He protects us from harm and danger. He covers us with His love.

The Lord watches over us faithfully. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. His faithfulness reaches to the skies. Faithful is He who keeps us close to His heart. Faithful is He who treasures and cherishes us as the apple of His eyes.

The Lord watches over us lovingly. He knows the numbers of strands of hair on our heads. He makes us uniquely. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We are special. Our Maker's hand is upon our broken lives.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

We Need You

We need You. Your grace abounds. We do not deserve anything. And You gave us everything. We thank You for breath. We thank You for Your sustaining love.

We need You. Your mercy reigns. You make a way when there seems to be no way. Your faithfulness reaches to the sky. You lead us to a spacious place. You keep us safe and secure.

We need You. Your hope does not disappoint. Hope that comes with every sunrise. Hope that is anchored in Your love. Hope that perseveres. We lean on You. We trust in Your goodness.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Move Upon Us

Lord, thank You that we can call on You all day and all night. Thank You that we can lean on You. Thank You that we can rest in Your love.

Take us to where Your Spirit wants us to be. Put us in a place where our gifts will flourish. Open doors of ministry. Direct our paths. Make us fruitful. Let us thrive by the power of Your Spirit.

Anoint us with holy oil. Empower us to move in Your anointing. Touch our broken lives for Your glory.

Monday, April 08, 2024

Our Helper

Our help is in the name of the Lord. The Maker of heaven and earth. Come and save us. Come and rescue us. Come and deliver us. Those who trust in You will not be moved. We cling to You. We rest in Your unfailing love. We need You desperately.

You are fully dependable. You are always constant. Your never fails. You teach us to trust when everything is going south. Our hope is anchored in Your love. Your unwavering love spurs us on to walk with You.

You teach us to wait patiently. You teach us to wait earnestly. We linger. We bask in Your presence. Lead us to Your living streams. Lead us to a spacious place. Our hearts find rest in You.

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Triumph and Victory

The road ahead is long and difficult. The Lord assures us that He is with us. He assures us of His faithful love and mercy. He graces us to take one baby step at a time.

The Lord is with us in the fire. He is with us when we cross the raging seas. He knows our weaknesses and vulnerability. He beckons us to follow Him to the ends of the earth.

God enables us to do great exploits by the power of His grace. When we enter His rest, we taste His goodness. We revel in His love. We bask in His presence. All we see is possibilities and hope. All we know is that our Redeemer lives. He will see us through it all.

We triumph in His love. We are more than conquerors through the blood of the Lamb. We behold His power and glory. We live victoriously by the power of God's Spirit.

God of Abundance

God is more than enough for all we ever needed. All the resources are at His disposal. He is the God of abundance. There is no scarcity in Him.

He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He reminds us not to fear or be anxious. He is dependable. We can trust Him to provide for our every need. He never fails.

Lord, we trust You wholeheartedly. We trust You when we do not fully comprehend everything. You inspire us to live in Your love and providence. You direct the ravens to bring us food. Our confidence is in You. Your goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives.

Mighty Healer

Lord, we call on You our mighty healer. The greatest physician. Heal and touch our broken bodies. Touch every cell, tissue and organ. Flush out every bad bacteria and virus. Heal every malfunctioning heart valve. Heal every capillary, artery and vein. Heal every fracture in our bones. Touch every tendon and ligament. Bring healing to our joints in every part of our bodies. Bring healing to every inflamed parts of our bodies. Normalise everything that is gone haywire in our bodies. Right every wrong in our bodies.

Restore health and vitality. Let the healing power of Your blood flood through our bodies. Bring healing. Bring wholeness. Bring strength.

Come, balm of Gilead. Cruise through our broken bodies. Bring restoration. Bring relief. We call upon You, Jehovah Rapha. You rise with healing in Your wings. Come upon us. Release Your healing power to touch us.

Thursday, April 04, 2024

The Gift of Life

Life is a gift from God. Every breath is a sign of God's love. Every breath is a sign of God's mercy. Every breath is a sign of God's grace. Life is precious. The Lifegiver sustains us moment by moment.

Lord, live powerfully through each of us. Life eternal. Life everlasting. Life immortal. Your rich blessings is upon everyone who calls on Your name. 

The life and light of Christ permeate through every fibre in our being. The royal blood of the Lamb is cruising through our veins. We have eternal life. We have eternal hope. We have a destiny in the Lord.

Might and Power

The power of God is real. It is tangible. It comes with might and power. God unleashes His power through broken vessels. When we are weak, we are strong because God empowers us.

He looks for a broken man. He looks for a broken woman. He anoints us as we step out in obedience. When God speaks, oftentimes we do not how He will work His purposes and plans through. 

We call on His name. We pray for God to open heaven's door. We rest in His love. We purpose in our hearts to follow Him wherever His love takes us.

We posture our hearts to trust His unfailing love. We pray for Him to sensitise our hearts to the move of His Spirit. We will follow the Lord to the ends of the earth. We pursue Him with every ounce of energy. We know His sustaining power and grace.

Show Us Your Way

Show us the way forward. Show us the way to Your living streams. Show us the way to Your living water.

As the deer pants for water. We long for You. Grant us an unquenchable thirst. Grant us an insatiable hunger. We need You desperately.

Guide and lead us. Help us to understand. Broaden our understanding. Grant us insights and wisdom. Empower us to live for Your glory.

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Seek the Lord

Seek the Lord and He will be found. Lord, we seek You with all of our hearts. Let our hearts be fully captivated by You alone. Let our hearts yearn for You. We seek You with desperation. We need You every second.

Seek the Lord and He will be found. Lord, we seek You from sunrise to sunset. You are our sole preoccupation. You are we rise with hope daily.

Seek the Lord and He will be found. Seek Him with full faith. Flood our hearts with supernatural faith. As we step out in obedience,  You grow our faith. You empower us. You anoint us. We move in the power of Your Spirit.

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Do A Deeper Work in Us

We can never fully comprehend the goodness of God. God sustains us daily miraculously. When we are weak, He is our strength. When we are in distress, He reaches out to help us. 

We cannot live without the Lord. He leads us to deeper depths and highest height in Him. He sees the polished diamonds in You and I. He shapes us. He moulds us. He rebuilds us. He brings out the best in us.

Merciful Lord, we place our lives in Your loving hands. Do a deeper work in us. Lead us to where we belong. Grant us insights and vision to see through Your eyes. Help us. Deliver us. Save us. We call on Your most majestic name.

The Radiance of God

The radiance of Your light. Light of the earth. Light that dispels darkness. Let Your light shine on us. Let Your light brighten our paths. Show us the way ahead. Guide us by the power of Your Spirit.

The radiance of Your love. Love personified. Love crucified. Love that brings hope and healing to all who call upon Your name. Captivate our hearts with Your love. Saturate our hearts with Your presence.

The radiance of Your glory. Let Your glory fall. Let Your glory flood the earth. Let everything that has breath bless Your holy name. Come in power. Come in Your might. Sovereign and supreme God, we bow our knees. We worship You the everliving God.

Monday, April 01, 2024

Let Heaven Ring Hosanna

Wow! This is pure nostalgia. This song is from a musical. I participated in a couple of musicals in Calvary Charismatic Centre (now known as Victory Family Centre).

My first musical was in 1989. It was a memorable experience. I joined the Levites (worship ministry). God blessed me immeasurably in serving Him in the worship ministry. Besides this, I am thankful for opportunities to teach in Life in the Word (LIW) classes. The Lord also opened the door for me to be involved in the area of prayer. Apart of that, I was also involved in leading Life Groups. (Cell Group) God is the one who opens doors of ministry