Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Exceeding Great Joy

Lord, we thirst for You. Quench our thirst. Let Your living water wash over us. Your river of delight. Your river of joy. Joy unspeakable. Joy bubbling over. Joy overflowing.

Your exceeding great joy Flood our hearts daily. Your joy is our strength. Pour Your joy on us. Come, Lord, come in Your power. Come in Your might. Come in Your glory.

The Poor in Spirit

The poor in Spirit shall behold Your glory. Your glory flood our hearts. Your blinding glory shines radiantly. Let Your glory fall. Let Your redeemed people come in humble adoration.

The poor in Spirit shall scale new heights. You strengthen our feeble knees. You empower us. You energise us. Bring us to Your high mountains. Bring us to deeper depths and greater heights in the power of Your Spirit.

The poor in Spirit shall receive abundant blessings. We shall receive overflowing blessings. We shall receive gifts from on high. Blessings that we cannot contain. Blessings that flow from Your presence.

Monday, January 29, 2024

You Made All Things Beautiful

You made all things beautiful. You transform us. You poured in the oil and the wine. You turned our mourning into dancing. We revel in Your love.

You made all things beautiful. You empower us. You put faith in our hearts. We believe in Your miraculous power. Grant us mountain moving faith.

You made all things beautiful. You energise us. Let the strength of Your Spirit empower us. Renew us with Your love. Release us to move in Your anointing.

The First Glimpse of Light

The first glimpse of light radiates with Your love. The gentle nudge of Your love. Your love that liberates us. Your love that engulfs us. Love so deep. Love so wide. Love so strong.

The first glimpse of light radiates with Your glory. Let Your glory fall. Your ever increasing glory. Your shining glory illuminates our hearts. 

The first glimpse of light radiates with hope. We live in You. Our hope is anchored in Your love. Your hope spurs us on to live victoriously. We hope in You all day long.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Living Hope

We have a fish tank at home. There is a perpetual rainbow on our wall next to the fish tank.

God created the rainbow. This is His covenant of love. A covenant of hope. 

God is faithful to us. Each day, He shows us signs of His love. He shows us signs of His goodness. His faithfulness reaches to the sky. 

He is a covenant making and covenant keeping God. We live in the promises of God mercifully. He keeps us whole. He keep us strong.

We live in the power of God's Spirit. He grants us supernatural strength to scale great heights. He gives us a living hope. He gives us meaning and purpose to live.

The King of Glory

The King of glory comes to us. He comes in His majesty and power. He comes in His splendour and radiance. We worship You almighty God.

The King of glory comes to us. He comes for a people with contrite and broken hearts. He comes for a people who bows humbly before Him daily. He comes for those who worship Him with reverential fear.

The King of glory comes to us. He comes to deliver and save us. He comes to show us His power and might. We proclaim Your glory. We extol Your great name. The name that is above every other name.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

His Sustaining Power

Cast our cares on the Lord and He will sustain us. He will mount us with wings like eagles. We will soar high into the skies. The wind of God's Spirit will bring us through the darkest storm.

Cast our cares on the Lord and He will sustain us. He will strengthen our feeble limbs. He grants us grace and mercy. His supernatural strength will enable us to scale every mountain.

Cast our cares on the Lord and He will sustain us. He will pour His Spirit on us. He will restore all that the locusts and cankerworms worms had eaten. He renews and rebuilds us. Our hope is anchored in the everlasting love of God.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Take Us by the Hand

Take us by the hand and lead us to Your hiding place. Hide us in the cleft of Your rock. Warm us with Your love. Hem us in behind and before. Build a hedge of protection around us.

Take us by the hand and lead us to Your high mountains. We encounter You on the mountain. We see Your glory. We know Your power.

Take us by the hand and lead us to Your flowing rivers. Your river of great delight. Your river of flourishing. Your river of life. Flood our hearts with Your presence. Refresh and renew us. Empower and energise us as we seek Your face.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Evening Praise

We lift a song of praise to You. Our hearts cry out to You. Our Maker, our Redeemer and our soon and coming King. 

Pour Your grace on us. Consume our lives as we lay on the altar. Restore our broken ruins. Bind up our wounds. Cleanse us by the power of love. Rebuild our lives.

Friday, January 19, 2024

The Lord Provides for Us

On 18 November 2023, I lost my reading glasses. Sister G blessed me with a new pair of glasses. I thanked her for her kindness and generosity.

God provides for our every need. Before we utter a word from our mouths, He knows our thoughts. He reaches out to us to save us. He delivers us. He heals us. He hears our heart cries.

God is not a figment of our imagination. He is alive. He is actively at work though we do not understand everything that happens.

He wants our complete trust. He beckons us to follow Him to the ends of the earth. He illuminates our hearts. Our hope is in God alone.

Each day the Lord challenges to trust Him for our every need. He puts faith in us to believe Him for the miraculous. He loves and cares deeply for you and I.

Teach us to walk in Your ways. Teach us to number our days. Teach us to hearken unto Your voice. We have decided to follow You wherever You lead us. We put our complete trust in You.

We Cannot Live Without You

We cannot live without You. Every breath reminds us of Your mercy. We are no longer bound. We no longer live in shame and degradation. You have put eternity in our hearts. You have set us on pilgrimage.

We cannot live without You. Every breath reminds us of Your love. Your love empowers. Your love liberates us. Your love sanctifies us. Love personified. Love crucified. Love unfailing.

We cannot live without You. Every breath reminds us of Your hope. Our hope is anchored in Your love. A sure hope. An undying hope. Hope that springs from the depth of Your love. Hope that spurs us on to seek You and love You.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Life is Beautiful

Life is beautiful. Lord, You give us beauty for ashes. You give us the oil of joy for mourning. You give us joy for our sorrow.

Life is beautiful. You put eternity in our hearts. You set us on pilgrimage. You endow us with wisdom and strength. You endow us with insights and understanding. We give You all honour and glory.

Life is beautiful. You pour in the oil and wine. Our faces are radiant. Our hope is sure. Everyday brims with hope and optimism. As we seek Your face, we are transformed by Your power. Do a deep and a lasting in our broken lives.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Almighty God

This glorious morning, our hearts are full. Full of You. Full of Your presence. Your presence empowers us. Your presence energises us. Your presence liberates us.

You inspire us to live triumphantly. We Your redeemed people live to proclaim Your glory. We live to magnify Your great name. Live powerfully through our broken lives.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Abba Father

Abba Father, let our hearts be Yours alone. As we worship You. You empower us. You energise us. You liberate us. Thank You, Lord!

Abba Father, let our hearts be Yours alone. Captivate our hearts. Draw us by Your Spirit. We fall at Your feet. There is no higher calling than to worship You.

Abba Father, let our hearts be Yours alone. Turn our hearts like rivers of water. Lead us to where You desire us to go. We have decided to follow You to the ends of the earth. Sanctify us as we worship You.

Merciful Love

On 11 December 2023, I was badly scalded by boiling soup on my right foot accidentally.

For many weeks, I wad not able to wear proper shoes. I wore slippers instead. The strap of the slipper rubbed against the top part of my wound.

As I recover from this injury, I am thankful for God's healing power. As we pray and trust the Lord, He sees us through every situation. God is actively at work in our lives though we may not see it.

The God of all hope puts eternity in our hearts. This living hope from God spurs us on to live victoriously. No set back or crisis can sidetrack us. We serve a God who is fully dependable. The merciful love of God overflows.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

We Need You

The sun rises
The sun sets
We need You desperately 

We begin in You
We end in You
We need You desperately 

Our redeemer 
Our fortress 
Our restorer 
Our only hope

We Need You desperately 
Touch our broken lives
Rebuild our broken ruins
Restore us

The fish need water
The flowers needs sunlight 
We need You
We cannot live without You

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Hearts Wide Open

Our hearts are wide open. Wide open for the move of Your Spirit. We are hungry for a move of God. Unleash Your power and grace upon our broken lives.

Our hearts are wide open. Wide open for the wonder of Your love. Love personified. Love crucified. Love that redeems us from damntion and degradation. Love that purifies. Love that makes us whole again.

Our hearts are wide open. Wide open for the Your miraculous power. Mighty God. Mighty to save. Mighty to heal. Mighty to deliver. Show us Your glory. Show us Your grace. Show us Your power. Move powerfully through our lives and ministries.

Saturday, January 06, 2024

Miracle Working God

Monte and I are overwhelmed by the power of God's love. God is alive. He is a miracle working God. He hears our cries. He brings hope and strength for everyday new day. 

In March 2024, Monte will be away at Asia Pacific Theological Seminary (APTS) in Baguio, Philippines for the graduation ceremony. He had successfully defended his PhD in April 2023. God alone deserves all the glory and honour.

We are thankful for the preaching opportunity for Monte at the International Praise Center in Baguio, Philippines on 24 March 2024. God is so good!

I am not able to be with Monte on this trip. The flight and the high altitude in APTS aggravated the swelling of my upper eyelids due to thyroid eye disease. I am believing God for complete healing and restoration.

Our hearts go out to all who have made this trip possible. We are deeply indebted to you. You have journeyed with us. You have believed in us. You have encouraged and supported us all these years. You have covered us with precious prayer. 

Thank you for partnering with us. Thank you for sowing into our ministry. Thank you for your active involvement in our lives. You have inspired us to love and serve God wholeheartedly. We pray for God to bless you bountifully.

The Goodness of God

On 11 December 2023, my right foot was badly scalded by boiling soup. By the next day, the blister was bulging.

During this time, I could not exercise regularly. Exercise is so crucial. It is not just the physical. It builds us up wholistically.

Thank God for helping me to slip into my walking shoes for the first time yesterday painlessly.

The goodness of God is inspiring. It is overwhelming. It is overflowing.