Friday, June 30, 2023

We Need A Word From You

We need a word from You. A word of direction. Lead us to where Your presence will take us. We will follow hard after You.

We need a word from You. Keep us in Your love. Let us thrive in You. Keep our oil burning. Let the power of Your Spirit move upon our hearts.

We need a word from You. Lead us into victory. Let our hearts be bursting with hope and optimism. Revitalise and energise us by the power of Your Spirit.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Love That Purifies

Cover us with Your love. Your love purifies us. Your love envelopes us. Your love overwhelms us.

Your love is everlasting. Your love is endless. Your love never fails. Your loves liberates us. You love invigorates us.

We look to You and we find strength and hope. We find purpose and meaning to life. We find supernatural strength to continue the race.

Teach us to number our days. Each day is bursting with hope. We stand amazed at Your marvelous love. We come in humble adoration. We come in holy submission.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Staycation With Monte

Monte and I are having staycation at Changi Village hotel.  We thank my brother, Nicholas, for  his kind generosity.

This area has a very laid back and relaxed vibe.  It is near the beach and food is easily accessible.

Saturate Us

Saturate our hearts with Your goodness. Your blessings overflow. We live each day to taste Your goodness. We live each day to see a sign of Your love.

Saturate our hearts with Your presence. Your liberating presence. Your empowering presence. Your strengthening presence.  

We will go anywhere Your presence leads us. Take us by the hand and we will follow You.

Saturate our hearts with Your power. Move mightily through our lives and ministries. Let the power of Your Spirit fall on us. We are hungry for a move of God.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Strengthen Us

With all the strength that You have given us, we depend solely on You. Leaning on You. Calling on Your name day and night.

With all the strength that You have given us, we climb Your mountain.  With our eyes on the summit, we focus on You.

With all the strength that You have given us, we hope in You. The hope of glory, the Rock of ages. Your hope renews and rebuilds us daily. Let Your hope burn bright and strong in our hearts.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

With All Of Our Hearts

With all of our hearts, we will love You. Loving You with every breath we have.  Loving You with all that is within us.

With all of our hearts, we will glorify Your name. Lifting up Your magnificent name. Lifting up Your matchless name.

With all of our hearts, we will bow and worship You. We come in humble submission. We come in holy reverence. We come with open hearts.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Let Faith Arise

God wants us to put our trust in Him. He wants us to the little mustard seed in His hands. He wants to show us us signs, wonders and miracles.

I am so blessed to walk with the Lord since my teenage years. God builds His faith in me. He challenges me to walk by faith and not by sight.

Monte and I are blessed.  God has performed one miracle after another.  There were countless days when we were between a wall and a hard place. God comes through for us every time.  

He reminds us of His faithfulness daily. He reminds us that there is nothing He cannot do.

God wants to pour His Spirit on us. He wants  us to live by faith and not by sight. As we step out in obedience, His anointing comes on us. Faith arises in our hearts. Miracles happen.  God is glorified and magnified.

Lord, move upon our hearts. Let us step into Your river. Bring us to where You want us to be.  

We give You praise and honour. We give You the preeminence. We declare Your majesty.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Rising Faith

Rising faith in God abounds.  Cause our faith to grow in leaps and bounds.  Growing from faith to faith. Pushing boundaries and persevering with relentless faith.

We boast in knowing You. Our confidence is in You.  Growth and development comes from You We posture our hearts to lean on You always.

Your sure and undying hope keeps us going.  Your hope purifies us. Your hope burns deep within us. Our hope is anchored in Your divine love.

Love That Purifies

Lord, we give You full access into every facet of our lives.  No rooms are barred.  You have full reign.  You have full control.

Let the searchlight of Your Spirit penetrate through every corner of our hearts.  Let our meditations be pleasing to You. 

Cleanse us from deep within.  Remove the chaff. Remove the dross.  Put within us a heart that fears You.  Put within us a heart that longs for Your courts.

Do a deep and a lasting work in us.  The pure in heart shall see Your glory.  The pure hearts will know Your power.

Your love purifies our hearts.  Your love lingers.  Your love empowers.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Gifts From On High

We ask not for gold or silver. We ask for Your hand of love upon our broken lives. Move powerfully through our lives and ministries.

We ask not for power and prestige. We ask for the outpouring of Your Spirit. Set our hearts ablaze. Let Your holy fire consume us. Burn Your deep desires within our hearts.

We ask not for fame and fortune. We ask for You to pour Your gifts on us.  We pray that we move in Your anointing. We pray for Your Spirit's power to come upon us. In You we live and move and have our being.

Your Matchless Name

Lord, You are as close as the mention of Your name. We call on Your name. We cry out to You.

Your matchless name. Your all powerful name. The name above every other name. At Your name, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that You are Lord.

We call on You. We cry out to You. We seek You in every season. We cling to You. We need You desperately.

Almighty God, let Your glory fall. Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad. Let our hearts burn with hope. Strengthen us as we rest in Your love.

Saturday, June 10, 2023


Some of us have been waiting for something for so long that we wonder if it will ever happen.

The Lord teaches us to wait patiently. He wants us to wait in expectancy. He wants us to wait by faith. 

Waiting can be difficult if it is prolonged. Dissipation sets in.  Weariness saps away all our strength.

God's perfect timing is everything. He knows what is best for us. He commands times and seasons. He is in complete control of every facet of our broken lives.

He makes all things beautiful. We are refreshed and revitalised by the miracle power of God. 

Waiting is also a time of centering. Centering on God. Allowing the power of God's Spirit to permeate through our lives. 

God orchestrates the circumstances of our lives to bless us. He gives us endless hope as we wait on Him. His hope does not disappoint.

We wait in love. We wait with expectancy. We wait with hope.

Friday, June 09, 2023

None Like You

We marvel at Your greatness. No one can compare with You.  You are mighty to save, mighty to deliver and mighty to heal.

We call upon Your name. The name that is above every other name. Matchless. Unparalleled. Majestic. You are beyond comparison.

We put our trust in You. The righteous shall cry out and You will hear us. You will deliver us.  You will rescue us. There is no mountain too high for You.  There is no ocean too deep for You.

We reach our highest height in You. We reach our deepest depth in You. We cling on to You. We depend completely on You. Save us. Deliver us. Heal us, Lord!

Faithful God

Look at the sky this glorious Friday morning.

Great is Your faithfulness.  Your mercy reigns forevermore.  Your living hope keeps our hearts alive.

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Staycation at Changi Cove Hotel

Special thanks to my brother for a one night staycation with my mum at Changi Cove Hotel.  It was such a wonderful and refreshing staycation.

Wednesday, June 07, 2023

We Live To Glorify You

Lord, this glorious morning, our hearts are full. Full of goodness. Full of Your wonder.

Beautiful Saviour. Marvelous Lord. We long for Your courts.  Take us deeper Into Your presence. Consume us. Set us apart for Your glory.

We cherish each day. We thank You for sustaining us with Your breath. You are our sole preoccupation. We live to glorify You.

Monday, June 05, 2023

Holy Submission

I caught the last glimpse of the moon this morning.

Lord, we cry out to You.  We come in humble adoration.  We come with hearts wide open.

Spirit of the living God, fall on us.  Come in Your power.  Come in Your might.  

Perform a miracle for us this day.  We trust You with our whole heart.  

You are fully dependable.  You are unchanging. You are faithful to the very end.

Merciful Lord, we surrender.  We come in holy submission.  We lay our lives on the altar.  We worship You.

Sunday, June 04, 2023

Draw Us By Your Spirit

Draw us by Your Spirit and we will run after You. You are our sole desire. You make all things beautiful. You are our light at the end of the tunnel.

Draw us by Your Spirit and we will run after You. You fill our hunger. You quench our thirst. We need You desperately. Fill us till we overflow.

Draw us by Your Spirit and we will run after You. Pour Your mercy and grace on us. Consume us with Your love. Cleanse us with Your fire. Make us whole again.

Friday, June 02, 2023

Let Faith Arise

Though we do no see, we choose to trust the Lord.  God honours our faith.  Faith touches God's heart

The mountains are right before us.  The terrain gets rougher each day.  The incline gets steeper.  

Our faith does not waver.  The odds are against us.  We are not dismayed.  God is on our side.  He is more than enough.  He holds all things together.

The enemy comes to destroy.  He brings confusion and despair.  He paralyses us with fear.

The Lord brings hope in our despair.  All we need to do is to step into His presence.  He is in full control.  He gives clarity to direction.  He guides us in His truth.  He liberates us with His love.

He whom the Son sets free is free indeed.  We walk in the power of His love.  He floods our hearts with faith and hope. 

The circumstances may not have changed.  Our perspective has.  God grants us a paradigm shift.  The power of God's Spirit comes in us.  And we we begin to soar like eagles.  Our hearts are bursting with His presence.