Wednesday, May 31, 2023

We Trust You

God is in full control of every facet of our lives. He is faithful to the very end.

He orchestrates the circumstances of our lives.  Nothing escapes His eyes.  Nothing happens by chance.  God works in and through our broken lives.

He beckons us to trust Him.  He shows us that He is unparalleled.  No one can compare with Him.  He is unchanging.  There is no shifting shadows in Him.  We can trust our Maker.

As we posture our hearts to seek.  He pours His blessings on us.  He leads and guides us to green  pastures.  

All that remains is an intimacy that only His beloved children understand.  A bond so strong that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Speak To Us

Speak to us
As we walk in the forest

Speak to us
As we walk by the streams

Speak to us
As we lift our eyes to the sky

Speak to us
As we climb the mountain

Our hearts are wide open
Sensitise our hearts
Captivate our hearts

Release us in Your anointing 
Let our lives be a pleasing sacrifice to You
Have Your way in us

Glorious Saviour

This glorious morning, Your light shines down on us.

The light of Your love.  The light of Your glory.  The light of Your grace.

Abide is us as we abide in You. Hide us in Your love. Engulf us with Your presence.

Lord, Your love brings hope and encouragement to us daily. Eternal God and King, we bow before Your throne.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

We Lift Up Our Eyes

We lift up our eyes
Our help comes from You
Merciful Lord
Provide for our every need
Your sent Your ravens to feed us

We lift up our eyes
Our help comes from Your sanctuary 
We are set apart for You
Pour our lives out like a drink offering 
Make us a living sacrifice 

We lift up our eyes
Our help comes from Your presence 
Your presence liberates us
Your presence empowers us
Your presence renews us
We put our trust in You

Our Hearts Are Full

Our hearts are expectant
Believing You for miracles
Knowing Your great power 
Our hearts are full

We are longing for You
Touch our hearts
Set our hearts ablaze 
Our hearts are full

Merciful Lord
Glorious Saviour
Almighty God
Our hearts are full

Full of Your love
Full of Your mercy
Full of Your grace
Our hearts are full 

Thursday, May 25, 2023


I am out brisk walking in my neighbourhood.

Lord, we thank You for breath.  We thank You for every ounce of energy from You.  

We press into Your presence.  We behold Your glory.  We marvel at Your love.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Breathe Upon Us

Breathe upon, breath of God. Sweep over us. Let Your power come upon us. Wind of God, blow on us. Consume and ignite our hearts.

Burn Your deep desire in us. Spirit of the living God, pour Your anointing on us. We are hungry for a move of God. We wait with expectant hearts. 

Come Holy Spirit, abide in us. Refire and rebuild us. Order the desires of our hearts. Align our heart with Your plans and purposes. Establish us in You. We live to glorify Your holy name.

We Worship You

With all out hearts
We will worship You

With all of our hearts
We will bow our knees

With all of our hearts
We surrender our all

Merciful Lord
Have Your way in us
Consume our broken lives
Move in and through us

Shine Your glorious light on us
We are Your living stones
Build Your church through each of us

Fill Us With Your Spirit

Lord, we are strong in You and in the might of Your power.  We are weak but You are strong.  Our strength is made perfect in weakness.  

God energises and revitalises us. He empowers us.  The strength of God's spirit comes on the righteous.  He bestows wisdom and understanding on us.  

Lord, strengthen us by the power of Your Spirit.  Make us Your chosen vessel.  Reveal Your secrets to us as we seek Your face.  

We will be bold and courageous. We will not cower in fear.  We will rise up with Your power and authority.  

Filled with the power of Your Spirit, we will complete the race.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

We Cry Out To You

Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name.

Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad.

Let the poor in Spirit cry out to You.  You shall touch our broken lives.

Let the weak say I am strong.  Let the poor say I am rich.  Come in Your power and grace.

Let the righteous cry out.  Hear our cries.  Touch our hearts.  Move mightily upon us.

Resting In Your Unfailing Love

This glorious morning, our hearts cry out to You. God of all grace. God of all mercy.

We need You desperately. We pray for an insatiable hunger and an unquenchable thirst. We cannot live without You.

Remove every barrier. Remove every obstacle. Pave our way. Lead us to a spacious place. We rest in Your unfailing love.

Monday, May 22, 2023


We glory in Your holy name
We glory in Your hope
We glory in Your power

And mighty
Are You, Lord

We give You honour
We give You praise 
We give You everything

We surrender all
We pour our lives as a drink offering 
Consume our lives
Do a deep and a lasting work in us

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Faithful God

We call to mind Your faithfulness.  You have raised us up.  You have placed Your hand upon our lives.  We will not be where we are without Your presence.  You are faithful and true.   

We call to mind Your love.  Your love surround us every moment of the day.  Your love lifts us up.  Your love empowers us.  Your love is divine.  Your love makes us strong.

We call to mind Your mercy.  We were condemned for destruction.  In Your mercy, You restore and renew us.  You give us hope and purpose to live.  Your mercy will follow as all the days of our lives.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Hope Alive

The Christian life is not a bed of roses.  Sometimes we go through waves of challenges.  We go through things that we may not comprehend.

The Lord beckons us to trust Him.  To know that we are in His good hands.  Faithful men and women have gone through the fire.  God upholds His righteous people.  He sustains us moment by moment.

Each day, God awakens us to His love.  All day long, He shows us glimpses of His grace and glory.  We stand amazed at His greatness.

In our darkest moments, God shows us a sliver of hope.  He pours His grace on us.  He reminds us of His faithfulness.

As long as we have breath, we will go on trusting our maker.  We posture our hearts to seek Him earnestly.  With wholehearted devotion, we bow in humble adoration.

The storm shall pass.  The flowers will bloom again.  The birds will fly again.  Hope burns bright and strong in those who put their trust in God.

Lead Us

Lead us to Your living streams.  Quench our thirst. We want to drink from Your river. Water our hearts. Refresh and revitalise us.

Lead us to Your high mountains. Let us linger. Let us stay. Let us behold Your might and power. The mountains resound and ring with glorious refrain. Let Your glorious name be exalted forevermore.

Lead us into Your presence.  We revel in Your love. Let Your presence empower us. Let Your presence renew us. Let Your presence overpower us. We need You desperately.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023


Each morning, my first response to God is thanksgiving. Thanking and praising the Lord for life.

Thanksgiving opens the door of our hearts to the power of God. It opens our hearts to the greatness of God. It opens our hearts to His wonder.

We leave no room for discouragement and despondency. We leave no room for fear and doubt to dampen our hearts.

God pours His love and power on us. He nourishes us with His love. He strengthens us by the power of His Spirit. He anoints us with holy oil as we step out in obedience.

Let the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to God. He sanctifies our every thought and motivation. He works His purposes and plans through every broken vessel.

Mighty God

Lord, this glorious day bursts with hope and optimism.

Teach us to rest in Your love.  Teach us to lean on You.  Teach us to wait upon You.

Nothing else matters, all we want is to see You high and lifted up.  All we need is found in You. 

Your empowering presence.  Your liberating love.  Your tenderness and mercy.  Your unfailing love.  

Let Your presence flood our hearts.  We rejoice in Your grace.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Make Us Strong In You

Teach us Your ways
Guide us into Your truth
Fortify our hearts
Make us strong in You

The days of great trials
The days of mounting challenges 
You are our main focus
Make us strong in You

The storm rages
The fire burns 
You see us through it all
Make us strong in You

You are our only hope
You are our sole desire
You are eternal 
You are unchanging 
We set our eyes on You

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Singapore Symphony Orchestra at Singapore Botanic Garden

The Singapore Symphony Orchestra is playing at the Singapore Botanic Garden.  Wow!  So many people are picnicking here! 😊

Loving Mum

God has blessed my two brothers and me with a loving mum.  

Mum has given us her very best.  She sacrifices and gives her all to us.  We can never outgive her.

Ours is an average income family.  Wealth and possession does not make a family.  Love builds a family.  Love and acceptance make a family whole.

My heart wells up with thanksgiving every time I think about my mum.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Move Upon Us

The river of great delight.  Your ever flowing river that refreshes and revitalises us.  Plunge us in Your river.  Immerse us completely.  Flow river flow.

Anoint us in the power of Your Spirit.  Sensitise us to the promptings of Your Spirit.  Move powerfully through our broken lives.  Move Spirit move.

Consume us with Your fire.  Let Your fire burn bright and strong within us.  Refiner's fire, burn deep and strong.  Do a deep and a lasting work in us.  Burn fire burn.

We Abide In You

We abide in You
We abide in Your love
We abide in Your presence 

We cling to You
We long For You
We need You

Thanking You
For solace and strength 
For peace and comfort
For hope and optimism 
We abide in Your love

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Due to my mum's Alzheimer's disease, she is unable to manage dates and days of the week.  I am so thankful that she can still tell time.

We Long To Hear Your Voice

We live in the light of Your glory.  We live in the light of Your love.  We live in the light of Your power.

Display Your power and Your glory in the earth.  Shine Your glorious light on us.  

Reveal the secrets of Your heart to us.  We long to hear Your voice.  We posture our hearts to seek You alone.

Mighty God

I just took a shot of the fluffy clouds in the blue sky from home.  It is breathtaking.

Lord, we come in humble adoration.  We come with open hearts.  We come with expectant hearts.  Move upon our broken lives this day.

Monday, May 08, 2023

Set Apart For You

We echo the words of the psalmist. We seek Your face. We want to know You. We want to encounter You daily. We are set apart for You.

Let our hearts be sensitive to the move of Your spirit. We want to hear Your voice. We want to know Your heart.

Almighty God, we serve You alone. The highest calling is to worship You. We bow. We prostrate before You. We worship You almighty God.

Lord, You are our prime preoccupation. Every part of our being belongs to You. Let our heart cry out to You unceasingly. You are the Lord of our lives. 

You are all that really matters. When our relationship with You is whole, every other area of our lives will fall in place.

You alone are worthy of all praise and glory. Saturate our hearts with Your abiding presence. Let us be a pleasing sacrifice to You. Make us an instrument of Your love today.

Draw us by Your power. Draw us by Your love. Let us run to Your presence. Let us seek You alone.

We have decided to follow You. There is no turning back. We have set our faces like flint before You. Consume our broken lives. Establish us in You. Raise us up to scale new heights in You. We trust You with all of our hearts.

Be Bold, Be Strong

God does not just build our faith, He grants us boldness. A boldness that comes from journeying with God. A boldness that comes right from the presence of God.

The stresses and challenges of life do not melt away our courage. As we wait on the Lord, we shall mount up with wings like eagles. We shall run and not be weary. We shall walk and not faint. 

We are bold. We are strong. We will not cower in fear. God unleashes His great power on us. He shows us the might of His strength. There is nothing our God cannot do.

As we step out in obedience, God's boldness and strength permeate through us. He does great exploits through broken vessels. He shows His greatness through broken lives.

The power of God comes on His righteous people. The power of God rests on the contrite in heart. As we humble ourselves before the Lord, He moves powerfully through us.

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Merciful God

In October 2021, I underwent radiotherapy to treat my thyroid eye disease.  There were a total of 10 daily treatment sessions.

Besides radiotheray,  I underwent Intravenous Methylprenisolone treatment (IMPT) in March 2022.  I went through weekly treatment for 12 weeks.

With IMPT, I battled awful side effects.  Heart palpitations, leg cramps, leg stiffness, metallic taste in my mouth and insomnia.

To date, I am still following up with the specialists at Singapore National Eye Centre.

I call to mind the goodness and faithfulness of almighty God.  I was able to go through the difficult days because of the Lord. 

As I reflect on the days and months when I battled the side effects of IMPT.  I was not depending on my ability.  God gave me supernatural strength.  He empowered me with with hope and optimism.  The power of God is real.

The Lord watches over us.  His intervention and loving support sustain us daily.  As we trust our maker, He floods our hearts with His divine presence.  

God is with us.  He is with us in the raging storms.  He is in complete control.  In our chaos, His still small voice gives us immense strength and hope.

The goodness and mercy of God will follow us all the days of our lives.  As we set our eyes on the Lord, we anchor our hope in His unfailing love.

Faithful God

Never has there been one
As faithful as You
Never has there been one
As merciful as You
Never has there been one
As gracious as You

Touch our lives
For the glory of Your name
Consume as we lay on Your altar

Never has there been one
As loving as You
Never has there been one
As magnanimous as You

Come into our broken lives
Set us apart 
For Your purposes 

Our destiny is in You
Saturate our hearts with Your presence 
Renew us with Your love


Thankful to smell the flowers
Thankful to hear the chirping birds
Thankful to see the full bloom
Thank You for life

Thankful to hear Your voice
Thankful to see Your glory
Thankful to know You
Thank You for life

Thankful for Your warmth
Thankful Your strength 
Thankful for undying hope
Thank You for life

Our hearts burn for You
We long for Your courts
We are desperate for You
Thank You for life

Friday, May 05, 2023

We Thank You

For every promise
For every answered prayer
For Your precious word
We thank You

For signs of Your goodness 
For glimpses of Your glory
For the empowerment of Your Spirit 
We thank You

For life eternal
For hope so sure
For grace abundant 
We thank You

For love divine
For joy unspeakable 
For strength renewed 
We thank You

Eternal God 
With hearts wide open 
We pour our hearts to You
We call on Your mighty name
We thank You

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

The Name Above Every Other Name

We will extol Your name
We will magnify Your name
We will glorify Your name

The name that is above every other name 
The renown of Your name
The magnificence of Your name
The glory of Your name

We praise and adore You
We lift Your name up high
Let the redeemed of the Lord
Exalt Your most high name

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

We Behold You

Looking out of my window and caught this glorious moment of the beautiful sky today.  

My heart is overwhelmed with the goodness and grace of God upon Monte and I.

We live to see the glory of God.  We live to behold His wonder and His power.

Envelope us with love and presence.  We abide in Your love and mercy.

How Deep Is Your Love

Your love liberates us
You love restores us
You love invigorates us
How deep is Your love

Your love empowers us
Your love energisers us
You love builds us up
How deep is Your love

Merciful Lord
Marvelous Saviour 
Conquering King

How deep is Your love
How strong is Your love
How wide is Your love

Love overflowing 
Overwhelming us
Overpowering us
How deep is Your love

Monday, May 01, 2023

How Great Is Our God

All creation worship You.  Majestic and mighty God.  We declare Your lordship.  We proclaim Your glory.

Merciful Lord, ignite the fire in our hearts. Let our hearts burn brighter and stronger for You.  Flow through our broken lives.

How great is our God!  Merciful, mighty, glorious and magnificent.  Let Your glory fall on us.