Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Choosing You

Our hearts well up with thanksgiving for life eternal.  For hope so sure.  For love so divine.

We can be anywhere in this whole wide world, we choose to abide in the presence of the almighty.

We can be anywhere in this whole wide world, we choose to anchor our lives in His love.

We can be anywhere in this whole wide world, we choose to bask in His presence.

Lord, we need You.  We will follow hard after You.  We will press into Your presence.  We will seek You and we will find You.


This is a photo I took from my home one day in 2013.  God has blessed Monte and I with a roof over our heads.  Many times, we would come home and echo these words "It is so good to be home."

God provides for us.  He meets our needs daily.  Have it not been for the mercy of God, we will not be here today.

God blesses us lavishly.  The air we breathe.  Our families.  Our vocations.  Our dreams.  Our aspirations.  He gives us the best.  We are eternally grateful to our redeemer.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Touch Our Hearts

Sensitise our hearts to the promptings of Your Spirit.  Touch and sensitise us to move powerfully in Your anointing.  Spirit of God, lift us up.  Empower and energise us.

Come, Lord!  Enter in and align our hearts to Your purposes.  Teach us Your ways.  Show us Your path. Guide and lead us into Your truth.

Spirit of the living God.  Endue us with Your power.  Every knee will bow and every to tongue confess that You are Lord.  Lord of all.

You Struck The Rock

You struck the rock 
And water gushed out
Let faith arise

You struck the rock 
And water gushed out
We put our trust in You

You struck the rock 
And water gushed out
All power and glory be to You

You struck the rock 
And water gushed out
There is none like You

We trust in You completely
We follow hard after You
We call on Your mighty name

You struck the rock 
And water gushed out
We worship You

Your Ravens Have Fed Us

Your ravens have fed us
Thank You for providing for us
Your ravens have fed us
Thank You for loving us
Your ravens have fed us
Thank You for nourishing us
Your ravens have fed us
Thank You for sustaining us

Sovereign Lord
We need You desperately 
We cannot live without You
You are our sole desire
You are all that matters

We come in humble adoration 
We come in total submission
We come on bended knees
We come with contrite hearts

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Breathe Upon Us

Come breathe upon us, breathe of God.  Breathe life.  Breathe strength.  Breathe hope.  Resurrect the dead bones.  Bring release and restoration.  Empower and energise us by the power of Your Spirit.  

Enter in.  Enter into our broken lives.  We offer our lives as a living sacrifice.  Spirit of the living God, consume us completely.  Rule and reign sovereignly in us, this day.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Mighty God

This glorious evening, we praise Your glorious name.  King of kings and Lord of lords.  We bow, we worship and we adore You.

Majestic and mighty.  You hold all things together.  You are the beginning and the end.  You are Alpha and Omega.  Merciful Lord, we cry out to You.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

As We Wait On You

As we wait on You
Soften our hearts
As we wait on You
Sensitise our spirit
As we wait on You
Open our ears

As we wait on You
Empower us
As we wait on You
Energise us
As we wait on You
Refire us

We worship You
We adore You 
As we wait on You
Show us Your glory
Show us Your grace

Thank You, Lord

You satisfy our deepest longings 
Thank you, Lord
You free us from our anguish
Thank you, Lord
You bring us lasting hope
Thank you, Lord

We were once aimless

You made all things new
You robe us in righteousness 
You flood our hearts with Your presence 
You are why we rise with hope each day

Thank you, Lord
For showing us a sign of Your love
For leading us to green pastures
For leading us to Your living streams 

Thank you, Lord
For hope eternal
For love divine
For grace abounding
For strength renewed

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Only You

Down the corridors of time, men and women have been seeking God.  The empty void in our hearts cannot be filled by a metal, wooden or glass god.  

God alone can satisfy our deepest longings.  God alone gives us purpose to live.  We thrive, we triumph, we flourish.  God in His love gives us new awakenings.  He gives us hope and optimism.  He opens the eyes of our hearts.

Lord, pour Your Spirit on us.  Only You can gives us hope.  Only You can lead us to Your living water.  Only You can meet our needs.  Thank you, Lord!

We Worship You

This glorious morning, we call to mind Your faithfulness.  We call to mind Your greatness.  Perform mighty miracle in our lives.  We call on Your divine intervention.  

We worship You.  Let Your ring throughout all the earth.  Let all those who seek You rejoice.  Our hope is anchored in Your love.  Let us adore and worship You.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Speak, Lord

Speak, Lord
Your servants are listening
Sensitise our hearts
Sensitise our spirit
Open our ears

Broaden our understanding 
Lead us
Guide us
Show us Your way
Lead us on the straight and narrow path

Speak, Lord
Touch us with Your love
Heal us with Your power
Pour Your Spirit on us

Friday, November 18, 2022

We Want To Worship You

We want to worship You
We want to bow
We want to bend our knees
We want to lift our voices to praise You

We want to adore You
We want to extol Your name
We want to magnify You
We want to worship You

Let our praises ring
Let everything that has breath praise Your holy name
Let us behold Your glory
We want to worship You

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


I will give you rest
I will lead you to the living streams
I will fill your cup

We come with open hearts
We come with open hands
We come with open ears

Fill us 
Energise us
Empower us
Rebuild us
Restore us
Refresh us

Monday, November 14, 2022

There Is None Like You

Your ever increasing glory
There is none like You
Your ever increasing power
There is none like You
Your ever increasing grace
There is none like You

We behold Your beauty
We behold Your glory
We marvel at Your love

There is none like You
We rest in Your love
We hope in Your glory
We bask in Your presence 

Monday, November 07, 2022

Anoint Us, Lord

Psalms 45:7  
"You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, Your God, has anointed you with the oil of joy above your fellows."  

Psalms 45:7 is a messianic prophecy.  An in-depth study will show Christ as the messiah both as the future king and the bridegroom of the church.

To anoint is to be blessed with oil.  It speaks of the Holy Spirit.  The spirit of God empowers us to move in God's power.  The power of God's spirit is poured upon our lives.  God begins to move through us. 

Healing, prophecy, word of knowledge, salvation are signs of the power of God's holy anointing.  

In faith, God moves us to deeper depths and greater heights in the spiritual realm to move in His anointing.  The christian life is about the anointing of God in our lives.  As we submit to the Lordship of Christ, His anointing flows through our broken lives.


Wednesday, November 02, 2022

In God We Trust

In God we trust
You are fully dependable 
You are immovable 
You are steadfast
You are unchanging 
There is no shifting shadows in You

In God we trust

In God we trust
With our dying breath 
With every ounce of our energy
Completely surrendered to You
Totally consumed by Your power

God's Creation

Yesterday, I saw this round shaped fernlike plant.  It is unique and beautiful.

God is ingenious, brilliant and creative.  He is the master designer.  He brings beauty and grace.  He holds all things in His hands.  All creation praise His glorious name.  

We worship You, almighty God.  You are the reason we rise each day.  You are our sole desire.  Empower us as we call on Your majestic name.  We are eternally grateful for all You have done in and through our broken lives.

We Seek You

You hold our lives in Your hands
You hold our dreams in Your hands
You hold our desires in Your hands

You hold our destinies in Your hands
You hold our aspirations in Your hands

We seek You
We seek Your approval 
We seek Your face
We seek Your favour
We seek Your directions

Let our meditations be pure
Let us seek You and rejoice
Let our lives be a pleasing sacrifice to You
Set us apart for You

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

All Creation Worship You

This glorious morning, Your glory fills the earth.  There is none like You.  Only fools will say that there is no God.  All creation worship You, Lord!  We declare Your lordship.  We proclaim the glory of Your name, almighty God!