Wednesday, August 31, 2022

His Loving Care

Two days ago, Monte and I were out in town.  As we were walking towards the bus stop, I heard someone calling out to me from behind.  A teenage girl gave me my spectacles.  I had apparently dropped it on the ground.  I thanked her.

I had the reading glasses made in June 2022.  What makes this testimony incredible is that the incident happened in the night when visibility was poor.I thank God for watching over me in every possible manner.  

We find every circumstance to thank God.  He watches over us.  He reaches out to the inner recesses of our hearts and assures us of His love and faithfulness daily.  We live to see a sign of His goodness.  Our merciful God keeps us safe from seen and unseen danger.  He protects us and loves us deeply.  He showers His love on us lavishly.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Captivate Our Hearts

Ponder His mighty works. Ponder His unending mercies. Ponder His loving deeds. Ponder His abounding grace. Ponder His undying hope.

Let our hearts and minds be completely consumed by Your love. Let the power of Your love give us courage and perseverance. Captivate us with Your love. Empower us by Your Spirit.

Let the meditations of our hearts be acceptable to You. Let our hearts be pure. Let our motives be pure. Let our intentions be pure. Touch our lives for Your glory.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

We Triumph In You

We call to mind the faithfulness of our eternal God.  Lord, You help us to climb the mountains of life.  Climbing the mountain often involves difficulties, hardship and mounting challenges.  

There are times when it gets unbearable; You  beckon us to persevere.  You hold us by our hands and lead us patiently.  

Lord, we surge forward by the power of Your grace.  We press in to Your presence.  We dwell in the shadow of Your wings.  We triumph from faith to faith.  We triumph from glory to glory.  We triumph in Your grace.  

With all that is within us, we magnify Your magnificent name. The name above every other name. 

Lift Us Up

Spirit of God, lift us up.  You are the lifter of our hearts.  You are the lifter of our heads.  You lift us up with Your love.  You lift us up by  Your power.  

Flood our hearts with Your presence this day.  You are the glory and the lifter of our heads. 

In You we live and move and have our being.  Spirit of God, come and empower us by Your Spirit.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Open The Eyes Of Our Heart

You open our eyes and we see Your glory.  You Open our ears and we hear the voice of Your Spirit.  You open our hearts and we understand Your purposes.  

Open the eyes our our hearts.  Pour Your Spirit on us.  Unfold Your plans and purposes to us.  Reveal the things that burn in Your heart to us.  

We want to know You.  We want to embrace everything You have instored for our lives.  We want nothing but You.  

Be glorified in our lives.  Move powerfully in our lives and ministries.

Shine Your Glorious Light On Us

Shine Your glorious light on us, Lord. Be gracious to us. Let the light of Your love shine on us. Let the light of Your glory shine on us. Let the light of Your beauty shine on us.  

We need the power of Your Spirit endlessly.  Take not Your Holy Spirit from us.  

Create in us a clean heart. Renew, revitalise and rebuild us daily.  Shine Your glorious light on us today.

The light of Your love.  The light of Your glory.  The light of Your power.  Shine Your glorious light on us this day.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


Our hearts burn with Your love.  Love personified.  Love deified.  Love entering our hearts.  Abiding within us.  Love dwelling in us. Love habitating in us.  Let Your love flood our hearts.  Let the river of Your love captivate us. Carry us to where You want us to be.  We desire nothing less than Your will.  Order our desires and work mightily through each of us.  We want to walk in Your love.  

Worship The Lord

Stop and consider God's wonders.  The flowers dance before our great King.  The mountains clap their hands.  The rivers sing.  All creation worship the ever living God.

We sing the song of gratitude.  We sing the song of the redeemed.  We worship You with everything that is within us.  Let every heart That seeks You rejoice.  Let Your living hope abound.  Let our prayers rise like incense, bringing You honour, glory and praise.

Monday, August 22, 2022

We Bow with Humble Adoration

You created the moon to mark the seasons.  You created the stars and named each of them.  The power of Your glory is displayed in the universe. Your beauty and glory is beyond description. 

We bow in worship. We bow in humble adoration. To our God eternal, immortal, great, glorious and magnificent!  

We stand in awe of Your goodness. We marvel at Your love. We rejoice in Your hope. Come, Lord! Saturate our hearts with Your holy presence. Move powerfully upon our hearts we pray.

We Put Our Trust In You

Lord, we call upon Your mighty name. We trust in Your holy name. We do not put our trust in out talents and abilities.  We do not put our trust in our resources. 

We trust You alone. We trust You from the rising sun till it sets in the evening. We trust in Your faithfulness. We trust in Your goodness.  We trust in an unchanging God. We trust in our God who is fully dependable.

Pour Your Spirit on us.  Let Your faith abound in our hearts. We put our trust in You almighty God. Empower us to live in the light of Your glory and grace. Faithful God, we lean on You.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

The Balm of Gilead

I bring my mum before God's throne daily. She has a host of health challenges.  In 2019, my mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.  

In March 2021,  the memory specialist diagnosed her to be in the moderate to severe stage of the disease. The strange thing is in May 2022, she was diagnosed to be in the early to moderate stage.

The memory clinic doctor discharged my mum in July 2022. Glory be to God!  

God is so good. I vividly recall the memory doctor telling me that the medication will not cure my mum. It will slow down her Alzheimer's disease.

I believe the Lord has touched my mum. This is not something natural. God performs miracles. He is our mighty healer. 

God is able to touch and heal my mum. The healing balm of Gliead flows through her.  

We serve a mighty God. Our great physician inspires our hearts to trust Him for healing.

Each of us carry the presence of God wherever we go. As we enter homes and communities, God works through us to touch the people on His heart. 
God has given us the power of His presence.  Lives will be transformed. The sick will be healed. The power of God is at work in our broken lives.

God is with us. Many of us have aging and sick parents. The Lord assures us of His hand of love on our loved one.  He watches over us. He cares deeply for us.  

We trust God in every situation. He rules. He reigns. God is with us in every season of our lives.

Friday, August 19, 2022

The Tenderness of Christ

Soften our hearts, Lord! Let the tenderness of Christ reside in us.  Remove all harshness and hardness. Tenderise our hearts with Your love.  Tenderise our hearts with Your grace.  Tenderise our hearts with Your mercy.  

Let the soil of our hearts be ever ready to receive the touch of Your Spirit.  Let our hearts be pliable in Your loving hands.  

Come Lord!  Come and bring wholeness and purity.  Come and restore our broken lives.  Come and rebuild our broken ruins.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

The Fire of Your Love

Purify us from deep within. Let Your fire burn. Burn away the chaff. Burn away the dross. The fire of Your fire burns deep and strong.

The pure in heart shall see the Lord.  In our purity, God opens our eyes to see. He opens our ears to hear. He opens our hearts to understand.

Lord, let the search light of Your Spirit search our hearts. Let the meditations of our hearts bring You joy and delight. Do a deep surgery on our hearts. Cleanse us and empower us.  

Energise and rebuild us. Refire and renew us by the power of Your Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, we welcome You. Do a deep and a lasting work in us. Have mercy on us.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Your Hand of Love

Your hand of love
Your hand of mercy
Your hand of grace

Rest Your hand on us
Touch our live¹s
Set our hearts ablaze

Align our hearts to Your word
Align our hearts to Your will
Align our hearts to Your purposes 

All we want is You
Your hand of love
Upon our broken lives

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

We Want To Know You More

Knowing God is one of our greatest blessings.  Each day, God reveals more of Himself to us. 

We are limited, what we know of God is the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to explore. 

God in His mercy and love has covenanted to love us.  As we discover the Lord, we realise that there is so much more. He reveals more of Himself to us as we seek Him.  

This amazing journey of discovery will only deepen and widen by His grace. The more we know Him, the more we love Him.

The love of God is unfathomable. The journey to the heart of God is not smooth sailing but the satisfaction and reward is unparalleled.   

We live to see a sign of God's goodness.  We live by the breath of God. We live to see a glimpse of His glory.  

Only He can satisfy our longing. Only He can meet our needs.

We cry out in desperation. Our hope is in Him. Our life is in Him.
Nothing else matters.  

All we want is to see Him glorified in our broken lives. We want to know Him.  We want to hear His still small voice.  We cling to Him. We need the Lord.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

We Behold Your Glory

We revere Your glory
We behold Your glory
We are amazed at Your glory
Your ever increasing glory
Your unfolding glory
Your empowering glory

Open our eyes
Open our ears
We want to know You
We want to follow hard after You
We want to proclaim Your glory

Overpower us with Your love
Shine Your glorious light on us
We live to see Your glory
We live to behold Your power

Come, Lord
Come into our broken lives
Bring healing
Bring wholeness
Bring strength 
We behold You, Lord

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Touch Our Hearts

Oh harp and lyre
All creation
Worship the ever living God

Awaken by Your love
Awaken by Your goodness
Awaken by Your wonder

Open the eyes of our hearts
We behold You
Open every part of us to You
Touch us with Your love
Touch us with Your mercy
Touch us with Your grace

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


God allows us to go through difficult circumstances. God will use anything in our paths to bring change and growth.  

The situations and circumstances can be challenging. In some instances, it is increasingly difficult to bear the pain and anguish. What is mind blowing is that the difficulties may continue to loom large and suffocate us. But God changes our perspectives. He helps us to overcome.

We begin to see through His eyes. We begin to hear through His ears. We begin to understand with His heart. God in His mercy showers us with His love and compassion. He empowers us to go through the fire. We will not drown in the raging sea. God protects us.  He covers us with His love and presence.

All He asks is our complete trust. The power of God's presence permeates through every fibre in our bodies. God floods our hearts with His love and strength. He motivates us. He is the strength of our hearts.

Your Living Hope

Abba Father, we lean on You.  We trust in You.  We hope in Your glory.  Sanctify us this day.  Captivate our hearts.  Cleanses us with fire.  Move upon our hearts.  Turn our hearts like rivers of water.  We will go where You want us to go.  The sole purpose of our existence is to glorify You.  We worship in reverential love and fear.  We bow in humble adoration.  Consume our lives at Your altar.  We will not hold anything back.  We surrender all.  We abandon ourselves at Your altar.  Come, Spirit of God.  Come and empower us.  Come and flood our hearts with Your holy power.  Let Your living hope burn deep and strong in us.

Monday, August 08, 2022

In The Eye Of The Storm

The storms in our lives will come. The storms we go through do not define us. The attitude we possess speaks volume of our walk with God.

If we are constantly crying out and calling out to God, we will stay intact. Those of us who have a vibrant and strong walk with our maker will survive the storm. 

Our walk with God will be tested.  Scriptures tell us that His redeemed and sanctified people will be strong. Their courage will not melt away. The immense power and grace of God empower us to weather the most severe storms in our lifetime.

In the eye of the storm, God manifests His power and glory.  He spoke the world into existence. He is the maker of the universe. He is in complete control.

Deep calls to deep. The communication between God and us are both ways. The deep yearning and longing for God is the very element that God uses to help us to overcome the varied and insurmountable challenges that we go through.

The power of God's presence releases us to face every storm. God unleashes His power and might and fight for us when we are too weak to even stand straight. 

The power of God is the power that saw Daniel through the lion's den. It is the same power that helped King David in his most vulnerable moments. 

The goodness of God prevails. The love of God prevails. The power of God's presence prevails.

Friday, August 05, 2022

We Wait On You

We wait on You
Waiting patiently
Waiting expectantly 
Waiting faithfully 
Waiting for a breakthrough
Waiting for a miracle 
Waiting for You

Teach us to wait
Teach us to linger
Teach us to rest
We wait on You

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Trusting You

Basking in Your presence 
Revelling in Your love
Tasting Your goodness

Knowing You
Celebrating You
Abiding in You

We cannot live without You
We lean on You
We rest in You
We trust You

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Love Conquers Us

Love conquers us
Mercy conquers us
Grace conquers us

Your love empowers us
Your love renews us
Your love energisers us
Your love releases us
Your love refires us

Love so pure
Love so strong
Love so rich
Your love conquers us

Monday, August 01, 2022

Release Us

We offer our lives as a living sacrifice. Consume us. Restore and rebuild us.

Your presence floods our hearts. You bring us solace and hope. You bring us comfort and strength. 

The power of Your presence overpowers us. The power of Your presence bring us release.  

Strengthen and empower us to live in the light of Your glory. We live in the light of Your love endlessly.

Lord, strengthen us in Your grace. Empower us with Your love. Let Your love lift us up.  Let Your love envelope us. Let Your love flood our hearts.  

Refine and renew us.  Release us to walk in the power of Your love. Release us to move in Your anointing.